Meeting Purpose: / Low Risk Alcohol Drinking Guidelines and Youth Workgroup
Date of Teleconference: / September 23, 2013
Time: / 10:30 – 11:00 am (Subgroup break out sessions – 11:00 – 12:00 pm)
Location: / Teleconference
Chair: / Jennifer Wong, R.N. (York Region)
Glenda Balallo, Administrative Clerk (York Region)
Minute Taker:
Participants: / Marie Green, BCHU
Katherine Houston, BCHU
Carolyn M, Chatham-Kent
Susan French, Hamilton
Jennifer Valcamp, HKPR
Suzanne White, HPECHU
Janine Monahan, KFLA
Kelly Johnson, KFLA
Lisa Lollar, KFLA
Nancy Langdon, Ottawa
Andrea Zeelie-Varga, PAD
Lesley Westheuser, Porcupine
Adele Payne, SMDHU
Janince Greco, SMDHU
Jaclyn Van Esbroek, Renfrew
Sharon Thompson, Hastings
Jennifer Wong, York Region
Loretta Bernard, York Region
Zem Kabani, York Region
Muriel Vanderpol, Waterloo
Sandy Keller, Waterloo
Amanda Kroger, Waterloo
Jacky Allan, Elgin St. Thomas
  1. Agenda Topic: Welcome
/ Discussion Leader: Jennifer
Discussion: Welcome
  1. Agenda Topic: Additions to agenda and review of previous minutes
/ Discussion Leader: Jennifer
  • There were no additions or changes to the agenda and August 6 minutes
  • Suzanne (HPEC) and Shirley (Chatham Kent) approved minutes

  1. Agenda Topic: Updates
/ Discussion Leader: Jennifer
  • Janet Humble (North Bay) currently working on the first piece of the project- “What’s in your drink”. Looking at academic failure, date rape (Please see attachment, What is in your drink - Janet Humble.docx) Having discussions with secondary school students pouring drinks in glasses. They will then take all of the feedback they receive, collate it and take the messaging back to the students for prioritizing. Will create a poster. They are just in the preliminary stages.
  • Workgroup’s documents have been uploaded to the microsite for everyone to look at. Description of the workgroup has been added to the Home Page. Still working with OIPRC to add some categories to allow ease of access to documents. Suzanne looked through the site and feels it is advantageous to the workgroup. Leslie from Porcupine says it is a useful site, a one stop shop.
  • Let Jennifer know if you encounter any issues with the site. There will be group training for subgroup members interested in editorial privileges arranged with OIPRC that will take about one hour.
  • Kerri (Toronto)- is in data analysis phase of project ‘Middle Years’. They are proposing substance misuse prevention strategies for parents of 10 – 14 year olds. Will send literature review to workgroup.
Toronto’s update (Cathy)
Our PNA research question for theliterature reviewwas: "What interventions or strategies are effective for parents/caregivers of youth ages 10 to 14 to delay the onset of substance use and prevent substance misuse?" As such, we reviewed effective evidence-informed interventions. We did not focus on "reach" in the literature review, although we did capture what methodsof delivery were used in interventions:group sessions; discussions; opportunities to practice new skills;classroom-based discussions etc.The most effectiveinterventions were the ones withmultiple components, including homes, community and schools and involving parents and adolescents and sustained over time.Also,we had questions on "effective methods of delivery" for our focus groups.
Below, I have put together an attachment for youwith a summary of effective parenting interventions found in our literature review. I also added 3 summaries from our Final Report from the focus groups on the theme of "Mechanisms for Information and Support". I think all of these summaries may be helpful to you as well as the last summary of "Opportunities for future discussion/action".
Summary of Parent Needs Assessment project.doc
If you are looking specifically at "reach",it may be helpful to your team to look at the literature review prepared by Betsy Mann for Canadian Association of Family Resource Programs (this is the literature review that you alluded to before. What Works for Whom Promising Practices in Parenting Educat.pdf . According to this review, "getting parents to come is a widespread challenge in parenting education". On page 39 there is a nice outline on suggestions from the literature about ways to attract parents to programs; ie.offering a range of programs; organizing programs by parenting topics and age of children; advertising; reducing barriers (child-minding/transportation; etc...... ) it is very multifaceted and one size doesnot fit all.
I always findthat questions of "reach/methodsof delivery/ vehicles of communication" can be complex. Sometimes the word"reach" is usedin place of"outreach/marketing" andother timesit is synonymous with "mode of delivery".However, I hope that the information providedwill be helpful to you as we do have some information on that from our focus groups as well as the literature review, to some extent.
  • Sue (Hamilton) - parent resource will be released November 20 and shared with the workgroup. The main target is grades 5 – 10. Sue shared with the workgroup the following 6 guiding strategies used in this resource: parental monitoring, provision of alcohol, parent/child relationship quality, general communication, general discipline, parental modelling. There is a video available, handwritten material and strategies.

