impact fracture test
(Charpy test)
(ČSN EN 10045 -1)
Report no.
Measured day, hour:Laboratory teacher:
- Task:
Carry out an impact fracture test using given set of specimens and evaluate the results.
- Task goals:
a)Find out impact loads for a different kind of heat treatment of samples and testing conditions.
b)Determine transit temperature Tp.
c)Sum up test results.
- Tested material and test conditions (apparatus, temperature, etc.):
- Sketch of specimen:
- Sketch of testing apparatus (Charpy method):
Table of masuring data calculated values for delivered (cold rolled).
Tzk[°C] / ao
[mm] / bo
[mm] / ao-ho
[mm] / KU 3
[J] /
[J] / SD [J] / KCU3
[J/cm2] /
[J/cm2] / SD
[J/cm2] / bu
[mm] / b
[mm] /
[mm] / SD [mm] / c
[mm] / d
[mm] / PL
[%] /
[%] / SD [%]
-20 / 10,00 / 10,00 / 6,90 / 3 / 10,00 / 10,00 / 6,90
10,00 / 10,00 / 7,15 / 3 / 10,03 / 10,00 / 7,15
10,00 / 10,00 / 6,95 / 1 / 10,00 / 10,00 / 6,95
-5 / 10,00 / 10,00 / 6,90 / 3 / 10,00 / 10,00 / 6,90
10,00 / 10,00 / 7,05 / 2 / 10,00 / 10,00 / 7,05
10,00 / 10,00 / 6,95 / 4 / 10,05 / 10,05 / 6,90
10 / 10,00 / 10,00 / 6,95 / 5 / 10,02 / 9,80 / 6,90
10,00 / 10,00 / 7,10 / 11 / 10,20 / 9,50 / 6,40
10,00 / 10,00 / 6,80 / 10 / 10,20 / 9,50 / 6,45
10,00 / 10,00 / 7,10 / 7 / 10,10 / 9,75 / 6,85
10,00 / 10,00 / 7,00 / 8 / 10,10 / 9,70 / 6,85
20 / 10,00 / 10,00 / 6,90 / 20 / 10,30 / 9,00 / 4,80
10,00 / 10,00 / 6,90 / 27 / 10,40 / 8,30 / 3,90
10,00 / 10,00 / 6,85 / 15 / 10,25 / 9,20 / 5,50
10,00 / 10,00 / 7,15 / 35 / 10,45 / 7,05 / 3,50
10,00 / 10,00 / 7,05 / 18 / 10,15 / 9,05 / 5,10
30 / 10,00 / 10,00 / 7,10 / 30 / 10,40 / 7,50 / 4,05
10,00 / 10,00 / 6,80 / 45 / 10,65 / 6,15 / 2,65
10,00 / 10,00 / 6,95 / 40 / 10,50 / 6,45 / 2,95
10,00 / 10,00 / 7,05 / 49 / 10,75 / 5,80 / 2,05
10,00 / 10,00 / 6,85 / 43 / 10,65 / 6,30 / 2,80
40 / 10,00 / 10,00 / 6,95 / 53 / 10,80 / 4,60 / 1,10
10,00 / 10,00 / 7,05 / 45 / 10,70 / 6,05 / 2,70
10,00 / 10,00 / 6,90 / 60 / 10,85 / 3,60 / 0,65
60 / 10,00 / 10,00 / 6,95 / 63 / 11,00 / 0,00 / 0,00
10,00 / 10,00 / 7,10 / 55 / 10,75 / 4,00 / 0,75
10,00 / 10,00 / 7,00 / 67 / 11,10 / 0,00 / 0,00
- List of used symbols:
Tzktesting (specimen) temperature
aooriginal high of specimen (before the test)[mm]
booriginal width of specimen (before the test)[mm]
ao - hospecimen height under notch before test[mm]
KU 3impact energy for specimen withU shape notch with depth 3 mm[J]
KCU 3notch impact toughness for specimen withU shape notch with depth 3 mm [J/cm2]
buwith of specimen in place of fracture[mm]
bwidth extension[mm]
caverage height of brittle fracture in crack area[mm]
daverage width of brittle fracture in crack area[mm]
PLproportion of ductile fracture area[%]
Tptransition temperature to the brittle fracture
- Measured an calculated values:
E295 (11 500) / Tzk
[°C] / ao
[mm] / bo
[mm] / ao-ho
[mm] / KU 3
[J] / KCU3
[J/cm2] / bu
[mm] / b
[mm] / c
[mm] / d
[mm] / PL
original state
(cold rolled)
Recrystallization annealed
(650 °C/1 h)
- How does the recrystalization annealing change structure and mechanical properties of delivered materials?
- Establishing the theoretical recrystallization temperature fore steel E295 (11500):
- Name axes and plot graphs from values counted in previous article. Place curves for both states of material in one graph.
Dependence of impact energy KU3 on testing temperature T
Dependence of width extension b on testing temperature T
Dependence of portion of ductile area PL on testing temperature T
- How many samples would you need to determine transition temperature Tp established from the graph?
- Estimate value of transition temperature to brittle fracture Tp [°C]. Does the methodology (KU3, b, PL) effect estimation of transition temperature Tp?
- Deviation from demands of standard ČSN EN 10045-1:
- Evaluation of measured results:
- Conclusion: