USD 265 Classified Staff

Performance Evaluation

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Evaluator / Evaluation Period—
From M/D/YYYY / Evaluation Period—
To M/D/YYYY / Evaluation Type
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Quality of Work
Employee’s work is generally free of errors,completed in a timely manner and is finished with minimal waste of time or resources.
*Unsatisfactory☐ / *Developing☐ / Proficient☐ / Exemplary☐ / Not Applicable☐
Employee consistently has many errors in work; work is not completed on time, and wastes resources. / Employee does not always complete work without errors in work; work is not always completed on time; work is completed with some waste of resources. / Employee’s work is generally free of errors; completed in a timely manner; is finished with minimal waste of time or resources. / Employee consistently completes work with no errors; completes more work than is expected; efficient use of time and resources are always considered when completing job. / This area does not apply to employee’s current position.
Remarks: Click here to enter text.
Cooperation/Team Player
Employee workseffectively with colleagues; displays a positive attitude; has the ability to work collaboratively with supervisors, colleagues, and subordinates; is accommodating towards all stakeholders.
*Unsatisfactory☐ / *Developing☐ / Proficient☐ / Exemplary☐ / Not Applicable☐
Employee consistently fails to support supervisors, colleagues, and subordinates; frequently displays a negative attitude; fails to accommodate needs of team members. / Employee does not consistently support supervisors, colleagues, and subordinates; occasionally displays a negative attitude; sometimes fails to accommodate needs of others. / Employee works effectively with colleagues; demonstrates a positive attitude; has the ability to work collaboratively with supervisors, colleagues, and subordinates; is accommodating towards all stakeholders. / Employee models for others the ability to work effectively with colleagues; models a positive attitude; demonstrates the ability to work collaboratively with supervisors, colleagues, and subordinates; goes above and beyond to accommodate the needs of others / This area does not apply to employee’s current position.
Remarks: Click here to enter text.
Knowledge of Job
Employee has a working knowledge of subject matter/student needs, methods of operations, equipment and supplies involved with the job.
*Unsatisfactory☐ / *Developing☐ / Proficient☐ / Exemplary☐ / Not Applicable☐
Employee has an inadequate working knowledge of methods of operations, equipment and supplies involved on the job, and subject matter/student needs. / Employee has limited working knowledge and some assistance from supervisor is required to ensure methods of operations, equipment and supplies involved on the job, and subject matter/student needs are met. / The employee has a working knowledge of subject matter/student needs, methods of operations, equipment and supplies involved with the job. / Employee models a strong understanding of the methods of operations, equipment and supplies involved on the job, and subject matter/student needs. / This area does not apply to employee’s current position.
Remarks: Click here to enter text.
Attendance and Punctuality
Employee schedules and uses leave in appropriate manner that is sensitive to the department and workload priorities. Demonstrates consistency, promptness, and dependability in adherence to work schedule by reporting to work/assigned area on time.
*Unsatisfactory☐ / *Developing☐ / Proficient☐ / Exemplary☐ / Not Applicable☐
Employee has a high rate of tardiness and/or absenteeism. / Employee is consistentlytardy and/or absent from work and does not use good judgment in scheduling leave. / Employeeattendance is reliable and gives proper notice is given in advance of foreseeable absences. / Employee attendance is exemplary and good judgment is used in scheduling leave. / This area does not apply to employee’s current position.
Remarks: Click here to enter text.
Employee demonstrates the ability to use time wisely in producing the volume or quality of work required for the position.
*Unsatisfactory☐ / *Developing☐ / Proficient☐ / Exemplary☐ / Not Applicable☐
Employee fails to complete tasks in a timely manner, and is unable to multi-task. / Employee consistently uses time inefficiently and the volume of work is insufficient. / Employee demonstrates the ability to use time wisely in producing the volume or quality of work required for the position. / Employee’s work results consistently exceed expectations in terms of time usage and quantity produced. / This area does not apply to employee’s current position.
Remarks: Click here to enter text.
Quantity of Work