  1. Agenda Topic: Finalize Term of Reference
/ Discussion Leader:
  • Discussion on getting approval for the Terms of Reference (TOR).
  • Amanda stated that there is no connection with the Mission Statement and Objective. It is not clear how to reach the target group.
  • Original draft was kept open and broad to allow discussions regarding activities to move forward on.
  • Recommended change is to outline a common messaging piece in the objectives.
  • Jennifer will do changes and resend TOR.

  1. Agenda Topic: Subgroup Processes
/ Discussion Leader:
  1. Chair/co-chair
  • Consensus to have co-chairs for both subgroups to keep things moving forward.
  1. Draft workplan
  • Sent out before meeting to help lead discussions during breakout sessions in subgroups
  • Draft workplans for each subgroup are similar in set up.
  • Workplans reflect 2013-2014 and no specific time period when the workgroup will be finished as it depends on the activities to work on. Operational plans may help guide subgroup’s activity timelines.
  • There may be potential to align and complement activities between subgroups, but approach for each target group will be different.
  1. Communication between members/subgroups
  • Everyone has access to microsite and can use this as a format of communication.
  • E-mail distribution lists for each subgroup will be developed and sent out to subgroup members.
  • For further discussion in breakout sessions.

  1. Agenda Topic: Next full workgroup teleconference
/ Discussion Leader: Jennifer
  • Full workgroup will meet again late November or early December and will be used mainly to update on subgroups’ work. Jennifer will send out doodle meeting request.

  1. Agenda Topic: Break out session into subgroups
/ Discussion Leader: Jennifer
  • Refer to each subgroup’s minutes for details of discussion.

Meeting Purpose: / Low Risk Alcohol Drinking Guidelines and Youth Workgroup
Date of Teleconference: / September 23, 2013
Time: / 10:30 – 11:00 am (Subgroup break out sessions – 11:00 – 12:00 pm)
Location: / Teleconference
Chair: / Jennifer Wong, R.N. (York Region)
Glenda Balallo, Administrative Clerk (York Region)
Minute Taker:
Participants: / Marie Green, BCHU
Katherine Houston, BCHU
Carolyn M, Chatham-Kent
Susan French, Hamilton
Jennifer Valcamp, HKPR
Suzanne White, HPECHU
Janine Monahan, KFLA
Kelly Johnson, KFLA
Lisa Lollar, KFLA
Nancy Langdon, Ottawa
Andrea Zeelie-Varga, PAD
Lesley Westheuser, Porcupine
Adele Payne, SMDHU
Janince Greco, SMDHU
Jaclyn Van Esbroek, Renfrew
Sharon Thompson, Hastings
Jennifer Wong, York Region
Loretta Bernard, York Region
Zem Kabani, York Region
  1. Agenda Topic: Welcome
/ Discussion Leader: Jennifer
Discussion: Welcome
  1. Agenda Topic: Additions to agenda and review of previous minutes
/ Discussion Leader: Jennifer
  • There were no additions or changes to the agenda and August 6 minutes
  • Suzanne (HPEC) and Shirley (Chatham Kent) approved minutes

