Application for Citrus County SHIP Funds

Rental Housing Construction or Rehabilitation

Special Needs Strategy

Fiscal Year


Applications will be accepted

October 3 – December 2, 2016

Citrus County Board of County Commissioners

Department of Community Services

Housing Services Division

2804 W. Marc Knighton Court # 12

Lecanto, FL 34461

(352) 527-7520

Instructions for Completing Application for SHIP Funds


The Citrus County Board of County Commissioners, through the 2016-2017 SHIP budget resolution, approved to allocate a portion of its State Housing Initiative Partnership (SHIP) funds for the purchase of new construction housing, the purchase of existing housing and the rehabilitation of, or additions to, existing housing that is group home housing. Priority goes to special needs housing groups as noted in Section 420.0004, Florida Statues, including adult persons with a disabling condition, young adults formerly in foster care, survivors of domestic violence, and applicants receiving SSI or a disability benefit. Provided the Special Needs set-a-side is met, this strategy will broaden to include group home and transitional housing for veterans, homeless, runaway youth and youth aging out of foster care. This strategy funds non-homeownership housing initiatives. Special Needs housing is not restricted to geographic location, but must be located within Citrus County.

Eligible Activities

The SHIP funds may be used to offset the cost of new construction or rehabilitation of housing serving the above listed populations.

Recapture Provisions

At the end of the 15 years should the development remain as housing for special needs and unless otherwise agreed to by the Board of County Commissioners the loans are forgiven. SHIP assisted housing for special needs offered for sale prior to the end of the 15 year affordability period must give a first right of refusal to eligible not-for-profit organizations for purchase at the current market value for continued occupancy by eligible residents per §420.9075(4)(f) F.S. All loans will be secured by a mortgage and promissory note. All loans will contain such other terms and conditions as may be required under the SHIP program (Chapter 420, Part VII, FL. Stat., and Rule Chapter 67-37, Fla. Admin, Code, as such may be amended from time to time.) Funds will be recaptured in all cases.

*Refer to County’s current subordination policy and procedure: A.R. 12.20-1


1.  Applicants acknowledge that all information contained within the response is public record to the extent required by State of Florida Public Records Laws. Sealed Proposals are exempt from public record until the agency provides notice of decision or within ten (10) days after Proposal opening, whichever is earlier. Financial statements, if required, are exempt from disclosure under 119.071(l)(b)(c), Florida Statutes.

2.  Applications may be made only by the governing bodies of 501 (c) (3), not-for-profit organizations and public agencies. This program is not a pass through grant program. The applicant will be legally, administratively, and fiscally responsible for the grant.

3.  All applicants must read, sign, and comply with the Agency Certifications (Attachment A).

4.  All applicants must read, sign, and comply with the 2016-2017 Program Certification (Attachment B).

5.  Providers of services must be in compliance with all city, county, state licensing and/or accreditation/certification and regulatory requirements. Additionally, all applicants must provide verification regarding past suspensions/debarments. Without documentation of licenses/accreditation (or a statement as to why licensure is not required) and past explanation of suspensions/debarment, applications will be considered ineligible and will not be considered for review. These certifications must be submitted with the application, Suspension/Debarment Certification (Attachment C).

6.  All applicants must read, sign, and comply with the Sworn Statement of Public Entity Crimes (Attachment D) prior to entering into a Contract with the County.

7.  The awards made pursuant to this Request for Proposal are subject to the provisions of Chapter 112, Part 111, Florida Statutes, Conflict of Interest Certification (Attachment E). All applicants must disclose with their responses the name of any officer, director, or agent who is also an employee of the County

8.  Agencies must complete the Development Budget and Sources/Uses Worksheets, NPO Budget.xls Tabs “A” and “B” and attach to application (Attachment F).

9.  All awards are contingent upon BOCC approval and funding availability.

10. The successful applicants shall be required to enter into a cost reimbursement contract that will be provided by the County that incorporates the requirements of this Request for Proposal.

Insurance Requirements

  1. Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the contract insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the contractor, his agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. The coverages, limits or endorsements required herein protect the primary interests of the County, and these coverages, limits or endorsements shall in no way be required to be relied upon when assessing the extent or determining appropriate types and limits of coverage to protect the Contractor against any loss exposures, whether as a result of the project or otherwise. The requirements contained herein, as well as the County’s review or acknowledgement, is not intended to and shall not in any manner limit or qualify the liabilities and obligations assumed by the Contractor under this contract.


