Technical College System of Georgia

Office of Adult Education

Assessment Policy Updates and Reminders

Tutorial Instructions

The components of this tutorial include reviewing the FY 2018 OAE Adult Learner Assessment Policies and Procedures Manual, viewing a PowerPoint presentation, completing a participant worksheet, and filling out a short online evaluation. Participants should be able to finish the tutorial within 1 hour.

Participants and Deadlines

·  Required – Current employees paid with Federal or State funds who completed the initial Assessment Policies and Procedures tutorial in the prior fiscal year (Complete by 12/31/17)

·  Optional –New employees; Volunteers or other program supporters

Tutorial Process

·  Step 1:

o  Go to the Office of Adult Education’s Professional Information website located at The training materials for this tutorial are located under “Assessment Policy Updates and Reminders.”

o  Print the participant worksheet.

o  Review the original documents. Changes to the Assessment Policy since last year are shown in red. Printing is optional.

§  FY 2018 OAE Adult Learner Assessment Policies and Procedures Manual

·  Step 2:

o  Review the PowerPoint presentation with notes, Assessment Policy Updates and Reminders. Be sure to read the notes, as they will explain all of the content on each slide.

o  Complete the participant worksheet.

o  Evaluate the tutorial at

·  Step 3:

o  Turn in the participant worksheet to your local program administrator or designee.

o  Seek additional resources or clarification from local or state personnel, if needed.

Collection of Participant Worksheets and GALIS Data Entry

Local program administrators will collect participant worksheets and use them to verify the completion of the tutorial. For GALIS data entry, record the following information under the FY18 Professional Development tab.

Professional Development Opportunity

Type: Local

Title: OAE – Assessment Policy Updates and Reminders

Start Date: July 1, 2017

End Date: July 1, 2017

Possible Contact Hours: 1

Description: Online presentation of OAE’s Assessment Policy Updates and Reminders. The tutorial includes information about the testing environment, test administration, and test security.

Please Note: Keep all documents locally. OAE will pull electronic records of attendance. Hard copy documentation should not be submitted to OAE.