PPS 8.10 Form 1A




A. Name: Hanks, Emily K. Title: Assistant Professor

B. Educational Background

Degree / Year / University / Major / Thesis/Dissertation
Ph.D. / 2011 / The University of Texas at Austin / Communication Studies, emphasis on organizational rhetoric / A special set-apart place no longer?: The rhetoric of modern nonprofit organizations
M.A. / 2002 / Texas State University at San Marcos / Communication Studies / Narrative analysis of the 2000 presidential campaign
B.F.A. / 1995 / The University of Texas at Austin / Acting, Suma cum laude, Dean’s list all semesters, Phi Beta Phi

C. University Experience

Position / University / Dates
Assistant Professor / Texas State University / 2010-present
Project Manager / The University of Texas at Austin / 2002-2010
Adjunct Faculty / Texas State University at San Marcos / 2006-2008
Assistant Instructor / The University of Texas at Austin / 2002-2003
Lab Instructor / Texas State University at San Marcos / 2002-2003

D. Relevant Professional Experience

Position / Entity / Dates
Legislative Assistant / Texas House of Representatives / 1997-1999

E. Other Professional Credentials (licensure, certification, etc.)

Certification in Public Communications Strategies / The University of Texas at Austin / 2006


A. Teaching Honors and Awards:

Recognition, Graduating Student Campus Support Program, Retention Management & Planning

B. Courses Taught:

Texas State University at San Marcos:

POSI 5336A Alternate Public Delivery Systems

POSI 5318 Public Management and Ethics

POSI 5315 Public Personnel Administration

POSI 4331 Minority Politics

POSI 3316 Introduction to Public Administration

POSI 3318 Public Personnel Administration

POSI 2310 Principles of American Government

POSI 5398 Directed Reading and Research

POSI 4397 Research in Public Administration

The University of Texas at Austin:

CMS 342K Political Communication (Dr. Rod Hart)

CMS 332K Persuasion (Dr. Sharon Jarvis)

C. Graduate Theses/Dissertations, Honors Theses, or Exit Committees (if supervisor, please


Kimberly Painter (Spring 2013)

Pam Tise (Spring 2013)

Jordan Peterson (Spring 2013)

Joshua Walker (Spring 2013)

Bridgett Lee (Fall 2013)

Michael Grisham (Fall 2013)

Lori Donley (Spring 2012)

Andrew Freeman (Spring 2012)

Kara Crawford (Fall 2012)

Claire Moyers (Fall 2012)

Angela P. de Leon A Model Prekindergarten Through 4th Year of College (P-16) Individual Graduation Plan Proposal (2011)

Larry A. Douglas Exploring Strategies to Sustain Organizational Success: A Case Study of TAPE. (2011)

Elizabeth D. Carson. Public-Private Partnerships in Early childhood Education and Preschool Preparedness Programs. (2011)

Applied Research Project Committee Member, Christian Pfeiffer Flores, Best Practices for Nonprofit Charter Schools Accountability: A Case Study of American Youthworks. (2010)

D. Courses Prepared and Curriculum Development:

POSI 5336A Alternate Public Delivery Systems: Privatization and the Third Sector.

E. Funded External Teaching Grants and Contracts:

F. Submitted, but not Funded, External Teaching Grants and Contracts:

G. Funded Internal Teaching Grants and Contracts:

H. Submitted, but not Funded, Internal Teaching Grants and Contracts:

I. Other:

Taught RRHEC – Spring 2012

Developed new course proposal for graduate seminar on the Nonprofit and Voluntary sector.

Participated in Building Online Community Workshop – Spring 2012

Participated in Online Collaboration Workshop – Spring 2012

Participated in Creating and Teaching an Online Course Workshop – Spring 2012

Participated in Teaching Critical Thinking Skills Across the Curriculum – Fall 2012

Participated in ePortfolio Workshop – Summer 2012

Completed At-Risk University Faculty Training – Spring 2012


A. Works in Print (including works accepted, forthcoming, in press)

1. Books (if not refereed, please indicate)

a. Scholarly Monographs:

b. Textbooks:

c. Edited Books:

d. Chapters in Books:

Yun, Hyun, Cynthia Opheim, and Emily K. Balanoff. “Whose States are Winning?: The Adoption and Consequences of Social Media in Political Communication in the American States.” Presidential Campaigning and Social Media: An Analysis of the 2012 Campaign. John Allen Hendricks and Dan Schill, eds. New York: Oxford University Press.

Shields, P.M., Balanoff-Jones, E.K., and Whetsell, T. (2011) Pragmatism and public administration: Looking back, looking forward. (Book chapter accepted for publication). Nick Rumens and Micheala Keleman (Eds.), American Pragmatism and Organization Studies. London: U.K., Gower Press

Jarvis, S.E. & Balanoff-Jones, E. (2005) Party Labels in Presidential Acceptance Addresses: 1948-2000. In L.C. Han and D. Heith (Eds.), In the public domain: Presidents and the challenge of public leadership. Albany, NY: SUNY Press (I)

e. Creative Books:

2. Articles

a. Refereed Journal Articles:

Balanoff, Emily K. “A special, set-apart place no longer? Deconstructing the discourse of meaning and mission in nonprofit newsletters.” Administrative Theory & Praxis 35.1, 11-27.

Balanoff-Jones, E.K. Constructing success in the nonprofit and voluntary sector. Paper presented to the American Society for Public Administration, Baltimore, MD, 2011.

