In the Matter of the Application of)

FirstEnergy Corp. on Behalf of)

Ohio Edison Company, The)Case No. 99-1212-EL-ETP

Cleveland Electric Illuminating)Case No. 99-1213-EL-ATA

Company and The Toledo Edison)Case No. 99-1214-EL-AAM

Company for Approval for Their)

Transition Plans and for Authorization)

To Collect Transition Revenues.)

In the Matter of the Application of)

The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company)Case No. 99-1658-EL-ETP

For Approval of its Electric Transition )Case No. 99-1659-EL-ATA

Plan, Approval of Tariff Changes and )Case No. 99-1660-EL-ATA

New Tariffs, Authority to Modify Current)Case No. 99-1661-EL-AAM

Accounting Procedures, and Approval)Case No. 99-1662-EL-AAM

To Transfer its Generating Assets to an)Case No. 99-1663-EL-UNC

Exempt Wholesale Generator.)

In the Matter of the Application of The)

Dayton Power & Light Company for)

Approval of its Transition Plan, for)Case No. 99-1687-EL-ETP

The Opportunity to Receive Transition)Case No. 99-1688-EL-AAM

Revenues, for Approval to Change)Case No. 99-1689-EL-ATA

Accounting Methods, and Approval to)

Amend its Tariff.)

In the Matter of the Applications of)

Columbus Southern Power Company)Case No. 99-1729-EL-ETP

And Ohio Power Company for Approval)Case No. 99-1730-EL-ETP

Of Their Electric Transition Plans and)

For Receipt of Transition Revenues.)

In the Matter of the Application of)

Monongahela Power Company dba)Case No. 00-02-EL-ETP

Allegheny Power for Approval of an)

Electric Transition Plan.)




Samuel C. Randazzo, Esq.

Gretchen J. Hummel, Esq.

Kimberly Wile Bojko, Esq.

McNees, Wallace & Nurick

Fifth Third Center

21 East State Street, 17th Floor

Columbus, OH 43215

On Behalf of the Industrial

Energy Users – Ohio





In the Matter of the Application of)

FirstEnergy Corp. on Behalf of)

Ohio Edison Company, The)Case No. 99-1212-EL-ETP

Cleveland Electric Illuminating)Case No. 99-1213-EL-ATA

Company and The Toledo Edison)Case No. 99-1214-EL-AAM

Company for Approval for Their)

Transition Plans and for Authorization)

To Collect Transition Revenues.)

In the Matter of the Application of)

The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company)Case No. 99-1658-EL-ETP

For Approval of its Electric Transition )Case No. 99-1659-EL-ATA

Plan, Approval of Tariff Changes and )Case No. 99-1660-EL-ATA

New Tariffs, Authority to Modify Current)Case No. 99-1661-EL-AAM

Accounting Procedures, and Approval)Case No. 99-1662-EL-AAM

To Transfer its Generating Assets to an)Case No. 99-1663-EL-UNC

Exempt Wholesale Generator.)

In the Matter of the Application of The)

Dayton Power & Light Company for)

Approval of its Transition Plan, for)Case No. 99-1687-EL-ETP

The Opportunity to Receive Transition)Case No. 99-1688-EL-AAM

Revenues, for Approval to Change)Case No. 99-1689-EL-ATA

Accounting Methods, and Approval to)

Amend its Tariff.)

In the Matter of the Applications of)

Columbus Southern Power Company)Case No. 99-1729-EL-ETP

And Ohio Power Company for Approval)Case No. 99-1730-EL-ETP

Of Their Electric Transition Plans and)

For Receipt of Transition Revenues.)

In the Matter of the Application of)

Monongahela Power Company dba)Case No. 00-02-EL-ETP

Allegheny Power for Approval of an)

Electric Transition Plan.)




