Stefan Stenmark

Personal information

Stefan Stenmark is a Swedish resident born in Gävle 1959. Beside his professional experience he has interest in sailing, windsurfing and snowboarding. Less physical interests but still inspiring is to travel, music and to be a good company.

Professional Experience and education

Stefan Stenmark is the founder of Frendus AB and the CEO of the company. Frendus has focus in high quality Technical Training mainly in the fields of Electro Magnetic Compliance (EMC) in Electronic Design and in the fields of Mobile Communication. The brand Evigilo belongs to Frendus and has focus in the fields of Human Communication, Creativity and Innovation. Evigilo holds a training portfolio with workshop like training that gives high efficient training during short and intense events.

During the period of 1997 and 2003 Mr Stenmark worked with training of research and development Engineers, Service developers, Customer Support personnel etc in the by that time fast growing Mobile Communication Industry. The subjects were mobile system design and new standards in the field of Mobile Communication. The customers were developers of Equipment and Services, Manufactures, Mobile Operators, Consultancy Companies etc. The training took place mainly in USA and Europe and among the customers where; Ericsson, Nokia, Motorola, Nortel, Sagém … , AT&T Wireless, Belgacom, Cosmote, Orange, Sprint, TeliaSonera …

After his degrees in Master of Science in the field of Biomedical Engineering – 86 and a Specialist Teacher Degree – 93 he educated at an upper Secondary Technical School and students at Linköpings University on the programs of Electrical Engineering and Master of Science in the field of Electronic Design.


Frendus AB has established partnership contacts with BK-Services AB, Detectus AB and Performa Ltd.

BK-Services and Detectus works in the field of EMC with measurements for product certification respective building test equipment.

Performa is partner in the Evigilo training portfolio – Evigilo is representing the AOI in Scandinavia and Mr Stenmark is an Art of Innovation Master Leader.

Contact information


Phone: Office +46 13125020, Mobile +46 703 494554

Office address: Evigilo, Strandgatan 2, SE-582 26 LINKÖPING, SWEDEN