Propaganda Techniques Rubric


Criteria / Score 5 / Score 4 / Score 3 / Score 2 / Total
Propaganda Techniques
and Persuasive Appeal / Demonstrates an effective and proper use of all 10 propaganda techniques that are unique, visually interesting, engaging, and persuasive / Demonstrates an effective and proper use of 8-9 propaganda techniques that are visually interesting and persuasive, include some original elements,shows some complexity of thought / Demonstrates an effective and proper use of 6-7 propaganda techniques that is visually interesting and persuasive but not very original, shows simplistic treatment of topic / Demonstrates less than 6 propaganda techniques, and is not visually interesting and does not persuade the audience, shows confused thinking about topic / X4 _____
Organization / Uses layout and design to show clear, consistent organizational strategy; effectively uses word and image placement to make a point. / Uses layout and design to show consistent organizational strategy; uses word and image placement to make a point. / Layout and design show inconsistent organizational strategy; words and images distract or confuse. / Layout and design show illogical organizational strategy; words and images lack coherence. / ______
Press Release and/or
News Ad
(Who, What, When, Where, Why) / Excellent information about propaganda techniques that includes proper grammar and spelling and met deadline / Good information about propaganda technique with few grammar or spelling errors (less than 3) and met deadline / Informed class about propaganda techniques but has problems with explanation and many grammar or spelling errors (more than 5) and met deadline / Did not provide much information about propaganda techniques in press release, and problems with grammar and spelling (more than 5) and did not turn in before deadline / ______
Oral Presentation / Successfully communicates an idea through clever use of language; includes few mechanical errors. / Communicates an idea through adequate use of language; includes a few mechanical errors. / Misuses language and lessens impact of ideas; includes many mechanical errors. / Demonstrates poor use of language and confuses meaning; includes many mechanical errors. / ______
Cooperation and Collaboration with business partner / Both members of the team participated equally and worked efficiently together / Both members of the team participated and worked well together / Most of the project was completed by one team member and collaboration was minimal / Little to no participation by both members; did not work well together and there was no collaboration
Eye Catching, Age Appropriate, and Effective, Presentation / Presentation does an excellent job of attractingappropriate audience and uses a very effective approach to grab audience’s attention / Presentation does a good job of attracting appropriate audience and uses a good approach to grab audience’s attention / Presentation somewhat attracts the appropriate audience, and does little to grab audience’s attention / Presentation does not attract the audience, fails to effectively portray propaganda techniques, does not grab audience’s attention / X4 ______