On November 21, 2000, the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (“Commission”) issued Entries approving the compliance tariffs in the electric transition plan cases of the Cincinnati Gas and Electric Company and FirstEnergy Corp. on behalf of Ohio Edison Company, The Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, and The Toledo Edison Company, in which the Commission decided that the companies’ use of service provisions in the standard rules and regulations should be consistent with the Commission’s decision in In the Matter of Michael E. Brooks v. The Toledo Edison Company, Case No. 94-1987-EL-ATA (May 8, 1996). ("November 21, 2000 Entries"). In that case, the Commission ruled against restrictions on the resale or redistribution of electric service by a landlord to a tenant if the resale or redistribution occurs only on the landlord’s property, and the landlord does not operate as a public utility. In its November 21, 2000 Entries, the Commission indicated its intention to review this issue further and invited interested parties to submit comments regarding the issue of sales for resale and its Brooks decision in the context of Amended Substitute Senate Bill No. 3 (“Am. Sub. S.B. 3”) and electric restructuring by December 6, 2000, with reply comments due on December 13, 2000.

On November 22, 2000, the Commission issued an Entry in the electric transition plan cases of The Dayton Power and Light Company, the Columbus Southern Power Company and Ohio Power Company, and the Monongahela Power Company in which it afforded to interested parties the same invitation to comment on the issue of sales for resale, also by December 6, 2000, with reply comments due on December 13, 2000.

Below are the comments of the Industrial Energy Users-Ohio (IEU-OH”) regarding the issue of sales for resale.

As the Commission recognized in the entries cited above, it has previously ruled on tariff provisions prohibiting resale or redistribution of electricity to tenants. In the 1996 Order issued by the Commission in Brooks, the Commission ruled that resale or redistribution of electricity is lawful in landlord/tenant situations, notwithstanding tariff provisions that explicitly restrict resale and redistribution. Id.

When considering utility tariffs that prohibit or restrict the resale of electricity, the Commission determined a utility “has no valid right or interest in prohibiting or restricting electric service and related billing practices as they apply to the resale or redistribution of electrical service from a landlord to a tenant where the landlord is not operating as a public utility, and the landlord owns the property upon which such resale or redistribution takes place.” Id. at 13. The Commission continued, “since the company’s obligation to serve another facility ends at the landlord’s property line [the utility’s] power to prohibit or restrict electrical service between the landlord and tenants through the company’s tariff must also end at the landlord’s property line.” Id. at 16.

Furthermore, upon rehearing of the aforementioned Order, the Commission reaffirmed its prior decision. In the Matter of the Complaint of Michael E. Brooks v. The Toledo Edison Company, Entry on Rehearing, PUCO Case No. 941987-EL-CSS, at 5 (June 27, 1996). The Commission held that such resale or redistribution provisions in a utility’s tariff that prohibit or restrict resale or redistribution of electricity as it applies in landlord/tenant situations are so unreasonable as to be void. Id.

Subsequent to the Commission’s decision in Brooks, the General Assembly enacted Am. Sub. S.B. 3 that permits electric customers to select suppliers of generation services beginning January 1, 2001. Am. Sub. S.B. 3 also addresses resale of electricity, specifically stating:

(D)Beginning on the starting date of competitive retail electric service, no electric utility in this state shall prohibit the resale of electric generation service or impose unreasonable or discriminatory conditions or limitations on the resale of electric generation service.

Section 4928.40(D), Revised Code. Clearly, Am. Sub. S.B. 3 is entirely consistent with and amplifies the Commission’s prior findings on resale to prohibit restrictions across the board.

IEU-OH believes that any attempt to establish restrictions on resale and redistribution of electricity would not only be in violation of Section 4928.40(D), Revised Code, but would be largely counterproductive and detract from the important obligations of the Commission to effectuate the stated policies embodied in Am. Sub. S. B. 3. The Commission has a great deal of uncompleted work associated with achieving effective retail competition within the state during the market development periods defined under Ohio law. The timeframe to complete these tasks has been considerably shortened by electric transition plan stipulations accepted by the Commission.[1] For example, the Commission deferred acceptance of all utilities’ plans for independent operation of their transmission systems. Participation in a regional transmission organization that meets the statutory requirements of Section 4928.12, Revised Code, is mandated under the law. This is a critical task that must be completed sooner, rather than later, to facilitate the development of effective competition within the market development period.