Balanoff-Jones, E.K. Why third party candidates are the sacrificial lambs of American Politics. Paper presented to the National Communication Association, Boston, MA, 2005.

Jarvis, S.E. & Balanoff-Jones, E.K. The political and symbolic capital of Independents in presidential campaigns, 1948-2000. Paper presented to the American Political Science Association, Washington, DC, 2005.

Jarvis, S.E. & Balanoff-Jones, E.K. Partisan Cues in presidential campaigns. Paper presented to the National Communication Association, Chicago, IL, 2004.

Balanoff-Jones, E.K. The persistence and implications of the scapegoat myth in political news. Paper presented to the National Communication Association, Miami Beach, FL, 2003

Jarvis, S.E., & Balanoff-Jones, E.K. Party cues in candidate-center campaigns. Paper presented to the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, PA, 2003

b. Non-refereed Articles:

3. Conference Proceedings

a. Refereed Conference Proceedings:

b. Non-refereed:

4. Abstracts:

5. Reports:

6. Book Reviews:

7. Other Works in Print:

B. Works not in Print

1. Papers Presented at Professional Meetings:

Hanks, Emily K. and James Craig Hanks. “Examining the Practical and Institutional Possibilities for Nonprofit Organizations to Create a Legitimating Discourse.” Public Administration Theory Network, San Francisco, CA., 2013

Hanks, Emily K. “Inspiring Community Involvement: Is 42nd in the Nation Good Enough?” Texas Conference on Civic Life, Austin, Tx, 2013.

Hanks, Craig and Emily K. Balanoff. “And the Technology Shall Set Them Free: Jacque Ellul and New Communications Technologies.” Baylor Symposium on Faith and Culture, Technology and Flourishing, Waco, TX, 2013.

Balanoff, Emily K. “Sustainable Governance in a Post-recovery Environment: Improving Public Services in New Orleans since 2005.” American Society for Public Administration, New Orleans, LA, 2013.

Balanoff-Jones, E. K. Communicating trust and accountability in NPOs. Presentation to be made at the CPM/ASPA Centex Chapter Regional Conference. February, 2011.

Balanoff, Emily K. and Soo-Hye Han. “The Social Construction of the American Volunteer: 1980-2010.” American Society for Public Administration. Las Vegas, NV.

Balanoff, Emily K. “A Special, Set-apart Place No Longer: The Discourse of Values in Nonprofit Organizations.” Association for Research in Nonprofit and Voluntary Organizations, Indianapolis, IN.

Balanoff, Emily K. “Envisioning the Classroom as a Laboratory for Democracy: Applying Discussion-Based Teaching to the Nonprofit and Voluntary sector Currisulum.” National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration, Austin, TX.

2. Invited Talks, Lectures, and Presentations:

Balanoff, Emily K. “The Rhetoric of Nonprofit Organizations.” Brown Bag Research Seminar, Texas State Center for Multicultural and Gender Studies.

3. Consultancies:

4. Workshops:

5. Other Works not in Print:

a.  Works “submitted” or “under review”

b.  Works “ in progress”

Hanks, Emily K. and Soo-Hye Han. “Constructing Volunteers: Democracy and the Discourse of Volunteerism.

Balanoff, Emily K. and Pat Shields. “Oveta Culp Hobby: A Profile in Public Leadership.” To be submitted to Public Administration Review

c.  Other works not in print

C. Grants and Contracts

1. Funded External Grants and Contracts:

Hatton W. Summers Foundation Grant Recipient ($110,000), 2008-2010

2. Submitted, but not Funded, External Grants and Contracts:

3. Funded Internal Grants and Contracts:

4. Submitted, but not Funded, Internal Grants and Contracts:

D. Fellowships, Awards, Honors:

Best Paper Award Nominee, Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and

Voluntary Action, 2013.

National Communication Association Top Paper Award, 2005

Outstanding Assistant Instructor, 2003

Mitte Fellowship, 1998


A. Institutional

1.  University:

Symposium committee member, Women and Gender Research Collaborative.

Member, Women and Gender Research Collaborative

Faculty Adviser, Anthropological Fashion Group

2.  College:

Panel discussant, Patriocracy film screening. Sponsored by the NEH Distinguished Teaching Professorship in the Humanities and the College of Liberal Arts.

Faculty sponsor, Model United Nations

3.  Department/School:

Attended meetings of the Advisory Council for the Masters in Public Administration (MPA) program.

Evaluated the MPA program TRACS site.

Volunteered for the Discourse in Democracy Series.

Guest Speaker, Pi Sigma Alpha.

Co-Advisor, Pi Sigma Alpha.

B. Professional:

Board Member, ASPA Section for Women in Public Administration, 2011-present

Reviewer, Journal of Finance and Management, 2011

Volunteer, ASPA, Public Service Recognition Week, April, 2011

Participant, UT Debut Scholar Program, 2008

Graduate Student Assembly Representative, UT College of Communication, 2004-2005

Student Orientation Co-chair, UT College of Communication, 2003-2005

American Society for Public Administration

ASPA Section for Women in Public Administration

Public Administration Theory Network

Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action

National Communication Association

LBJ Future Forum

C. Community:

Volunteer, Explore UT, 2005-2009

AT&T Conference Center Planning Committee, 2004

D. Service Honors and Awards:

E. Service Grants and Contracts

1. Funded External Service Grants and Contracts:

2. Submitted, but not Funded, External Service Grants and Contracts:

3. Funded Internal Service Grants and Contracts:

4. Submitted, but not Funded, Internal Service Grants and Contracts:

Updated 4/4/2014

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