The topic ‘Following Jesus’ has 4 assessment tasks on the blue assessment CD.
Before teaching the topic teachers should choose one of the assessment tasks to complete with the children at an appropriate time.
1.4 ‘Following Jesus’ covers AT 1 strand (i) L1 & AT 2 (ii) L2
1.4 ‘The Good Samaritan’ covers AT 1 strand (i) L1-2 & AT 2 (ii) L2
1.4 ‘Jesus Goes to Jerusalem’ covers AT 2 strand (ii) L1
1.4 ‘Jesus is alive again’ covers AT 1 strand (i) L1-2 & AT 2 (i) L2
What follows is an optional assessment for learning grid that can be used to aid driver word led planning and assessment. It provides a map of assessment opportunities that goes beyond the assessment tasks on the Assessment CD. Pupils are not required to gain every statement in a section. Teachers can use the grid to tailor what assessment for learning takes place. It will aid those teachers with mixed aged classes.
At the end of this topic,
Most childrenwill be able to
▪talk about their experiences and feelings about friends 1(i)
▪ say what they wonder about Jesus’ choice of friends 1(ii)
▪ say what they wonder about Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem 1(ii)
▪recognise the story of the Catch of Fish, Palm Sunday, 1(i)
Good Friday & Easter
▪ retell the story of the Catch of Fish/Good Samaritan 2(i)
▪recognise some religious signs & symbols of Holy Week 1(ii)
▪describe how ash is used on Ash Wednesday 2(ii)
▪describe how palms are used on Palm Sunday 2(ii)
Strands covered AT 1 strand (i), (ii), (iii); AT 2 (i), (ii)
Less able children will
▪talk about their friends 1(i)
▪recognise the story of the Good Samaritan 1(i)
▪recognise some of the signs of Lent and Holy Week 1(ii)
▪ recognise that people go to Church during Holy Week 1(iii)
Strands covered AT 1 strand (i), (ii), (iii); AT 2 (i), (ii)
More able children will
▪ask and respond to questions about friends. 2(i)
▪ ask questions about the friends of Jesus 2(ii)
▪ ask questions about Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem 2(ii)
▪retell the story of Good Friday 2(i)
▪describe some ways in which Catholics live out their faith 2(iii)
during Lent and/or Holy Week
▪make links between the story of the Good Samaritan and 3(i)
beliefs about Christian behaviour
▪use a religious vocabulary to give reasons for the signs and 3(ii)
symbols of Lent and Holy Week
▪give reasons why Catholics celebrate in Church during Holy Week 3(iii)
Strands covered AT 1 strand (i), (ii), (iii); AT 2 (i), (ii)
CD-ROM Assessment for Learning
Statements in black ink refer to those strands and levels coveredby WTL assessment tasks on the Assessment CD-ROM
Statements in italics are taken from the assessment for learning grid for 1.4 Following Jesus and outline further strands or levels that could be covered when teaching 1.4.
1.4 Following Jesus
Learning ABOUT Religion (i), (ii) & (iii)Learning FROM Religion (i) & (ii)
StrandLevel / i) Beliefs, teachings
and sources / ii) celebration & ritual / iii) social & moral
practices & way of life / i) engagement with own &
others’ beliefs & values / ii) engagement with
questions of meaning & purpose
1 / Recognise some religious stories / Recognise some religious signs and symbols and use some religious words and phrases / Recognise that people because of their religion act in a particular way / Talk about their own experiences and feelings / Say what they wonder about
2 / Retell some special stories about religious events and people / Use religious words and phrases to describe some religious actions and symbols / Describe some ways in which religion is lived out by believers / Ask and respond to questions about their own and others’ experiences and feelings. / Ask questions about what they and others wonder about and realise that some of these questions are difficult to answer
3 / Make links between religious stories and beliefs / Use a developing religious vocabulary to give reasons for religious actions and symbols / Give reasons for certain actions by believers