RACH Diabetic Clinic Newsletter No. 15


Welcome to the latest newsletter from the clinic.

Thank –you

The Christmas Party was held at the beginning of December and, as usual, was a great success. These things take a lot of organising behind the scenes so, once again, thank you to the DUPS group and Diabetes UK very much for organising and funding the afternoon.

Annual Reviews

As we mentioned in the last newsletter we are trying a new system for the annual review appointments. It always takes a while to get new things organised but from April the new system will start to be booked. Your annual review appointment will, from then on, be in themonth of your birthday (or thereabouts). For this to work it will be really important that you make every effort to come on the allocated day and if you need to change the time please call appointments as soon as possible.

Education Sessions

We held our first education evening for Primary aged children and their parents in January. Fifteen families came along and we had diabetes related games for the children. This was very

popular as it gave the children a fun learning

experience. Their parents had the opportunity to speak informally with medical staff. We

have had very positive feedback from the evening and will certainly be running it again.

For the older children (11 upwards) we hope to run a similar evening in June. We will mail out information nearer the time for the families in this age group.

The Diabetes team is also planning to hold education sessions for Teachers, school nurses and ancillary staff who are involved in the care of children with Diabetes.

Enclosed with the newsletter is a letter asking you to hand an invitation to either your child’s class, guidance or head teacher as soon as possible.

Competition Time

Dr VanIjperin has organised a competition for young people with diabetes, their friends and relatives. There is very good prize money up for grabs so it is well worth a try. Full details can be found on his web site.


Although it is a wee while until September it is never too early to start practising. This years walk at Hazlehead on Sunday September 14.

Diabetes UK Care Events

Now is the time to get your applications in for the summer camps organised by diabetes UK. They are great fun but do give a lot of

information on diabetes ion a very safe environment. For more information on these and the family weekends pick up a leaflet at clinic or visit the website on

Good Bye

Irene Hill, Diabetes Specialist Nurse is due to retire in the summer. Irene has been with us since 1989 and is the longest serving member of our team. She has seen many changes in the care of diabetes in children over the years.

As you come up for retirement in the NHS there is a phased reduction in hours so although Irene does not finish until June her last clinic here was in February. Irene has been a source of help and reassurance to her

families in the Stonehaven, Portlethen, Laurencekirk, Bridge of Don and Ellon as well as at the Friday clinic at RACH.

We wish Irene a long and happy retirement.


One Pot Casserole

This is really easy and takes no time to prepare

To serve 4

600g (1lb 4oz) casserole steak- diced

flour to coat

1 onion sliced

2 carrots – peeled and cut in 4

2 parsnips – peled and cut in 4

!/2 a butternut squash – peeled, deseeded and cut in chunks

2 small new potatoes - washed

1 beef stock cube

1 teaspoon mixed herbs


Coat the beef with some flour seasoned with salt and pepper. Put all the ingredients in a large ovenproof casserole. Cover with water (you could use a bit of red wine mixed with water). Cook in the oven at 160ºC for 3 hours.

That’s it ready to eat. How easy is that?

Contact us

Linda (secretary to the medical team)

01224 550125

Edna/Isla 01224 552734

Sheena 01346 585244

Elsie 01224 552630


01224 552667