Buckswood St George’s General English Syllabus 2017-2018

Class / General English / Course / General English
Book / NEF Pre Intermediate / Teacher
Christmas Term
Unit / Topic / Grammar / Vocabulary / Pronunciation / Homework
Week 1
1A / Who’s who? / Word order in questions / Common verb phrases, classroom language / Vowel sounds, the alphabet / Activity Book
1B / Who knows you better? / Present simple / Family, personality adjectives / Third person and plural –s / Activity Book
Week 2
1C / At the Moulin Rouge / Present continuous / The body, prepositions of place / Vowel sounds / Activity book
1D / The Devil’s Dictionary / Dealing relative clauses (a person who…, a thing which…) / Expressions for paraphrasing: like, for example, etc. / Pronunciation in a dictionary / Activity book
Week 3
Practical English / At the airport
Writing / Describing yourself
Revise and Check / What do you remember? What can you do?
Week 4
2A / Right place, wrong time / Past simple regular and irregular verbs / Holidays / -ed endings, irregular verbs / Activity book
2B / A moment in time / Past continuous / Prepositions of time and place: at, in, on / /ᵊ/ / Activity book
Week 5
2C / Fifty years if pop / Questions with and without auxiliaries / Questions words, pop music / /w/ and /h/ / Activity book
2D / One October evening / So, because, but, although / Verb phrases / The letter a / Activity book
Week 6
Practical English / At the conference hotel
Writing / The story behind a photo
Revise and Check / What do you remember? What can you do?
Week 7
3A / Where are you going? / Going to, present continuous (future arrangements) / Look (after, for, etc.) / Sentence stress / Activity book
3B / The pessimist’s phrase book / Will, won’t (predictions) / Opposite verbs / Contractions (will/won’t) / Activity book
Week 8
3C / I’ll always love you / Will/ won’t (promises, offers, decisions) / Verb + back / Word stress: two-syllable words / Activity book
3D / I was only dreaming / Review of tenses: present, past and future / Verbs + prepositions / Sentence stress / Activity book
Week 9
Practical English / Restaurant problems
Writing / An informal letter
Revise and Check / What do you remember? What can you do?
Week 10
4A / From rags to riches / Present perfect (experience) + ever, never: present perfect or past simple? / Clothes / Vowel sounds / Activity book
4B / Family conflicts / Present perfect simple +yet, just, already / Verbs phrases / /h/, /j/, and /dᵌ/ / Activity book
Week 11
4C / Faster, faster! / Comparatives, as…as/ less..than… / Time expressions: spend time, waste time, etc. / Sentence stress / Activity book
4D / The world’s friendliest city / Superlatives (+ever+ present perfect) / Opposite adjectives / World stress / Activity book
Week 12
Practical English / Lost in San Francisco
Writing / Describing where you live
Revise and Check / What do you remember? What can you do?
Week 13
Units 1-4 Revision
Week 14
Christmas Week
Lessons based on students’ needs / weaknesses / wants
Easter Term
Unit / Topic / Grammar / Vocabulary / Pronunciation / Homework
Week 1
5A / Are you a party animal? / Uses of the infinitive (with to) / Verbs + infinitive / Word stress / Activity book
5B / What makes you feel good? / Verb + -ing / Verbs followed by -ing / -ing / Activity book
Week 2
5C / How much can you learn in a month? / Have to, don’t have to, must mustn’t / Modifiers: a bit, really, etc. / Sentence stress / Activity book
5D / The name of the game / Expressing movement / Prepositions of movement, sport / prepositions / Activity book
Week 3
Practical English / At a department store
Writing / A formal e-mail
Revise and Check / What do you remember? What can you do?
Week 4
6A / If something bad can happen, it will / If + infinitive (first conditional) / Confusing verbs / Long and short vowels / Activity book
6B / Never smile at a crocodile / If+ past: would+ infinitive (second conditional) / animals / Stress and rhythm / Activity book
Week 5
6C / Decisions, decisions / May/ might (possibility) / word building: noun formation / Sentence stress, -ion endings / Activity book
6D / What should I do? / Should/ shouldn’t / get / /ʊ/ , sentence stress / Activity book
Week 6
Practical English / At the pharmacy
Writing / Writing to a friend
Revise and Check / What do you remember? What can you do?
Week 7
7A / Famous fears and phobias / Present perfect+ for and since / Words related to fear / /ɪ/ and /aɪ/, sentence stress / Activity book
7B / Born to direct / Present perfect or past simple / biographies / Word stress / Activity book
Week 8
7C / I used to be a rebel / Used to / School subjects: history, geography, etc. / Sentence stress: used to/ didn’t use to / Activity book
7D / The mothers of invention / passive / Verbs: invent, discover, etc. / -ed, sentence stress / Activity book
Week 9
Practical English / A boat trip
Writing / Describing a building
Revise and Check / What do you remember? What can you do?
Week 10
Units 1-4 Revision
Week 11
Units 5-7 Revision
Summer Term
Unit / Topic / Grammar / Vocabulary / Pronunciation / Homework
Week 1
8A / I hate weekends! / Something, anything, nothing, etc. / Adjectives ending in –ed and -ing / /e/, /ᵊʊ/, and /ʌ/ / Activity book
8B / How old is your body? / Quantifiers, too, not enough, / Health and lifestyle / /ʌ/,/uː/, /aɪ/, /e/; linking / Activity book
Week 2
8C / Waking up is hard to do / Word order of phrasal verbs / Phrasal verbs / /g/ and /dʒ/ / Activity book
8D / I’m Jim. ‘so am I’ / So/ neither + auxiliaries / similarities / Vowel and consonant sounds, sentence stress / Activity book
Week 3
Practical English / On the phone
Writing / Giving your opinion
Revise and Check / What do you remember? What can you do?
Week 4
9A / What a week! / Past perfect / Adverbs: suddenly, immediately, etc. / Revision of vowel sounds, sentence stress / Activity book
9B / Then he kissed me / Reported speech / Say, tell, or ask? / Activity book
Revise and Check
Week 5
Revision Units 1-3
Week 6
Revision Units 4-6
Week 7
Revision Units 7-9
Week 8
Full Course Test
Week 9
Lessons based on students’ needs / weaknesses / wants
Week 10
Lessons based on students’ needs / weaknesses / wants
Week 11
Lessons based on students’ needs / weaknesses / wants