Computerisation of Personnel Information System (CPIS)
for Government of Manipur
(formerly Manipur Government Employees List -MGEL)
Form No: CPIS – CE
(Employee Detail for Contract Employee)
(Please fill up the form according to the Instructions given at the end)
- Name (in BLOCK Letters):
- Father’s Name:
- Sex (M/F):
- Qualifications (Basic to Highest):
- Designation/Engaged As:(Copy to be Annexed)
5(a). Whether the engagement is against Sanctioned Post (Please Tick one):
Yes / No5(b). If Yes, Please Provide the Sanctioned Post/Creation order detail and date:
5(c). Whether engagement is against Direct recruitment or promotionalpost, please tick one:
Direct / Promotion- Department Name:
- Present Place of Posting: (Office)(Copy to be Annexed)
- District Name: (Office Location)
/ / /
- Date. of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY), educational certificate to be enclosed.
/ / /
- Date. Of Initial Joining in the Service
- First Appointment order/Engagement order/Convey Letter No as Contract & Date (dd/mm/yy) & Finance U.O. No. (if any) with date respectively:
11(a). First Extension Orderdate, period of starting date to end date. Finance U.O. (if any) with date:
Note: Specify all the extension order &date, period of starting date to end date. Finance U.O. (if any with date by increasing the serial nos. as 11(b), 11(c)….so on.
- Period of current Engagement. Specify the start date and end date (Copy to be annexed), Finance U.O. (if any) with date:
- Present Remuneration:
- Name of concerned Treasury/Sub-Treasury:
- DDO Code (7 Digit Code):
- Head of Account (15 digit):
- Name of Organization, please tick one:
StateGovernment / *Autonomous Body
*Grant-in-Aid, PSU, Societies, Corporation, Agencies, Board, Authority, Centerally Sponsored Schemes etc.
- PresentResidential Address:
P / I / N
Contact No. Landline:
Email:- PermanentResidential Address:
P / I / N
Contact No. Landline:
NO- Dependants (Tick the Appropriate Box only): YES
Sl. / Name / Relationship / Age1
SC / ST / OBC / PWD(Person with Disability) / Unreserved
- Category: (Tick One)
Countersigned by HOD Signature by Nodal Officer
With Seal Name:
(in Block letters)
1. Strike out wherever not applicable
2. Use A4 size JK bond paper
3. Fields are to be computer typed neatly.
4. Designationshould be theSubstantive Post held.
5. Enclose Related Documents
(a)The photo must have been taken within the last six months.
(b)Size of photo should be 2 by 2 inches (roughly 50 mm square) with the head centered in the frame.
(c)The photo should be in color, and must have only a white or off-white background. Photos with dark, or patterned backgrounds will not be accepted.
(d)Head coverings and hats are only acceptable due to religious beliefs, and even then, may not cover any portion of the applicant's face.
(e)Paste the photo in the designated space.
7. If the dependants are more than 3 persons in number, an extra sheet may be used for excess number of dependants giving name, relationship and age.
8. Leave One Box blank between words.