PY 2008 Contract Modification #2 WIA Full Stimulus Narrative
- General – Allocation of Funds
- Administration
- Communications Partnership
- Adult/Dislocated Workers
- Training Capacity
- One-Stop Readiness
- Supportive Services (Including Needs-Related Payments)
- Youth Services
- Green Jobs
- General – Allocation of Funds
- What was the method utilized to allocate each funding stream of the stimulus funds?
- Were any summer funds allocated by formula to municipalities or by another method? Please explain and include any formula utilized, along with the amounts by municipality.
- Administration
- Please describe how you will track and report on stimulus funds.
- Please describe your monitoring plans for ARRA funds and participants.
- Communications Partnership
- How will you utilize ARRA funds to drive change throughout the workforce system to meet 21st century workforce and economic changes?
- Please describe partnerships and shared visions that have been formed with community colleges and educational agencies, business and labor organizations, civic groups and others to align workforce development strategies for regional development and shared prosperity.
- Adults/Dislocated Workers
- Please describe how you will utilize adult and dislocated worker stimulus funds between July 1, 2009 and June 30, 2011.
- What policies have been developed to ensure emphasis on serving low-income, displaced, and under-skilled adults and disconnected older youth?
- Have you designed a service strategy that aligns all services and resources to support career pathways to emerging and future high growth jobs and industries? If so, please describe.
- Training Capacity
- Describe your efforts to review the existing ETPL for capacity to meet current and projected need for training in high demand courses.
- If you have made any changes to your ITA caps/levels, please state the new levels and describe how they differ from the previous levels.
- One-Stop Readiness
- Are your One-Stops staffed to meet bilingual needs, as well as ARRA expectations and local economic demand?
- How will case managers focus on assisting diverse customers, including TANF and other low-income individuals along with dislocated workers, by matching skills competency training with job growth projections in the region?
- Supportive Services
- Describe your projected use of supportive services and needs-related payments based on increased needs of participants. Please provide a copy of your supportive services policy.
- Youth Services
- Describe how you will utilize youth stimulus funds between July 1, 2009 and June 30, 2011.
- How much of your ARRA youth funds are set-aside for the summer period that ends September 30, 2009? Do you plan to extend work experience beyond September 30, 2009?
- Please describe your program design to provide work experience in the summer component.
- How will you monitor the various aspects of summer employment, including appropriate wage and hour provisions, child labor laws, and work site supervision and safety?
- Describe how Board and vendor staff have been trained for implementation of the expanded summer employment program.
- Describe the work readiness indicator you have chosen and how it will be used.
- Describe plans to meet the 30 percent out-of-school youth expenditure requirement.
- Please complete the attached forms identifying all providers and all individual work sites for summer work experience.
- Green Jobs
- Please describe your area’s efforts to incorporate green jobs in training for adults and dislocated workers.
- Will youth in the summer program have an opportunity to learn about or be exposed to green jobs? Please describe.