
I hope that the ideas and guidelines below will make National Conference gift giving easier for you. Please let your Senior Executive Director know if you have any questions regarding the policy & gifts.

Extremely Important - Please remember to get all products with the Thirty-One logo approved before you purchase. This includes team t-shirts. To get your item approved, email . The policy on logo use is in the Policy & Procedures on page 14. You can also view the policy below on the 2nd page.

Recognition gifts for top in sales, top recruiter, promotions, etc. will not be given at conference. This can be done prior to conference or shortly after. Your Senior Executive Directors decided this because it is very difficult for us all to pack those items. Plus it will be difficult to get our teams together to actually present the awards due to the size of conference this year.Instead of presenting promotion gifts at conference, I would encourage you to present a gift at the time the promotion happens or a certain time during the year. For example you could host a celebration meeting in June every year for the Thirty-One Year promotions, top in sales, top in recruiting, etc. The Thirty-One Year is June 1st- May 31st. So in June, if you have enough local directors, you could host an event that honors them and do one big promotion ceremony. Or you could host a celebration conference call and do the same on the phone and then ship the gifts.

If you have a director who is not attending conference but she has team members attending, I encourage you to make the director responsible for the gifts for her team. You can let her know what you are doing for gifts and she can choose to go with that idea or come up with her own. Regardless, she should still follow the same guidelines for gifts as stated above. You are not responsible for ordering her gifts, she is. We are all independent business owners and we are each responsible for our team and team recognition. Please do not stress yourself out by taking on a big responsibility such as that.

I hope these ideas help make gift giving easier for National Conference. See you there!
Jenny Hillenburg – Senior Executive Director

National Conference Survival Kit – 2010

Congratulations on your commitment to be here! I hope that you will enjoy a carefree weekend away from all of your responsibilities at home. I look forward to recognizing your success as you return to your business and put into practice the lessons you learn this weekend. Use these ingredients in your conference survival kit to help make it through this once in a lifetime experience.

Key Charm – The key is a reminder that within you, you hold the key to success. Don’t be afraid to unlock the star that lives within you!

Highlighter – For the words that inspire you and motivate you, highlight so you never forget.

Index Cards – When you hear great ideas that you know you want to use, write the ideas on these cards. There are 2 categories. The first category is WOW! Do it NOW! For the ideas you want to implement within 2 weeks after conference. The 2nd category is LOVE it! Do it later! for the ideas that you want to implement but will take planning and you need more than 2 weeks.

Kleenex – In case you get emotional. Network with other consultants, it is amazing to hear how Thirty-One has touched so many lives! Their stories might make you tear up!

Mounds – Although you won’t be able to implement the mounds of information that you learn the first week you’re home, it is important that you decide on some small bite size pieces to work on immediately. If you incorporate this knowledge into specific actions, your paycheck will turn into mounds!! Plus, what is a survival kit without chocolate? J

Twix – One candy bar was simply not enough! J

Starlight Mints – Simply to remind you that I think you are a STAR!

Double Mint Gum – When you get home, make it a goal to DOUBLE at least one part of your business. Whether it is the number of parties on your calendar or the number of recruits, make a new goal and DOUBLE it!

Post It Markers – These are for you to mark important trainings so you can refer back to it when you get home. It is so easy to forget a phrase you heard or something you want to implement later.

Noise Makers – This is for you to use in your room when you are having fun, during general sessions, and definitely on awards night! Make some noise!

The most important thing is to have FUN!! I am so excited you are here. Please let me know if you need anything! You can reach me by Text or phone at 423.XXX-XXXX. Email me at

Jenny Hillenburg, Senior Executive Director

Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all – Proverbs 31:29