In the face of these compelling and clearly required statutory obligations, IEU-OH questions why the Commission is even considering injecting itself into electricity resale or redistribution arrangements such as the literally tens of thousands of landlord/tenant relationships currently existing in Ohio absent a clearly compelling statutory requirement to do so, which does not exist. IEU-OH submits that, as a practical matter, any attempt to undo the Commission’s existing resale policies or ignore the plain meaning of Section 4928.40(D), Revised Code, would be largely futile and an unproductive drain on the Commission’s resources.

Based upon verbal comments by Commissioners regarding resale, it is apparent that some questions exist among Commissioners as to whether Commission certification of landlords engaged in a resale relationship with a tenant is required as a result of Am. Sub. S.B. 3.[2] IEU-OH submits that support for this conclusion does not exist within Am. Sub. S.B. 3., and perhaps, therefore, only derives from the Commission’s certification rules, or the overly-broad definitions of aggregation and aggregator contained therein:

“Aggregation” means combining the electric load of multiple customers for the purposes of supplying or arranging for the supply of competitive retail electric generation service.

“Aggregator" means a person who provides aggregation.

Rule 4901:1-24-02(B) and (C), Ohio Administrative Code.

IEU-OH believes that a logical extension of the Commission’s findings in the Brooks case can also be applied in the context of the Commission’s certification rules. The Commission’s findings in Brooks derived in part from the determination that the provisioning of electricity in a landlord/ tenant relationship did not give rise to public utility status for the landlord. IEU-OH would urge the Commission to similarly conclude that the provisioning of electricity in a landlord/tenant relationship does not give rise to aggregator status for the landlord.

If the Commission does not make this determination, it must be prepared to face the consequences of a finding that would trigger a certification requirement for tens of thousands of landlords within the state, and would probably make the “two truckload” FirstEnergy transition plan filing modest in retrospect. If the Commission seriously considers this option, which IEU-OH does not support, IEU-OH suggests the only practical way to implement this finding would be for the Commission to issue blanket certifications and a waiver of its certification filing requirements to all landlords concurrently.

WHEREFORE, IEU-OH respectfully requests that the Commission find, in accordance with its historical policy and the plain meaning of Section 4928.40(D), Revised Code, the resale or redistribution of electricity shall not be prohibited or restricted, consistent with IEU-OH's comments herein.

Respectfully submitted,


Samuel C. Randazzo, Esq.

Gretchen J. Hummel, Esq.

Kimberly Wile Bojko, Esq.

McNees, Wallace & Nurick

Fifth Third Center

21 East State Street, 17th Floor

Columbus, OH 43215

On Behalf of the Industrial Energy

Users – Ohio


I hereby certify that a copy of the foregoing Comments of the Industrial Energy Users-Ohio Regarding the Issue of Sales for Resale was served upon the following parties of record this 6th day of December 2000, via electronic transmission, hand-delivery, or ordinary U.S. mail, postage prepaid.


Gretchen J. Hummel



Arthur E. Korkosz, Esq.

Stephen L. Feld, Esq.

James W. Burk, Esq.

FirstEnergy Corp.

76 South Main Street

Akron, Ohio 44308

On Behalf of FirstEnergy Corp.

James B. Gainer, Esq.

Associate General Counsel

The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company

139 East Fourth Street

Cincinnati, OH 45202

On Behalf of The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company

Charles J. Faruki, Esq.

Paul L. Horstman, Esq.

Faruki, Gilliam & Ireland, PLL

500 Courthouse Plaza, SW

10 North Ludlow Street

Dayton, OH 45402

Athan A. Vinolus, Esq.

Associate Counsel

The Dayton Power & Light Company

MacGregor Park

1065 Woodman Avenue

Dayton , OH 45432

On Behalf of The Dayton Power & Light Company

Edward J. Brady, Esq.

