Completed by:



Ref: / Hazard / Risk / Persons
involved / Industry best practice/guidance / Date Issued / Control measures / Adequate
? Y/N / Action Required / By
(date) / Completed
tbc / Spread of tree pest, diseases and invasive species during tree work activities associated with: felling, pruning, / Loss of trees / habitat due to pests / diseases spreading into other areas/trees. / Work team, client, general public / Forestry Commission Bio-Security guidelines.
‘Keep it Clean’
Forestry Commission updates/specific pest and disease guidance
AA biosecurity guidance
ARB digest updates
ARB magazine
Pest Risk Analysis Register
Statutory Plant Health Notice when applicable / Routine ‘Keep it Clean’ control measures.
Bio-security cleaning kits accessible for use in vehicles and depots
For hired equipmentappropriate routine biosecurity controls should be put in to place to prevent it introduction/spread of P&D. Ask supplier and prepare to reject equipment.
Assessment of each worksite at preliminary work site assessment stage and at point of work to identify if specific biosecurity control measures are required.
Individuals involved in process trained and competent in assessing a tree host for symptoms/damage and aware of current P&D threat species.
Informing and educating clients & landowners
Reporting suspected cases to FC via Tree Alert
Compile a biosecurity plan/method statement for higher risk sites.
Appropriately resource jobs to ensure biosecurity control measures are implemented
TBC / Spread of tree pest, diseases and invasive species during tree work activities associated with: tree planting / Failure of planted tree.
Loss of surrounding trees and habitat as pest or disease spreads to other areas / Nursery staff, work team, client and general public / FC/APHA Landscaper Keep it Clean guidance:
DEFRA Guidance on importing trees:

Sourcing pest free plants good practice guide:
/ Nursery visit to see growing conditions of plants.
Planting stock to be UK grown or nursed where possible.
All stock sourced from outside of the UK will have the appropriate plant passport or phytosanitary certificate and will have been monitored in the for P&D prior to be planted out
Records of planting material and planting location will be retained.
Annual follow up checks will be undertaken on planted material for minimum two years by staff familiar with the symptoms and host species of priority pests and diseases.

Monitor and review at 3 monthly intervals, or when there are changes in Staff, Equipment, or Work Activity