Byron Basketball Association

January 10, 2016

Present: Lisa Gallagher, Angela Braaten, Chad Bielen, Heidi Snell, Jay Czeczok, Kyle Finney, Alex Dearborn, Bret Borowski

Guest: Malia Schroeder, Byron Activities Director

Agenda Item #1: Minutes

Action: Members approved the November 15, 2015 minutes were approved as written.

Agenda Item #2: Discussion with Malia Schroeder

Discussion: An overview of BBA to date was provided to Malia Schroeder. Members discussed future opportunities for the junior high level due to team size, practices, etc.

Action: No further action at this time.

Agenda Item #3: 8th Grade Girls – Grade State Participation

Discussion: Members discussed the request received for the 8th Grade Girls to register under BBA for Grade State.

Action: Members agreed to approve the request with the following conditions: The coach will need to take care of registration and sending payment to MYAS. The Board would ask that the girls volunteer time at the February 27-28 tournament. Kyle Finney will follow-up with Charro Coleman.

Agenda Item #4: BBA Pictures

Discussion: Still working on a date/time.

Action: Updates provided when details are available.

Agenda Item #5: Review of December Tourney

Discussion: Members provided feedback on items that could be improved up on for the next tournament:

·  Faster results for games for website and updating of brackets.

·  More volunteers are needed.

·  Be conscious of team schedules when teams are coming from further away.

·  Use courts 1 & 3 at BHS due to size for championship games.

·  Appoint someone to be in charge of figuring out teams for winners.

Members discussed blocking times for teams to sign up for volunteering

Action: Continued discussion at next meeting when finalizing details for February tournament.

Agenda Item #6: Grade Managers Updates

Discussion: Members discussed that there have been minor issues have arose, but all have been dealt with to date.

Action: No further action at this time.

Agenda Item #7: Grade State Registrations

Discussion: Lisa Gallagher and Angela Braaten will be registering the boys and girls team for grade state.

Action: Lisa and Angela will work directly with coaches to get the necessary paperwork.


There are left over awards from the December tournament (25 balls, 30 trophies, and 9 medals). Members approved ordering the mini basketballs again for first place teams.

Next Meetings: Wednesday February 10, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in Kyle Finney’s classroom (BMS).

Minutes prepared by: ______

Angela Braaten, BBA Secretary

Minutes approve by: ______

Lisa Gallagher, BBA President