Until He Comes – Week 20
Session Title: Hold to Sound Teaching
Focal Passage: 2 Thessalonians 2:13-17
Central Teaching/Learning Aim: Today learners will discover ways they can hold fast to Christian teaching.
I. Hook
A. Movie Clip - Luther
Start: 1:19:16
Stop: 1:21:11
Synopsis: Joseph Fiennes stars as Martin Luther, the brilliant man of God whose defiant actions changed the course of history. His public criticism of the Church caused Martin Luther to be excommunicated and arrested.
Luther was taken to the City of Worms to appear before the Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V. At this assembly Luther said, “My conscience is captive to the Word of God. I will not recant anything, for to go against conscience is neither honest nor safe. Here I stand, I cannot do otherwise. God help me.”
Luther, (NFP and First Look Media), Produced by Brigitte Rochow, Christian Stehr and Alexander Thies, Directed by Eric Till, 2009.
State – Regional princes and the Church wielded a fast, firm and merciless grip on 16th century Germany. Martin Luther faced almost certain death by challenging their authority, yet he said “Here I stand, I cannot do otherwise.”
Ask – Can you imagine what it would have been like? What does it mean to “stand firm?” How courageous are we?
State – Today we will discover that Paul reminds the believers in Thessalonica to “stand firm.”
B. Optional Method – The Pastor and the GPS
Share the following story:
Recently a godly woman died and her pastor planned to visit the family to provide encouragement and hope, as well as to plan the funeral service. He scheduled his appointment with the family for 7:00 and entered the address and appointment time into the calendar on his phone.
The pastor knew the general area of town in which the family lived but was unsure of the exact location. His phone’s GPS app indicated that it would take 25 minutes to make the trip. Wanting to be sure that he was on time the pastor left at 6:25. He got into his car, pressed the button on his phone for voice navigation and began his trip. The GPS app indicated that he would arrive at the home at 6:50.
The pastor drove a few blocks and the voice navigation indicated the need for a right turn at the next intersection. Knowing the general area of the home and believing he knew a better way, the pastor ignored the instruction. As he drove he noticed that his arrival time had updated to 6:56. This scenario repeated itself 8 times over the next 35 minutes, each time the pastor ignored the instruction because he felt he knew a better way. The pastor was 15 minutes late for his appointment.
Ask – Can you identify with this pastor? Has this ever happened to you?
State – Today Paul reminds us that we should not ignore sound instruction but embrace it.
C. Optional Method – Stand Firm
State – Abraham Lincoln once said “Be sure you put your feet in the right place, then stand firm.”
Ask – What do you think he meant?
State – In today’s lesson Paul tells the believers in Thessalonica the same thing. Paul suggested that they hold on to his teachings and stand firm.
D. Optional Method – “Brevard Families Celebrate Easter Traditions”
Share the following excerpts from Florida Today:
Brevard Families Celebrate Easter Traditions
For some families, Easter is one of the most important religious holidays of the year and heralds a time of Christian celebration. For others, Easter is a fun way to recognize the beginning of spring and all the secular symbolism that goes along with it. No matter what the belief system, Easter is a day when families come together, eat a little too much and revisit their traditions.
We asked Brevard parents what Easter traditions take place in their homes, and these are their responses.
“We attend a sunrise service on the beach — put the kids in the wagon and have coffee in hand. Then we have an Easter egg hunt and find our baskets. After that we go to my parents’ house and have an even bigger egg hunt with special eggs that grant the kids access to the ‘bunny store.’ We eat way too much food!”
Becky Hayes, mom of three
“Our Easter tradition is to get up early and attend sunrise service. While we are gone, the Easter Bunny makes his appearance by hiding plastic eggs with goodies inside and leaving Easter baskets. We then go to the beach for a few hours, come home and cook an Easter dinner of ham, mashed potatoes, green beans and rolls.”
Donna Wolaver, mom of two
“Our family focus on Easter morning is Christ and the resurrection story. We actually open Easter baskets and color eggs on the first day of spring instead. It was too much stuff and celebrating crammed into one day, so now we only do church on Easter followed by family dinner. It just works for us.”
Jessica Thomas, mom of six
“In my family Easter means church, food and dyeing eggs. Yes, my children, all in their 20s now, still love to dye Easter eggs. I love it, too. We don’t do anything fancy, no extravagant patterns or painting on the eggs. We just let them soak up the color in the dye bath. I love the bright, bold simple colors. When the children were little, the eggs were left in their Easter baskets for the Easter bunny to hide. Today, we don’t do baskets and the eggs are displayed in a crystal bowl for the day, before becoming egg salad for the next day’s lunch.”
Tamsey Audet, mom of three
“Our family Easter tradition includes waking to an Easter Bunny basket, going on an egg hunt, and enjoying a family sit-down ham dinner.”
Amanda Penn, mom of three
“As Christians, we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus with Easter worship service, Easter baskets, new clothes for church and a big Easter dinner with family. Even though our children are now college age, we still hide eggs in the house and they have to search out their hidden Easter basket. ‘Resurrection Eggs’ are also a favorite where inside each of the dozen plastic eggs is a symbol of the Easter story.”
Connie Maltby, mom of two
“We have bunny baskets, an egg hunt in yard, church and dinner at my mom's house. We also dye eggs the day before. You have to watch ‘It’s the Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown,’ too.”
Katie Parsons, “Brevard Families Celebrate Easter Traditions,” Florida Today, March 31, 2015.
Ask – What are your Easter traditions? Why do you practice those traditions? What is the purpose of traditions?
State – For some of these families in Brevard County, Florida, Easter traditions are just fun things that families do. For others, traditions are teaching opportunities for families. In our scripture study today we will discover that Paul talks about his teachings as “traditions that we must hold on to.”
