Dear Principal,

11th May to 17th May 2015 is ME/CFS Awareness Week and we are seeking your support.

Emerge Australia is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to providing support, education, information and advocacy for an estimated 240,000 Australians living with ME. Young people are not immune to ME/CFS and raising awareness so that both schools and teachers are aware of the condition is vital.


Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) is a severe, complex, acquired illness with numerous symptoms related mainly to the dysfunction of:

• The brain

• Gastro-intestinal

• Immune

• Endocrine and cardiac systems.

ME is also known as “Chronic Fatigue Syndrome”. This is because the hallmark symptom is overwhelming post exertional malaise from minimal mental or physical exertion. ME/CFS includes a range of simultaneous symptoms that are as debilitating as the more commonly known fatigue.The degree of symptom severity differs between mild, moderate and severe forms. 25% of people living with ME are in the severe form rendering them housebound/bedbound.

There is no cure and whilst some research is being undertaken more needs doing.


During Awareness Week 11th – 18th May we would be most grateful if you could help increase understanding at your school of ME by:

·  Displaying awareness posters in your library

·  Distributing fact sheets for staff and parents to read.

·  Running an article in your school/parent group newsletter or intranet with a link to the Emerge Australia website and resources

·  Organise a gold coin donation day. Our awareness day colour is blue – for ideas visit our pinterest ( page – blue hair day, blue coloured cup-cakes, blue nail polish ….etc

You might also look at some staff development by linking people to some videos on young people and ME/CFS:

·  Dr Kathy Rowe, paediatrician (Aus) – Understanding ME/CFS in young people, 2014.

·  Dr Nigel Speight, paediatrician(UK) – Exercise and ME/CFS in young people, 2014.

All resources are downloadable from our website (

Please contact us if you have any questions at all.

Emerge Australia Inc. ABN 22 385 438 041
Formerly ME/CFS Australia (Victoria).
M P.O. Box 120 PRAHRAN VIC 3181

T 03 9529 1344