Transition Plan (TP) Version 1.0 Version no x.xx

Transition Plan (TP)

Cash Doctor 3.0

Team 12

Steven Helferich: Project Manager, Developer

Kenneth Anguka: IIV&V

Xichao Wang: Operational Concept Engineer, Tester

Alisha Parvez: Life Cycle Planner, Developer

Ekasit Jarussinvichai: Requirements Engineer, Developer

Danny Lee: Tester

Le Zhuang: Feasibility Analyst, Developer

Shreya Sharma: Software Architect, Developer


Version History

Date / Author / Version / Changes made / Rationale /
04/05/15 / XW / 1.0 / ·  Original Draft / ·  Original Draft

Table of Contents

Transition Plan (TP) i

Version History iii

Table of Contents iv

Table of Tables v

Table of Figures vi

1. Transition Strategy 7

1.1 Transition Objectives 7

1.2 Transition Process Strategy 7

2. Preparing for Transition 8

2.1 Hardware Preparation 8

2.2 Software Preparation 8

2.3 Site Preparation 8

3. Stakeholder Roles, Responsibilities and Schedule 9


TP_ASBUILT_S15b_T12_V1.0.doc Version Date: 04/05/15

Transition Plan (TP) Table of Contents

Table of Tables

Table 1: Transition Schedule 9


TP_ASBUILT_S15b_T12_V1.0.doc Version Date: 04/05/15

Transition Plan (TP) Table of Contents

Table of Figures

No table of figures entries found.


TP_ASBUILT_S15b_T12_V1.0.doc Version Date: 04/05/15

Transition Plan (TP) Template Version x.x

1.  Transition Strategy

This document provides the information about transition strategy. It includes Transition Objectives and process strategy and it helps to ensure the success of deliver and the maintenance of the product in the future.

1.1  Transition Objectives

·  Extent of capability transitioned: Developers is going to deliver the product with full operation with all functions that client had agreed. It didn’t complete all the requirements on the win win negotiations, but client agreed that some of these requirements can be implemented in the futures after backend team improves backend support.

·  Number and nature of transition sites: None.

·  Degree of post-transition developer support: Developers provide technique support on consulting level after transition.

·  Degree of validation of operational satisfaction of stakeholder objectives: The capabilities have been discussed during Win Win Negotiations, Client Meeting and Validation. For the ARB, the client was satisfied with all the functions and user interface.

·  Nature of product transition: This system is a new system.

·  Relation to support objectives: The feedback from client would improve the system and made the user interface more friendly.

1.2  Transition Process Strategy

·  Phasing of cutover: This App is incremental, new functions could add to this app after delivered.

·  Phasing of transition of multiple increments to multiple sites: Not Applicable.

·  Role of alpha-testing, beta-testing, independent operational testing and evaluation: The developers and the success critical stakeholders will do alpha testing. The developers will record the feedbacks. After the system is available to all the users, they could start beta testing. If they have any technical issues they could contact with developers for help. Clients and users will do independent operational testing without any instructions from developers. The success critical stakeholders should do evaluation.

2.  Preparing for Transition

This document provides the information that client need to prepare for the transition.

2.1  Hardware Preparation

No new hardware is required because client has hardware for their web site.

2.2  Software Preparation

·  Inel XDK.

·  Android OS

·  IOS

2.3  Site Preparation

Not Applicable

3.  Stakeholder Roles, Responsibilities and Schedule

Table 1: Transition Schedule

Date / Role / Responsibility / Location
03/11/15 / Developer / Develop system / Campus
03/12/15 / Tester / Test product / Campus
03/18/15 / Developer / Fix the bugs / Campus
03/24/15 / Client / Provide feedback and suggestion / Campus
03/25/15 / Developer / Optimized and improved the product / Campus
04/02/15 / Developer / Prepare User Manual / Campus
04/20/15 / Tester / Test products / Campus
04/25/15 / Developer / Fix the bugs / Campus
05/04/15 / Client
Developer / Deliver the products / Campus


TP_ASBUILT_S15b_T12_V1.0.doc Version Date: 04/05/15