We are very keen to provide as many opportunities as possible for young people to develop their skills and passion for theatre! However, as Northern Ireland’s only full-time producing theatre, we get so many applications for work experience that it is impossibleto accommodate everyone and provide them with a productive and rewarding time.

Regrettably, because of the nature of the creative process, our rehearsals are not open to anyone other than those working on the production, but to allow young people the opportunity to experience and further explore acting as a career, we run a summer programme for students interested in acting, technical theatre and stage management.

Details are advertised on our website around April time.

In addition, we work with Creative and Cultural Skills – an organisation which provides guidance to young people interested in pursuing a career in theatre – and have had over 200 pupils, in school groups, taking part in workshops on Front of House Management, Stage Management, Lighting, Sound and Costume Design.

We can offer a small number of places each term to students with an interestin specific areas of work in the theatre. This is dependent on individual departments agreeing to facilitate a pupil on work experience: again, we want to be sure that our schedule allows us to offer a worthwhile period of time spent with us.

Please note that these opportunities generally arise in Arts Management and Theatre Administration. The work of other departments tends to take place in the evenings and weekends. Work experience is therefore likely to be most beneficial outside school hours.

We ask young people who are interested in coming to the Lyric to complete an application form and then come for an interview: both of which in themselvesprovide relevant and valuable experience in the job application process.

After interview, we will offer a selected number of candidates the opportunity to join us for a short period of work experience – most likely 2-3 days.

If you feel you can effectively demonstrate your enthusiasm and commitment to exploring a career in professional theatre, please complete the attached form and return it to:

Philip Crawford

Creative Learning Coordinator

Lyric Theatre

55 Ridgeway Street



Creative Learning, September 2013









List the ideal dates on which you would like to come on work experience.



Which specific area of work in the theatre interests you?





What first inspired your interest in theatre?




Write a short paragraph listing things which demonstrate and support your passion for drama and theatre.










Have you seen any plays recently? If so, which ones and where did you see them?





What are your current plans for when you leave school?





Name of parent (BLOCK CAPITALS)Name of teacher (BLOCK CAPITALS)


Signature of parentSignature of teacher