Employee meets or exceeds expectations for “normal” production within assigned time frame.
*Unsatisfactory☐ / *Developing☐ / Proficient☐ / Exemplary☐ / Not Applicable☐
Employee consistently does not complete assigned work. / Employee does not always complete work in expected time frame. / Employee completes work in expected time frame. / Employee does more than expected on a consistent basis / This area does not apply to employee’s current position.
Remarks: Click here to enter text.
Employee demonstrates good judgment in planning, organizing, and completing work. Employee is a self-starter.
*Unsatisfactory☐ / *Developing☐ / Proficient☐ / Exemplary☐ / Not Applicable☐
Employee fails to plan, organize and complete work as required. Employee requires prompting to complete work. / Organizational skills and planning are inconsistent which impact ability to complete work.
Employee consistently requires prompting to complete work. / Employee demonstrates good judgment in planning, organizing, and completing work. Employee is a self-starter. / Employeemodels exemplary skills in initiating, planning and organizing the completion of work. / This area does not apply to employee’s current position.
Remarks: Click here to enter text.
Attitude and Flexibility
Employee demonstrates the ability to accommodate the unexpected changes in the work routine while maintaining a professional attitude that promotes a positive image of the employee’s work setting.
*Unsatisfactory☐ / *Developing☐ / Proficient☐ / Exemplary☐ / Not Applicable☐
Employee is unable or unwilling to adapt to changing conditions in the work place. Employee demonstrates no level of professionalism / Employee consistently struggles to respond effectively to changing conditions in the work place and lacks a consistent level of professionalism. / Employee demonstrates the ability to accommodate the unexpected changes in the work routine while maintaining a professional attitude that promotes a positive image of the employee’s work setting. / Employeeconsistently goes above and beyond to meet the demands of the unexpected while maintaining a professional and positive attitude. / This area does not apply to employee’s current position.
Remarks: Click here to enter text.
Safe Work Habits
Employee routinely demonstrates an understanding and application of safe practices, and observes safety rules. (E.g. lifting, elevated surfaces, cutting, use of heavy equipment, etc.)
*Unsatisfactory☐ / *Developing☐ / Proficient☐ / Exemplary☐ / Not Applicable☐
Employee places oneself, others, and the District at a serious risk by failing to comply with district safety policies and procedures. / Employee does not consistently follow district safety policies and procedures. / Employee routinely demonstrates an understanding and application of safe practices, and observes safety rules. / Employee consistently models safe work habits, and identifies unsafe conditions and recommends solutions. / This area does not apply to employee’s current position.
Remarks: Click here to enter text.
Communication and Professionalism
Employee demonstrates the ability to listenand respond in a sensitive and meaningful way that enhances mutual respect with others as the employee carries out his/her responsibilities with both internal and external customers.
*Unsatisfactory☐ / *Developing☐ / Proficient☐ / Exemplary☐ / Not Applicable☐
Employee’s communication skills and demeanor cause conflict with no regard for the customer or colleague. / Employee consistently lacks effective communication skills which negatively impacts his/her job performance. / Employee demonstrates the ability to listen and respond in a sensitive and meaningful way that enhances mutual respect with others as the employee carries out his/her responsibilities with both internal and external customers / Employee proactively promotes and builds excellent customer relationships with others. Customer service is a priority. / This area does not apply to employee’s current position.
Remarks: Click here to enter text.
Additional Employee Comments:
Additional Employer Comments:Click here to enter text.
I have explained the reasons for the ratings and have answered the employee’s questions. / I have received this evaluation and have read the review in its entirety. I understand that my signature on this evaluation does not indicate agreement. I am also aware that if I disagree, I have 10 working days to submit a written rebuttal to be attached to this evaluation and placed in my personnel file.
Evaluator’s Signature Date / Employee’s Signature Date

*The Director or building administrator is responsible for developing a plan of improvement for any staff member that has earned a rating of “Unsatisfactory” or “Developing” on his/her evaluation.

Rev. 3.31.17.jh