DepartmentoftheTreasuryVendorOutreachSessions(VOS)Fiscal Year2014
Location: AllVOSwillbe hostedattheOfficeoftheComptrolleroftheCurrency,ConstitutionCenter,400–7thStreet,SW,Washington,DC20024,unlessotherwisenoted.
Small Business Notice - Department of the Treasury/Vendor Outreach Sessions
Solicitation Number: VOS-2014
Agency: Department of the Treasury
Office: Treasury-wide notice
Location: Main Treasury
The Department of the Treasury hosts Vendor Outreach Sessions (VOS) for firms interested in doing business with us. Firms areprovided an opportunityto market their capabilities to Bureau Small Business Specialists, IT Program Managers, and Treasury Prime Contractor Representatives. Eight sessions are planned for Fiscal Year 2014.VOS is held atthe Office of the Comptroller of the Currency in Washington, DC.A copy of the VOS schedule is attached for yourconvenience (please monitor the web posting periodically for updates to the schedule).
If your firm is interested in doing business with the Department of the Treasury, you are invited to visit then select Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization. You are encouraged to review the TOP 25 NAICS and the Forecast of Contract Opportunities for each of the Bureaus to determine who is buying within your business line. Once you determine that you wish to do business with us, you must register in the Small Business Electronic Capability Statement (SB-eCS). Registration in SB-eCS will allow you to create a company profile, upload your capabilities statement, specify your socio-economic status, as well as, receive push notifications from the Department of the Treasury about upcoming events/news. The registration portal can be found at the above referenced website. Once registered, you will be able to schedule appointments for upcoming outreach sessions.
9:00am –noon / RegistrationBegins: / NOTES
Wednesday,November6,2013(Rm.1W-410) / Monday,October21,2013at
December2013 / NoVOSSession
Wednesday,January8,2014(Rm.1W-410) / Monday,December9,2013 / ITFirmsonly.Counselors:TreasuryBureauITProgramManagers
Thursday,February6,2014(Rm.1W-410) / Friday,January17,2014at12:00NoonEST / PRIMEVOS:Counselors-TreasuryPrimeContractors
Wednesday,March5,2014(Rm.1W-410) / Friday,February14,2014at
12:00NoonEST / WomenOwnedSmallBusinesses
April2014 / NoVOSSession
Wednesday,May7,2014(Rm.1W-410) / Monday,April21,2014at12:00NoonEST
Wednesday,June4,2014(Rm.1W-410) / Monday,May19,2014at12:00NoonEST / HUBZoneandSDVOSBfirmsonly
Wenesday,July9,2014(Rm.1W-420) / Friday,June20,2014at12:00NoonEST / ITFirmsonly.Counselors:TreasuryBureauITProgramManagers
Wednesday,August6,2014(Rm.1W-420) / Friday,July18,2014at12:00NoonEST
September2014 / NoVOSSession
ThefacilityisMetroaccessviatheBlue/Orange/Yellow/GreenlinestoL’EnfantPlaza.ExitL’EnfantPlazaat7thDStreets,SW. ParkingisavailableincloseproximitytotheConstitutionCenter.