Health & Safety Committee Charter
HSW-PR08-TM03 /


The name of the Health and Safety Committee shall be the <Insert Name Here>


To provide a consultative forum that can effectively address the Health and Safety matters arising in <Insert College / School / Portfolio with particular reference to the requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 2004 (VIC) and its Regulations.


The Membership of the committee shall be:

  • Chairperson (non-voting) - <Insert Position Title> or nominee
  • Employer Representatives (voting)
  • Insert Position Titles> or nominee
  • Employee Representatives from each of the <Insert Name of Health and Safety Committee> Designated Work Groups (DWG)
  • Health and Safety Representatives (HSR) (voting)
  • Deputy Health and Safety Representatives (DHSR) (non-voting)
  • Ex-Officio Members (non-voting) invited to provide advice to the Committee, as required.

4.0Committee Terms

  • At least half the members of the Committee must be employees (and so far as practicable, HSR or DHSR) of the employer.
  • Terms of Office -
  • For employee representatives, the Term of Office of the Committee is three (3) years. A HSR/DHSR may seek re-election, and membership of the Committee will continue when this occurs.
  • For the Chairperson, the Term of Office of the Committee is <Number> years.
  • A quorum shall be <Insert quorum details>, in line with membership details in 3.0, above.
  • If a vote is necessary for matters that cannot be resolved by discussion in the Committee, each voting member may cast one vote and the matter will be resolved according to the majority vote. In the event of a tie, further discussion will be undertaken and the matter submitted to a second vote.
  • Committee members will cease to be a member if they:
  • Resign from the Committee.
  • Resign from their employment.
  • If a HSR/DHSR, are not re-elected following their Term of Office as employee representatives.
  • If a vacancy occurs, the member will be replaced by:
  • In the case of a management representative, a person appointed by the PVC
  • In the case of an employee representative, by the person who is elected by the staff in the DWG.

5.0Roles & Responsibilities

5.1.The Chairperson

Their responsibilities include:

  • Scheduling meetings and notifying Committee members;
  • Inviting specialists to attend meetings when required by the Committee;
  • Guiding the meeting according to the agenda and time available;
  • Ensuring all discussion items end with a decision, action or definite outcome, with a due date and a person responsible for the action;
  • Review and approve the draft minutes before distribution; and
  • Ensure regular meetings are held with the PVC to provide a level of communication of issues and agreements.

5.2.The Committee Secretary

The role of the Committee Secretary shall be provided by <Insert College / Portfolio>. Their responsibilities include:

  • Prepare agendas and issuing notices for meeting, and ensuring all necessary documents requiring discussion or comment are attached to the agenda;
  • When possible, distribute the agenda at least one (1) week prior to the scheduled meeting;
  • Taking notes of the proceedings and preparing minutes of the meeting;
  • Distributing the minutes to all Committee members, when possible, two (2) weeks after the meeting and be made available to all staff;
  • Keeping an up to date listing of all HSRs and DHSRs; and
  • The minutes shall be checked by the Chairperson and accepted by the Committee members as a true and accurate record at the commencement of the next meeting.

5.3.Employee Representatives

Employee representatives’ responsibilities include:

  • Act on behalf of the workers on OHS issues.
  • Bring possible solutions and make recommendations for corrective actions for any raised OHS issues.
  • Look into anything that might be a risk to the health and safety of the workers represented.
  • Attempt to resolve with their employer any health and safety issue that could affect members of their DWG.
  • Analysing reports of hazards/ work-related incidents and statistics.
  • Assistance in the development of safe work procedures.

5.4.Employer Representatives

Employer representatives’ responsibilities include:

  • Listen, acknowledge and consider any issues, concerns and/or suggestions raised in relation to health and safety.
  • Consult with HSRs and the committee on any changes in the workplace which may affect the health and safety of employees.
  • Actively work with Health and Safety Representatives to attempt to resolve any health and safety issues.
  • Communicate all relevant information to HSRs once finalised.

5.5.Invited Members

The following personnel, or their delegates, will have a standing invitation to all meetings of the Committee in a non-voting capacity:

  • <Insert Position Title>
  • <Insert Position Title>
  • <Insert Position Title>


Persons other than those identified above, who wish to attend a Committee meeting as an observer, may make a request in writing to the Chairperson via the Committee Secretary at least three (3) working days prior to the relevant meeting. The request should include information on the jurisdiction(s) that they will be representing. The decision as to whether the person can attend will rest with the Chairperson.

5.7.All Members Must

  • Abide by the RMIT University Code of Conduct;
  • Submit meeting papers on time;
  • Read materials in advance of meetings and come prepared;
  • Arrive at meetings on time and stay until the meetings end;
  • Declare any conflicts of interest;
  • Ask for more information, if required;
  • Give each other the opportunity to speak and listen to their views; and
  • Engage in relevant and respectful debate.


  • There will be a minimum of four (4) meetings per year, at intervals not exceeding three (3) months.
  • In addition to the regular meetings, a meeting may be called at any time by:
  • The PVC or Chairperson.
  • Request of at least half of the Committee members.
  • The Committee can, by resolution at a meeting, decide whether it wishes to invite a person or persons to a meeting of the Committee.


The functions of the Committee are:

  • To provide advice and make recommendations to the <Insert College Name> on matters relating to Occupational Health and Safety and to monitor the College’s performance and compliance in this area.
  • To provide a forum for reviewing strategies and agreeing priorities designed to ensure the health and safety of employees, students, visitors and contractors.
  • To ensure an effective and appropriate consultation process is in place within the <Insert name of College / Portfolio / School.
  • To ensure effective and appropriate communication channels are in place within the <Insert name of College / Portfolio / Schoolfor the dissemination of health and safety information.
  • To instigate, monitor and review health and safety programs within the <Insert College / Portfolio / School in (but not limited to) the following:
  • Compliance with relevant Health and Safety Legislation;
  • Workplace audits and inspections;
  • Hazard identification, assessment and control (i.e. Risk Assessments);
  • Emergency preparedness;
  • Accident/incident reporting and investigation; and
  • Staff and student training.

Prepared by:
Health, Safety & Wellbeing / Printed copies are considered uncontrolled / Rev:1.0
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