Clinical Research Recruitment Website

This form is ONLY for posting on the website.

Please review posting instructions/requirements on Page 2

IRB # / / Version Date
Study Title:
Short Title:
Principal Investigator:
Institutional Affiliation (select one): Tufts University Tufts Medical Center
Therapeutic/Research Area(s):
Contact Name for Respondents:
Contact Telephone # for Respondents:
Contact email for Respondents:

Study Summary:

Age Requirements: Minimum______/Maximum ______

Gender Requirements: Male Female Both
Inclusion Criteria (list a maximum of 3 inclusion criteria):
Exclusion Criteria (list a maximum of 3 exclusion criteria):
Short Synopsis of Study Requirements: (e.g., number of research visits, length of participation, number of blood collections and volume of blood collected for research, number of x-rays/CT scans/MRIs): Identifier:

I have reviewed the information above and it is complete and accurate, and contains information limited to the fields above.


Principal Investigator’s Signature Date

Principal Investigator’s Name (typed or printed)

Clinical Research Recruitment Website


·  Tufts IRB review/approval for internet posting is not necessary provided that the information is limited to the fields above.

·  For studies reviewed by WIRB, approval is required for this form prior to posting.

·  If additional descriptive information (such as payment, risks and potential benefits, or requesting identifiable information) is added, such information is considered part of the informed consent process and therefore requires IRB review and approval.

·  Please submit an electronic copy of this form to Douglas Reichgott (ext. 6-5609). MS Word version is preferred.

·  Do not use technical terms or jargon; information should be written at an 8th grade reading level for a non-medical audience.

·  Investigational drug, biologic or device studies should not use terms such as "new treatment," "new medication" or "new drug." These phrases may lead potential subjects to believe they will receive newly improved products of proven worth.

·  Therapeutic/Research Area(s) will be the field used for search criteria. Try to use disease states(s) to better assist potential subjects in finding relevant studies (for example, use “Lung Cancer” rather than “Oncology”)

·  Consider referring to the study listing on for sample language.

Posting will expire and will no longer be available on the website at time of IRB expiration. If you wish the study to remain posted, at time of continuing review please make sure to inform Douglas Reichgott of new IRB expiration date.

Version 3/18/15