Harcourt TROPHIES Just for You

Theme 2: Helping Hands

May 10 – May 21

Lesson 1: / The Enormous Turnip pp.154-167
Grade: / 1st - 2nd
Time: / 6-10 class periods
Objectives: / The student will be able to:
  • To recognize the phonograms -ack and -ock
  • To use knowledge of spelling patterns when reading
  • To identify nouns as people, places, things, and animals
  • To use knowledge of phonograms -ack and -ock when reading
  • To decode regular multisyllable words
  • To recognize spelling patterns when reading
  • To identify the sequence of events in a story
  • To summarize events in a story in a logical sequence

Materials: /
  • JUST FOR YOU Pupil Edition
  • Computer (Vocabulary POWER POINT on ENGRADE, games)
  • Construction paper
  • Pencil, crayons, markers
  • board and board markers
  • handouts

Vocabulary: / enormous, granddaughter, grew, planted, strong, turnip
High-Frequency Words: / black, grow, last, man, mouse
Spelling Words: / black, pack, crack, snack, horseback, lock,rocket, flock, shock, clock, appreciate, acrobat, grow, last, mouse
Building Background: / Discuss with children what they already know about growing food and where food comes from. Ask these questions:
  • What are some kinds of food that people grow?
  • Where do people grow food?
  • What kinds of things do people have to do in order to grow food?
Then work with children to to develop a web about growing food in a garden.
Word Work: / PHONICS
  • Phonograms -ack, -ock Write back and lockon the board. Have children read the words aloud. Move your hand slowly under each word as children read them. Circle -ack and then -ock and ask what sound these letters stand for in each word. Have children repeat the sounds as you touch the letters. Have them read them aloud. Then ask children to suggest as many words as they can that rhyme with these words. Write each suggested word in the appropriate column below the word. Have children read the two lists of words.
  • Have children make flashcards with ELL, p.42
  • Have children solve Practice Book, pp. 43 and 44
  • Dictate the following sentences and have children write and illustrate them.
I like to seat in my rocker.
The packer put the dishes in a box.
  • Have children solve ELL, p.47
  • Skill Review Phonograms -at, -ate ELL, p. 50
  • Syllable Sort: Write the following words on the board. Have children read and sort the words under the headings VCCVWords and One-Syllable Words. Then have children tell you how they would divide the VCCV Words
arrow(2) ladder(2) back(1) hello(2)
yellow(2) rabbit(2) dock(1) rock(1)
  • PRETEST Read aloud the first word and the Dictation Sentence. Repeat the word and have the children write it. Afterward, write the correct spelling on the board. Have children circle the word if they spelled it correctly and write it correctly if they did not. Repeat for every word from the list.
  • BUILDING SPELLING WORDS WITH -ack, -ock Write the word phonograms -ack and -ock on separate index cards. Provide children with small pieces of paper. Tell children to write the beginning sound of a Spelling Word which ends in -ack. Have a volunteer form a Spelling Word. Then take away the slip of paper and ask another volunteer to make another Spelling Word. Do this until all of the words are formed. Repeat the procedure with phonogram -ock.
  • Have volunteers come to the board, say the word they want to make, and then write the new onset or beginning letters. Repeat the same exercise beginning with the word gate. Write -ate below gate.
  • State the Generalization Write the Spelling Words on the board, grouping the words based on their phonograms (-ack, -ock). Have children read the words aloud and explain why the words are separated into two groups. (The phonograms -ack and -ock.)
  • Assess children's spelling progress using the vocabulary words and the Dictation Sentences from the PRETEST.
  • Vocabulary Scavenger Hunt HandoutHave children find vocabulary words from their Pupil's Edition and record their findings.
  • Present VOCABULARY POWER POINT during class (Available on ENGRADE) Children will find here the meanings to the vocabulary words, a section where they can read the words in context, and a number of fill in the blank sentences to apply
the new vocabulary.
  • VOCABULARY POWER pp.152-153 Have children read the vocabulary words aloud. Then, read the sentences aloud with children. Have them find and point to the vocabulary words in the sentences.
  • Have children complete the writing activities ELL, p. 45
  • WRITING A SUMMARY Have children write a short summary of the story. Encourage children to use as many vocabulary words in their summary as they can.
  • Have children make High-Frequency Words cards with construction paper. Play a HFW matching game.
  • Add the new HFW to the list of Words to Remember. Mention several clues to find the words and ask children to point to the correct word.
  • Have children write three sentences using new and old HFW

Reading: /
  • Sequence Events/Summarize Remind children that good readers use strategies, such as sequencing events/summarizing, to help them understand what they read. When you summarize you put the events you haver ead about in order then tell them in your own words. Stopping to summarize can help you understand what you are reading. Discuss with children the fact that things that happen in a story usually happen in a certain order. Invite children to tell the order in which things happen as they get ready for school in the morning. Then invite them to identify a story they know and discuss the order of events. Point out that authors sometimes use clue words in stories to help reader identify the order of events in a story.
  • Have children use a sequence chart to keep track of events in “The Enormous Turnip.” Then children must write a summary of the story.
  • Have children solve ELL, p. 48
  • Discuss Genre Explain to children that “The Enormous Turnip” is a folktale. Then discuss the the features that folktales share.
-A folktale is a story that was told orally.
-It is often passed down and retold in different forms.
-Its purpose is to entertain.
  • Pages 154-155 Have children read the title again and review their predictions about where the story takes place.
  • Pages 156-157 Have children look at the illustration and tell what they think the old man is doing. Have them read to confirm their predictions.
  • Pages 158-159 Have children predict what the old man does next. Then have them read to find out.
  • Pages 160-161Have children examine the picture and predict who will come to help. Then have them read the text to see if they are correct.
  • Pages 162-163 Call attention to the animals in the picture. Ask children why they think the animals have come. Then have them read to find out.
  • Pages 164-165 Point out that pictures sometimes give information that is not in the text. Have children read and compare the story with the picture.
  • Page 166 Think and Respond section
  • Page 167 Explain that this page tells about the person who wrote the story, Alexei Tolstoy, and the person who illustrated the story, Scott Goto. Identify the author and the illustrator on the picture. Point out that Scott Goto did a portrait of himself and the author.
Reread for fluency with children. Have children choose a favorite part of the story and read it aloud. When they are finished, ask them to talk about why the parts they picked are their favorites.
Have children use a book to read independently during a sustained silent reading time.
Language Arts: / GRAMMAR
  • Introduce Nouns Write the headings People, Places, Things, and Animals on the board. Ask children What things can you name from the classroom that fit into each cathegory? Help them to generate a list of nouns that name school-related things. List their nouns under the correct heading. Discuss these points:
-Naming words name people, places, things, and animals.
-A naming word is also called a noun.
  • Have children write four more nouns to complete the chart.
  • Write Nouns Have children discuss what might be found on the old farmer's turnip farm. Have children draw a picture of the farmer's turnip farm as they imagine it, including at least six things that are nouns. Have them label the nouns in their pictures. Then encourage children to share their drawings with classmates.

Extension Activities: / Vocabulary POWER POINT

The Enormous Carrot BOOK ONLINE

Just For Fun GAMES

Lesson Plan adapted by Ms. Montejano, ESL educator