Dear POS student, instructor, or coordinator!
These instructions were last updated on January 6, 2015
We are excited to make available some of our live seminars online with “streaming video” – meaning, you can watch entire POS seminars on your computer, without having to wait for a DVD in the mail.
All you need, is a computer with Windows, with fast internet access, and sound or speakers on that computer.
To view your POS videos, please:
- Access the site with your username (email) and password.
- On the green bar on the left, below “My Videos”, click the plus sign to the left ofa seminar (such as “Seminar 1 Wier” – the last word is the instructor’s name, in this example: Dr. Wier).
- Each seminar is subdivided into sections that take place between breaks. Each section is one video, typically about 2 hours long.
- Click one such link -for example, click “seminar 1day 1-01” to see the first recording of the first day of seminar 1.
- If you see a message about “Installing MicrosoftSilverlight”, please click that to install Silverlight. That takes about 5 minutes. Then close that window; and back in the previous window, click the desired video again,
- There may be a delay of about 30-60 seconds, while the video loads. If it takes longer than that, please check your internet connection, or contact us.
- To start the video, please click the Play button close to the bottom of the screen. The Play button looks like a triangle.
- As a courtesy to other viewers, when you have finished watching a video, please close the window where the video played. Also close that window before starting another video.
- You may watch each video as many times as you wish.
- Access to videos is typically limited to 6 months, and 2 seminars. If you wish to view a video longer than 6 months, or you wish to switch to a different video, please email:
While viewing a video:
- Use the controls at the bottom to stop / restart it just like a DVD player.
- Use the slide ribbon to jump to a specific slide.
- You may see twosmaller windows. To switch from “classroom” to “PowerPoint” view, click the window with the PowerPoint slide. Click the other window to return to classroom view.
- To view a smaller window in “full screen”, click the symbol in the upper right that looks like 4 arrows pointing apart.
- Click the symbol with 4 arrows joining to cancel full screen view.
- If you can not hear the instructor’s voice, slide up the volume on the player’s audio control.
With any technical problems, please call POS USA tech support at 714-973-2266 option 3; or email .
More videos will become available over time. To get access to more videos, please email .
Copyright and security notice
We want our students to learn the highest levels of orthodontics, and we provide these videos as free educational materials to supplement their study.
These videos are the property of Progressive Orthodontic Seminars and are protected materials. We take security very seriously. We monitor IP addresses for safety and access purposes. Please do not share these videos with anyone else. If we have reason to believe that you did so, you may lose the privilege to view them.
(c) Copyright Progressive Orthodontics 2015