Contractor must obtain an occurrence form policy in limits not less than $1,000,000 each occurrence, $1,000,000 products / completed operations each occurrence, $1,000,000 personal and advertising injury liability, $50,000 fire damage liability and $5,000 medical expense.


Coverage must be afforded including coverage for all Owned vehicles, Hired and Non-Owned vehicles for Bodily Injury and Property Damage of not less than $100,000 per person for bodily injury, $300,000 per accident and $100,000 property damage per accident. In the event the Contractor does not own vehicles, the Contractor shall maintain coverage for Hired & Non-Owned Auto Liability, which may be satisfied by way of endorsement to the Commercial General Liability policy or separate Business Auto Liability policy.


i) Contractor must obtain Workers Compensation insurance with limits in compliance with

applicable state and federal laws; if any operations are to be undertaken on or about navigable waters, coverage must be included for the US Longshoremen & Harbor Workers Act. Employer's Liability limits for not less than $100,000 each accident $500,000 disease policy limit and $100,000 disease each employee must be included.

ii) For any officer of a Contractor that has exempt status as an individual, the County requires proof of workers’ compensation insurance coverage for that contractor/employer/owner’s employees. If the contractor/employer/owner or individual has applied for a workers’ compensation exemption, the County does not recognize this exemption to extend to the employees of the contractor/employer/owner.

iii) The purpose of this section is to ensure that all contractors, subcontractors, sole proprietors, or business entities of any kind who contract with the County for provision of goods or services, provide workers’ compensation coverage for all employees, and principles of subcontractors, subcontractors, sole proprietors, or other business entities. All provisions of this Section shall be construed in accord with this intent.

Application Checklist

All applicable items listed below must be submitted with your application or your application will be considered incomplete.

_____ Application Form - Completed and Signed

_____ Legal Description of Subject Property(s)

_____ Site/Floor Plan(s), Drawn to Scale

Attachments Checklist

Part I General Information

Local Agency History _____

Agency Mission Statement _____

Part II Board of Directors

Current Board Member List _____

Certificate of Insurance _____

Part III Legal Requirements

IRS Certification 501C 3 Status _____

Certificate of Registration with State of Florida _____

Certificate of Exemption from Sales Tax _____

IRS Form 990 _____

Part IV Fiscal Requirements

Most recent annual audit _____

State of federal grant/loan source monitoring reports _____

Part V Agency Experience

Welfare Transition Program description, if applicable _____

Part VI Project Information

Evidence of site control _____

Detailed time line _____

Financial commitments

Part VII Additional Attachments & Appendices

Attachment A: Agency Certifications

Attachment B: 2016-2017 Program Certification

Attachment C: Suspension/Debarment Certification

Attachment D: Sworn Statement of Public Entity Crimes

Attachment E: Conflict of Interest Certification

Attachment F: Development Budget and Sources/Uses Worksheets, NPO Budget.xls Tabs

“A” and “B”, and attach to application.

Appendix 1: Monitoring Reports from other Agencies

Appendix 2: 501(c) (3) Certification*

Appendix 3: Recent IRS Form 990*

Appendix 4: Licenses/Certifications*

Appendix 5: Certificate of Insurance*

Appendix 6: Organizational Chart*

Appendix 7: Articles of Incorporation/By-Laws*

Appendix 8: 2015 Audit Report and Management Letter or Financial Statement*

(Financial Statement is acceptable if agency audit is not required.)

*Include those items indicated by (*) in the one (1) original application only.


Submitted applications must contain the following components:

·  One (1) original signed application in a three (3) ring binder with sections tabbed.

·  Nine (9) copies, three (3) hole-punched, sections tabbed, and bound with a binder clip, one clip (1) per copy.

·  All pages must be numbered.

·  All required attachments and appendices must be completed/signed and submitted with the application.

Applications will be accepted beginning Monday, October 3, 2016, at 8 a.m. and due by Friday, December 2, 2016, at 4 p.m.

Please deliver to: Citrus County Resource Center, Housing Services Division, Attention: Tammy Harris, Director, Housing Services.