II. Book
A. Write the following outline on the marker board:
1. Gratitude for the believers. (2 Thessalonians 2:13-14)
2. Challenge to the believers. (2 Thessalonians 2:15)
3. Paul’s prayer for believers. (2 Thessalonians 2:16-17)
B. Utilize the discussion guide to examine the Scripture passages.
III. Look
A. Provide copies of the “Sound Teaching” handout. Work through it with your class.
IV. Took
A. Sound Teaching
State – We’ve just identified some of Paul’s “sound teaching” and have come up with ideas about how we could “stand firm and hold to Paul’s teaching.” The question now is “Will we do it?” Are you willing to hold fast to Paul’s sound teaching? Let’s commit ourselves right now to “stand firm!”
Close in prayer, asking that God help us keep our commitments to him.
B. Optional Method – Ignoring Sound Teaching
In advance enlist three readers and provide each one with one of the following passages:
1. Isaiah 30:10-11
2. Jeremiah 5:31
3. 2 Timothy 4:3-4
State – Today Paul has reminded us to hold on to sound teaching, but some have decided to ignore sound teaching. This is not only true today, but was true in biblical times, too.
Invite your readers to share their passages of scripture.
Ask – What are some sound teachings that churches today have decided to ignore?
State – Today is a day of decision for us. Will we stand firm or will we ignore sound teaching? First, what will we do this week to be sure that we are acquainted with sound teaching? What will we do to be sure that we stand firm and hold to the sound teaching?
Close in prayer, asking God to help us as we stand firm.
C. Optional Method – Martin Luther
Remind your class of the Luther clip that we watched at the beginning of today’s session.
Ask – Did Martin Luther “stand firm?” What was at stake for Martin Luther? Would you be willing to take the same kind of stand?
State – We’ve talked about the teachings (traditions) that Paul has provided for us in his letters. What are some of Paul’s teachings?
Record these things on the marker board.
Ask – In which of these areas will you stand firm this week?
Close in prayer, asking that God help us “stand firm.”
Teacher Copy
1. Why does Paul say that he ought always to thank God for the Thessalonian believers? (2 Thessalonians 2:13)
[Paul says that he ought always to thank God for the believers in Thessalonica because from the beginning God had chosen them to be saved.]
2. When did God choose the Thessalonian believers for salvation? (2 Thessalonians 2:13)
[Paul says that God chose the believers for salvation “from the beginning.”]
3. In what ways does God work in our lives to bring us to salvation before we put our trust in him?
4. What words did Paul use to describe how they were saved? (2 Thessalonians 2:13)
[Paul says that the believers were saved through the sanctifying work of the Spirit and through their belief in the truth.]
5. What method did God use to call the believers to salvation? (2 Thessalonians 2:14)
[God used the good news that Paul preached to bring the Thessalonian Christians to salvation.]
6. What words of encouragement did Paul give to the believers? (2 Thessalonians 2:15)
Paul encouraged the believers to:
a. Stand firm in their faith
b. To hold on to Paul’s teaching
7. What do you think it means to “stand firm?” What are some areas in which we need to stand firm today?
8. According to Paul what did the Lord Jesus and God our Father provide for the believers? (2 Thessalonians 2:16)
[Paul said that Jesus and God provided eternal encouragement and good hope for the believers.]
9. What “eternal encouragement and good hope” has God provided for us?
10. What did Paul want God to encourage and strengthen in the Thessalonian believers? (2 Thessalonians 2:17)
[Paul asked God to encourage their hearts and provide strength for every good deed and word.]
11. In what areas in your own life do you need encouragement and strength from God?
Student Copy
1. Why does Paul say that he ought always to thank God for the Thessalonian believers? (2 Thessalonians 2:13)
2. When did God choose the Thessalonian believers for salvation? (2 Thessalonians 2:13)
3. In what ways does God work in our lives to bring us to salvation before we put our trust in him?
4. What words did Paul use to describe how they were saved? (2 Thessalonians 2:13)
5. What method did God use to call the believers to salvation? (2 Thessalonians 2:14)
6. What words of encouragement did Paul give to the believers? (2 Thessalonians 2:15)
Paul encouraged the believers to:
7. What do you think it means to “stand firm?” What are some areas in which we need to stand firm today?
8. According to Paul what did the Lord Jesus and God our Father provide for the believers? (2 Thessalonians 2:16)
9. What “eternal encouragement and good hope” has God provided for us?
10. What did Paul want God to encourage and strengthen in the Thessalonian believers? (2 Thessalonians 2:17)
11. In what areas in your own life do you need encouragement and strength from God?
Sound Teaching
Read each passage of scripture and state in a single sentence the essence of Paul’s teaching.
Scripture Passage / The Essence of Paul’s Teaching1 Corinthians 13:1-7
Galatians 5:22-26
Galatians 6:7-10
Ephesians 4:29-32
Philippians 4:8
1 Timothy 6:11-12
Let’s assume for a moment that we have decided to “stand firm and hold on to the teachings that Paul has passed on to us.” What steps would we need to follow in order to accomplish this?
Pray for Steadfastness
2 Thessalonians 3:1-5
Monday: Read 2 Thessalonians 3:1-5
· What two prayer requests does Paul ask for in verse one?
· Have you ever prayed for these types of requests?
· How exciting it must have been to see the gospel spreading quickly. Have you ever witnessed rapid growth? Spend time praying for the advancement of the gospel.
Tuesday: Read 2 Thessalonians 3:1-5
· In verse two, Paul requests prayer to be delivered from wicked and evil men. According to this verse, what is the cause of the evil behavior?
· Are you troubled by the wicked and evil reflected in our world? Are you praying for deliverance?