Dear Seventh Grade Parents,

I am so proud of my students for their hard work on my first test covering Rome! My classes had an overall average of 94.5 % which I find pretty amazing! They earned “Success Spins”. I made several allowances for this first test to get the students acquainted with my format, expectations, and tips to study effectively. I wanted to share with you the various ways you can keep up with my classes and help your child continue to succeed.

  1. Remind 101: if you did not sign up for this at the first of the year, please let me know and I will get the information to you again.
  2. Class Dojo: this is an online tracking method our school uses to track discipline and positive behavior. You were given this information at registration blitz. If you have not signed up for this, please do so. I can sign you up if I have your email address. You will be notified if your child has a positive or a negative comment for the day.
  3. I usually give my tests on a format called Canvas. Your child knows how to access this site and their own credentials. It is basically their school email and their lunch number followed by gc. They will have an icon on their personal laptops but since this service is paid for the GCS, it must be accessed from the school website. You can find the link for Canvas on the left side of our webpage. Anything that they have done for each unit is on there and they can go back and review their work. VERY HELPFUL
  4. I am piloting a website called Today’s Meet. Last week, I was live on this site for one hour for students to ask me questions about their upcoming test. Once I wasn’t live, they still could review with each other. This site has a running transcript so I can see everything that is said for your child’s safety. I will be providing the address each time I am using this review tool. I will put it on announcements on my webpage the day before a major test.
  5. I keep a current webpage as best I can. Things change slightly simply because activities change according to how long it takes my students to master a skill. I keep documents on there under forms you can access at home if needed.
  6. If your child tells you they do not have a social studies book so they can’t study, that is somewhat true. I only have a classroom set so I only let them bring a book home on a check out basis. I do not give work that requires a book at home because of this. Anything they might have to do at home is something that will not require a book for this reason. I have found our textbook doesn’t always cover what my standards require.
  7. Please keep a close eye on your child’s PowerSchool grades. If there is an error in my recording, please let me know.
  8. I offer extra credit for each test. Once a test is over, that extra credit is no longer available. I encourage students to take advantage of extra credit even if they feel confident about a test grade. They may need those points down the road.
  9. I AM ALWAYS here to help your child. If a retake is warranted, they need to approach me and ask for the privilege. Retakes often have to be earned by additional study time, etc.

I hope these few tips are helpful to you and your child. I realize you are overwhelmed with so many papers at the first of the year, it is easy to miss something. I will be glad to help you sign up for anything I use in my classroom.

Thank you for your support.

Mrs. Rominger