Kevin F. Duffy, Esq.

Marvin I. Resnik, Esq.

American Electric Power Service Corporation

1 Riverside Plaza

Columbus, OH 43215

Daniel R. Conway, Esq.

Porter, Wright, Morris & Arthur

41 South High Street

Columbus, OH 43215

On Behalf of Columbus Southern Power Co. & Ohio Power Co.

Gary A. Jack, Esq.

David R. Murphy, Esq.

Monongahela Power Company

Dba Allegheny Power

1310 Fairmont Avenue

Fairmont, WV 26554

On Behalf of Monongahela Power Company

Michael L. Kurtz, Esq.

Boehm, Kurtz & Lowry

2110 CBLD Center

36 East Seventh Street

Cincinnati, OH 45202

Mr. Denis George

Energy Manger

The Kroger Company

1014 Vine Street – G07

Cincinnati, OH 45202-1100

On Behalf of The Kroger Company

David F. Boehm, Esq.

Boehm, Kurtz & Lowry

Suite 2110 CBLD Center

36 East Seventh Street

Cincinnati, OH 45202

On Behalf of AK Steel Corp.

Janine L. Migden

Regional Director of Government Affairs

Enron Corp.

400 Metro Place North, Suite 310

Dublin, OH 43017-3375

On Behalf of Enron Energy Services, Inc.

Barry Cohen, Esq.

Colleen L. Mooney, Esq.

Evelyn Robinson, Esq.

David C. Bergmann, Esq.

John Smart, Esq.

Ann Hotz, Esq.

Dirken D. Winkler, Esq.

Eric B. Stephens, Esq.

Terry L. Etter, Esq.

Jennifer Utter Heston, Esq.

Office of Ohio Consumers' Counsel

10 West Broad Street, Suite 1800

Columbus, Ohio 43215-3485

On Behalf of the Office of Ohio Consumers’ Counsel

William M. Ondrey Gruber, Esq.

2714 Leighton Road

Shaker Heights, OH 44120

Harvey L. Reiter

McCarthy, Sweeney & Harkaway, P.C.

2175 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.

Suite 600

Washington, D.C. 20037

On Behalf of Citizen Power

Kerry Bruce, Esq.

City of Toledo

Dept. of Public Utilities

420 Madison Avenue, Suite 100

Toledo, OH 43604-1219

On Behalf of The City of Toledo

Sally W. Bloomfield, Esq.

Elizabeth H. Watts, Esq.

Amy Straker Bartemus, Esq.

Bricker & Eckler LLP

100 South Third Street

Columbus OH 43215

On Behalf of National Electrical Contractors Association & Ohio Mechanical Contracting Industry, Strategic Energy L.L.C., Columbia Energy Services Corporation and Columbia Energy Power Marketing Corporation, Exelon Energy, Mid-Atlantic Power Supply Association (MAPSA), Ohio Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc., PP&L EnergyPlus Co., LLC, and the Ohio Manufacturers’ Association

Cornell P. Carter, Director of Law

William T. Zigli, Chief Asst. Law Director

Ivan L. Henderson, Assistant Law Director

City of Cleveland

601 Lakeside Avenue, Room 106

Cleveland, OH 44114

Anthony J. Garofoli, Esq.

Joe Hegedus, Esq.

Scott Simpkins, Esq.

Climaco, Lefkowitz, Peca,

Wilcox & Garofoli Col, LPA

9th Floor, The Halle Building

1228 Euclid Avenue

Cleveland, OH 44115

On Behalf of The City of Cleveland

Craig G. Goodman


National Energy Marketers Association

3333 K Street NW, Suite 425

Washington, DC 20007

On Behalf of National Energy Marketers Association

Joseph P. Meissner, Esq.

Legal Aid Society of Cleveland

1223 West Sixth Street

Cleveland, OH 44113

On Behalf of Western Reserve Alliance, Parkview Areawide Senior Citizens, Neighborhood Environmental Coalition, Cleveland Housing Network and Consumers League of Ohio (Citizen Groups)

Paul F. Forshay, Esq.