  1. Agenda Topic: Updates
/ Discussion Leader: Jennifer
  • Janet Humble (North Bay) currently working on the first piece of the project- “What’s in your drink”. Looking at academic failure, date rape (Please see attachment, What is in your drink - Janet Humble.docx) Having discussions with secondary school students pouring drinks in glasses. They will then take all of the feedback they receive, collate it and take the messaging back to the students for prioritizing. Will create a poster. They are just in the preliminary stages.
  • Workgroup’s documents have been uploaded to the microsite for everyone to look at. Description of the workgroup has been added to the Home Page. Still working with OIPRC to add some categories to allow ease of access to documents. Suzanne looked through the site and feels it is advantageous to the workgroup. Leslie from Porcupine says it is a useful site, a one stop shop.
  • Let Jennifer know if you encounter any issues with the site. There will be group training for subgroup members interested in editorial privileges arranged with OIPRC that will take about one hour.
  • Kerri (Toronto)- is in data analysis phase of project ‘Middle Years’. They are proposing substance misuse prevention strategies for parents of 10 – 14 year olds. Will send literature review to workgroup.
Toronto’s update (Cathy)
Our PNA research question for theliterature reviewwas: "What interventions or strategies are effective for parents/caregivers of youth ages 10 to 14 to delay the onset of substance use and prevent substance misuse?" As such, we reviewed effective evidence-informed interventions. We did not focus on "reach" in the literature review, although we did capture what methodsof delivery were used in interventions:group sessions; discussions; opportunities to practice new skills;classroom-based discussions etc.The most effectiveinterventions were the ones withmultiple components, including homes, community and schools and involving parents and adolescents and sustained over time.Also,we had questions on "effective methods of delivery" for our focus groups.
Below, I have put together an attachment for youwith a summary of effective parenting interventions found in our literature review. I also added 3 summaries from our Final Report from the focus groups on the theme of "Mechanisms for Information and Support". I think all of these summaries may be helpful to you as well as the last summary of "Opportunities for future discussion/action".
Summary of Parent Needs Assessment project.doc
If you are looking specifically at "reach",it may be helpful to your team to look at the literature review prepared by Betsy Mann for Canadian Association of Family Resource Programs (this is the literature review that you alluded to before. What Works for Whom Promising Practices in Parenting Educat.pdf . According to this review, "getting parents to come is a widespread challenge in parenting education". On page 39 there is a nice outline on suggestions from the literature about ways to attract parents to programs; ie.offering a range of programs; organizing programs by parenting topics and age of children; advertising; reducing barriers (child-minding/transportation; etc...... ) it is very multifaceted and one size doesnot fit all.
I always findthat questions of "reach/methodsof delivery/ vehicles of communication" can be complex. Sometimes the word"reach" is usedin place of"outreach/marketing" andother timesit is synonymous with "mode of delivery".However, I hope that the information providedwill be helpful to you as we do have some information on that from our focus groups as well as the literature review, to some extent.
  • Sue (Hamilton) - parent resource will be released November 20 and shared with the workgroup. The main target is grades 5 – 10. Sue shared with the workgroup the following 6 guiding strategies used in this resource: parental monitoring, provision of alcohol, parent/child relationship quality, general communication, general discipline, parental modelling. There is a video available, handwritten material and strategies.

  1. Agenda Topic: Finalize Term of Reference
/ Discussion Leader:
  • Discussion on getting approval for the Terms of Reference (TOR).
  • Amanda stated that there is no connection with the Mission Statement and Objective. It is not clear how to reach the target group.
  • Original draft was kept open and broad to allow discussions regarding activities to move forward on.
  • Recommended change is to outline a common messaging piece in the objectives.
  • Jennifer will do changes and resend TOR.

  1. Agenda Topic: Subgroup Processes
/ Discussion Leader:
  1. Chair/co-chair
  • Consensus to have co-chairs for both subgroups to keep things moving forward.
  1. Draft workplan
  • Sent out before meeting to help lead discussions during breakout sessions in subgroups
  • Draft workplans for each subgroup are similar in set up.
  • Workplans reflect 2013-2014 and no specific time period when the workgroup will be finished as it depends on the activities to work on. Operational plans may help guide subgroup’s activity timelines.
  • There may be potential to align and complement activities between subgroups, but approach for each target group will be different.
  1. Communication between members/subgroups
  • Everyone has access to microsite and can use this as a format of communication.
  • E-mail distribution lists for each subgroup will be developed and sent out to subgroup members.
  • For further discussion in breakout sessions.

  1. Agenda Topic: Next full workgroup teleconference
/ Discussion Leader: Jennifer
  • Full workgroup will meet again late November or early December and will be used mainly to update on subgroups’ work. Jennifer will send out doodle meeting request.

  1. Agenda Topic: Break out session into subgroups
/ Discussion Leader: Jennifer
  • Refer to each subgroup’s minutes for details of discussion.