Migration & development – ProjectProgress report

Migration & development:

Project Interim/Final Report[1]

Via e-mail to

The originals of supporting documentation can be sent to the Civil Society International (ZGI) unit.

The blue comments serve as guidance for writing the report. Please delete them once you have filled in the required information.

Contract number: /

Contract partner in Austria


Local/International project partner(s)

Add as appropriate
Name: / Name:
Address: / Address:
Telephone, e-mail: / Telephone, e-mail:
Project officer/contact: / Project officer/contact:

Project title:

Country: / Region/place:
Duration from: / to:
Report as at (date): / submitted on:

Financial statement per (date) (euros)

Total costs
Project Budget / Cleared items
Already spent budget that has been approved by ADA (for the first report there is none) / Submitted for examination
Expenditures submitted to ADA for approval with present report / Open items
Budget left to be spend, i.e. budget left after the present reporting period

Date, author of report:

1.Brief description of project progress[2] (German, max. 1 page)

Summary on

  • Expected results achieved including attribution to SDG target(s)
  • Impact for target groups/beneficiaries, includingnumber of direct and indirect beneficiaries reached to date
  • Activities carried out
  • Risks/ steering measures (if applicable)

Please include a list of abbreviations

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Migration & development – ProjectProgress report

2. Project progress by activities

Qualitative and quantitative analysis of project results outcome(s), compared to project log frame.

Please focus on major results and hard facts. Below, you will have more space for detail on the activities.

Expected results/ outcome(s) including attribution to SDG target(s) / Results achieved / indicators, including a target value for each indicator; including # of beneficiaries, gender disaggregated / Activities implemented to achieve these results / Reasons for deviations(anticipated / achieved results) / Comments/ steering measures(in the event of deviations)
Baseline: / Achievement
so far/ progress: / Target:

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Migration & development – ProjectProgress report – ZGI

3. Project goal achieved/discernible impact

including specific responses to the needs of the target groups (refugees and their host communities, migrants, internally displaced people (IDPs) or voluntary returnees

including application of human rights based approach, gender responsive approach, do no harm and conflict sensitivity approach

4. Difficulties encountered/changes in external situation

(see “Assumptions/ risks” in the log frame/ project application)

5. Cooperation/networking with…

  • Project partner: type of partnership, strengths/weaknesses in cooperation, etc.
  • Other organisations: synergies, information exchange, etc.
  • Local authorities/ministries: policy level coordination, lobbying, etc.

6. Sustainability

  • What specific capacity building measures have been taken?
  • What sustainable impact on the local environment can be discerned?

Explain how you plan to make sure that after the programme is over, the effects will last (the beneficiaries/participants will become independent).

7. ADC cross-cutting themes

  • Poverty reduction
  • Promotion of democracy and human rights
  • Inclusion of disadvantaged groups such as children, elderly persons, persons with disabilities
  • Gender
  • Environment

8. Monitoring/evaluation

How and by whom has the project been monitored and evaluated?

Indicate division of labour on this matter, external evaluation (consultancy), self-evaluations, and external audits.

Indicate if you have carried out field monitoring visits and what learning directly resulted from said visits.

9. Public awareness raising locally and in Austria

What public awareness raising activities have been carried out (e.g. photographs, newspaper articles)?

List of hyperlinks to (pdf) documents and other.
List of conferences (place, date, topic, who attended)

Charity events
TV/Radio broadcast (channel/station, date, topic, etc.)

Please document the use of the ADA-Logo

10. Lessons learnt/outlook

  • Experience from project implementation

including on fostering positive interlinkages between migration and development

  • Outlook for next report period
  • Outlook for target groups/ beneficiaries after termination of the project

11. Other points

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[1]Delete inapplicable items

[2]The brief description must be submitted in German. The other parts of the project report and any additions should be written in English. Consultation with the unit ZGI is required for documents in other languages.