Keith R. McCrea, Esq.

Sutherland Asbill & Brennan

1275 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20004-2415

Gregory K. Lawrence, Esq.

McDermott, Will & Emery

600 Thirteenth Street NW

Washington DC 20005

Amy Gold

Shell Energy Services Co., LLC

PO Box 4402

Houston, TX 77210

Langdon D. Bell, Esq.

Bell, Royer & Sanders Co., LPA

33 South Grant Avenue

Columbus, OH 43215-3947

On Behalf of Shell Energy Services Co., LLC

James J. Mayer, Esq.

Taft, Stettinius & Hollister

1800 Firstar Tower

425 Walnut Street

Cincinnati, OH 45202-3957

Thomas J. Russell, Esq.

Unicom Corporation

125 Clark Street, Room 1535

Chicago, IL 60603

On Behalf of Unicom Energy, Inc. and Unicom Energy Services, Inc.

Wanda M. Schiller, Esq.


Strategic Energy LLC

Two Gateway Center

Pittsburgh, PA 15222

On Behalf of Strategic Energy LLC

Judith B. Sanders, Esq.

Bell, Royer & Sanders

33 South Grant Street

Columbus, OH 43215-3927

On Behalf of Strategic Energy L.L.C., Columbia Energy Services Corporation and Columbia Energy Power Marketing Corporation, Exelon Energy, Mid-Atlantic Power Supply Association (MAPSA), and PP&L EnergyPlus Co., LLC

Robert J. Chet


Local 270, UWUA, AFL-COI

4205 Chester Avenue

Cleveland, OH 44103

On Behalf of Local 270, Utility Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO

David Dulick, Esq.

Exelon Energy

2600 Monroe Boulevard

Norristown, PA 19403

On Behalf of Exelon Energy

Julia R. Bates, Esq.

Lucas County Prosecuting Attorney

Office of the Prosecuting Attorney

700 Adams Street, Suite 250

Toledo, OH 43624

On Behalf of The Board of Lucas County Commissioner

Glenn S. Krassen, Esq.

Arter & Hadden LLP

1100 Huntington Building

925 Euclid Ave.

Cleveland, OH 44115-1475

On Behalf of the Ohio Schools Council (Schools) and Cities of Brook Park & Eastlake

Richard L. Sites, Esq.

Staff Legal Counsel

Ohio Hospital Association

155 East Broad Street, 15th Floor

Columbus, OH 43215-3620

On Behalf of The Association for Hospitals and Health Systems (dba The Ohio Hospital Association (OHA))

Neighborhood Housing Services of Toledo, Inc.

704 Second Street

PO Box 8125

Toledo, OH 43605

On Behalf of Neighborhood Housing Services of Toledo, Inc.

John R. Doll, Esq.

Logothetis, Pence & Doll

111 West First Street, Suite 1100

Dayton, OH 45402-1156

On Behalf of Utility Workers Union of America Local No. 175

Cynthia S. Bogorad, Esq.

Scott H. Strauss, Esq.

David B. Lieb, Esq.

Spiegel & McDiarmid

1350 New York Avenue, NW, Suite 1100

Washington DC 20005-4798

On Behalf of UWUA Intervenors

Henry W. Eckhart, Esq.

50 West Broad Street, #2117

Columbus, OH 43215

On Behalf of Ohio Citizen Action, Safe Energy Communications Council –Ohio and Ohio Public Interest Research Group

Jodi M. Elsass-Locker, Esq.

Assistant Attorney General

Counsel for the Ohio Department of Development

77 South High Street, 29th Floor

Columbus, OH 43215

Maureen Grady, Esq.

369 South Roosevelt Avenue

Columbus, OH 43209

On Behalf the Ohio Department of Development, Neighborhood Housing Services of Toledo, Inc., and Montgomery County Prosecutor's Office

Joyce B. Link, Esq.

Bricker & Eckler LLP

100 South Third Street