2804 W. Marc Knighton Ct. # 12, Lecanto, FL 34461. (352) 527-7520.


Part I: General Information

Agency: ______

Mailing Address: ______

Physical Address: ______

Executive Director: ______

Agency Telephone/Email: ______

Part II: Board of Directors

A.  Please attach a list of your Board of Directors with their Name, Title, and Term-limits.

B.  Does any member of your Board of Directors receive financial benefit or remuneration from your Agency? ______

C.  Does the Agency have the required insurance coverage to perform the proposed activity?

______if yes, please attach Certificate of Insurance.

Part III: Legal Requirements

Please submit the following documents with your Application:

A.  United States Internal Revenue Service certification of 501(c) 3 status.

B.  Current certificate of Registration with the State of Florida Secretary of State certifying registration under Chapter 496 of the Florida Statutes.

C.  Current certificate of Exemption from Sales and Use Tax under Chapter 212 of the Florida Statutes.

D.  Internal Revenue Service Form 990.

Part IV: Fiscal Requirements

A.  Is the Agency’s annual compilation conducted by an Independent Certified Public Accountant? ______. Please attach a complete copy of your most recent independently conducted audit or compilation.

B.  Please attach all Agency monitoring reports re: state or federal funds received by your Agency within the past 18 months.

C.  Describe type of accounting system and financial management controls that are in place in your Agency. What internal controls are in place to ensure a proper segregation of fiscal duties within the agency?

Part V. Agency Experience/Capacity and History

A.  Please describe the agency’s history (two 2 page maximum).

B.  How many units of affordable housing has your agency produced to date and where are they located? (NOTE: Produced means either new construction or more than $10,000 of rehabilitation) .

C.  Of the units listed in question “B”, how many were built for very-low (60% AMI) income households? ______Low-income (80% AMI) households? ______

D.  How many of these units have gone through foreclosure? ______

E.  What was the average sales price of all homes built by your Agency for each calendar year? 2015 $______2014 $ ______2013 $ 2012 $______

F.  Indicate the number of houses you expect to build or rehabilitate in 2016: ______and 2017: ______

G.  Does your agency employ personnel from the Welfare Transition Program? ( If so, please describe.

Part VI. Project Information

A.  Briefly describe your project with which SHIP funds will be used. Describe the need for the subsidy and how the end user (client) will benefit from the award. Please include projected cost per home, projected first mortgage and any subsequent mortgages including SHIP.

B.  Please describe your agency’s process for selecting purchasers/occupants of your homes.

C.  Describe what type of site control you have for this property and attach evidence of same. This may include a recorded deed, a contract for purchase or an option to purchase property within 90 days.

D.  Please attach detailed time-line for development. Funds must be expended by the Not-for-Profit and the house occupied by an eligible client within 16 months of funding award.

E.  Describe your agency’s process of insuring that these homes will remain part of the affordable housing stock for at least 15 years. (Examples include: resale agreements, soft seconds, right of first refusal, etc.)

F.  Please submit evidence of financial commitments from a lender of otherwise and attach copies of any type of commitment letters. NOTE: Applications may be approved, but funds will not be made available until documentation of financing has been secured.

G.  Complete Development Budget and Sources/Uses Worksheets, NPO Budget.xls Tabs “A” and “B”, and attach to application. This Worksheet is provided by the County in conjunction with the Application as a separate Attachment (F).

Part VIII. Energy Conservation

The long term affordability of homeownership is determined not only by principal, interest, taxes and insurance costs (PITI), but also by long term energy costs.

In recognition of the need to address energy efficiency in new construction of affordable housing, the following energy conservation measures are strongly encouraged. Please attach a description of the energy conservation measures to be included in your homes constructed.

Proper window orientation - Windows should be maximized on the south walls. Minimize unshaded windows on the northwest and west walls.

Window shading by design or by shading glaze - Building design naturally shades windows by porches, awnings, or trellises. Trees can be very effective and increase home value as they grow. A shading glaze applied by the window manufacturer reduces the sun's conductive and radiant heat, reducing air conditioning costs. Unshaded windows should have shading coefficient of .67. Light colored roofs or radiant barrier system. Radiant heat from the sun beats down on Florida's residential roofs. A light or white color is a sensible energy feature. A truss mounted radiant barrier system can also trap and release heat emitted into the attic.