Classroom Rules/Expectation Matrix & Discipline Plan:Be Respectful, Responsible, & Safe
Mr. Lamb
Area/Rule / Expectation / Policy / ResponsibilityEnter and Exit
Classroom / 1. In seat working with all materials when bell rings.
2. Dismissed by teacher. / 1. High expectations to enter and start class promptly in a respectful, responsible, and safe manner. / 1.Tardy.
2. Continue across discipline plan.
Tardy / 1. Working in seat with all materials when bell rings. / 1. Only a proper note from staff will excuse a tardy. / 1. Be prepared & on time! Anything else is a tardy.
2. Continue across discipline plan.
Teacher’s Desk/
Materials / 1. Ask first, respect people’s property! / 1. Ask first and return what you borrow. / 1. Ask first.
2. Placement on discipline plan.
Free Time/
Seat Work / 1. Remain quiet in seat. 2. Work on any homework or read Language Arts assignment or AR Book. / 1. Bring other homework to class, and always bring AR book. / 1. Be responsible and respectful.
2. Placement on discipline plan.
Food/Drinks / 1. Only bottled water.
2. Nothing else allowed.
3. No gum! / 1. Come prepared with water if desired.
2. No leaving class to buy or refill. / 1. Be prepared and responsible.
2. Placement on discipline plan.
Class Materials / 1. Be prepared for everything.
2. Be prepared with everything. / 1. Bring all required materials, and be in seat working when bell rings. / 1. Tardy.
2. Placement on discipline plan.
Leaving Class/
Restroom / 1. Appropriate hall pass required.
2. Teacher permission required. / 1. Must follow 10 minute rule at the beginning and end of class.
2. Use hall pass. / 1. Pass and permission required.
2. Placement on discipline plan.
Discipline Plan
Mr. Lamb’s Class / Step 1/ First
Offense / Step 2/ Second Offense / Step 3/ Third
Verbal Warning / Verbal Warning, Keeper Slip, Possible Parent/Guardian Contact / Office Referral-Conference with Principal or Vice Principal & Possible Placement on Discipline Plan