Lynne Hall

Dr. Lynne Hall

Curriculum Vitae

Address:Dove House, High Mickley, Stocksfield, Northumberland, NE43 7LU


Mobile:07748 334 896


Dates / Institution / Qualification
1985- 1988 / London School of Economics / BSc (Hons) Social Psychology 2.1
1988- 1989 / University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology / M.Sc. Computation
1990- 1993 / University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology / PhD - User Interface Design Issues for Multi-Agent Systems
1994 / Universitat PompeuFabra, Barcelona / Multimedia Diploma
1997- 1998 / University of Northumbria at Newcastle / Postgraduate Certificate of University Teaching and Learning, SEDA Accreditation
1995 - 2001 / Durham University / MBA

Employment Summary

CurrentReader,Department of Computing, Engineering and Technology,

University of Sunderland

Researcher and practitioner in user experience design and evaluation. Partner in FP7 eCUTE project (2010-13). User Experience team leader. Teaching user experience evaluation across all levels. Facilitatingand engagingin HCI, usability and user experience knowledge transfer, IP exploitation and outreach activity.Engagement in DProf and PhD programme. Sunderland Software City - Innovation R&D manager (2009-11).

2002-2010Principal Lecturer, Department of Computing, Engineering and Technology,

University of Sunderland

Member of management team of the department of Computing, Engineering and Technology (dCET) with main responsibility for Reachout (2007-10).Recent, considerable activity in Sunderland Software City, an ERDF/Single Programme funded project (2009-11) leading the Innovations stream.

Main Reachout duties and responsibilities: leadership, development and implementation of reachout strategy; management of external engagement and partnership developments; achieving and monitoring reachout financial activity and targets of funded projects; strategy, review and management of significant business units; leadership and management of knowledge transfer and collaborative R&D with regional SMEs; participation in reachout leadership and management groups. Consistently met targets and budget requirements, with an increase in net non-research projects, including collaborative R&D and CIPs/KTPs. Further detail on reachout activities in projects section below.

Deputy Coordinator and partner in EU FP6 eCIRCUS project (2006-9).Team leader for Interactive Digital Media (2006-8). Programme development and implementation for Masters in Multimedia Systems (2004-6) and Software Enterprise (2009-10). Teaching HCI, 3D, multimedia, advanced interactivity, research methods and project management primarily at the Masters and final year levels.

1997 – 2002Senior Lecturer, School of Computing and Mathematics,

University of Northumbria, Newcastle

Teaching and learning in HCI and Research Methods - Programme Leader Masters in Research Community reachout activity with local charities leading to successful funding applications (ESF, NOF) - Research activity including publications and funding applications.

2000Associate Lecturer, Open University

1993-1997HCI specialist at Serveis Centrals, Banc Sabadell, Sabadell, Spain

Interface design and development - HCI and systems analysis - Team management - Responding to opportunities in the emerging electronic/web and advising senior staff on likely impacts on banking - Usability testing - Promotion of bank through research publications and presentations.

1990-1993JRC Ispra, Italy – European Travel and Mobility Grantholder

Conducted user experience research within the EU FP2 project ARCHON - Published and presented research in journals and conferences. PhD completed (awarded by Manchester).

1989Electricity Research Council, UK – Researcher

User analysis on Control Engineer requirements (part of ARCHON project)

Affiliations and Memberships

  • Association of Computing Machinery
  • British Educational Research Association,
  • Fellow Higher Education Academy,
  • Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behaviour
  • EPSRC SPIRES (Supporting People Investigating Research Environments and Spaces)

research network founder member

Editorial & Reviewing Activities

Conferences: CHI '99, ‘00, ’02, ’04, ’05, ’06, 07, FLAIRS '00, FLAIRS ’02, British HCI 2005-8, 2010, IDC 2004, 2005, AISB 2004-7, Edutainment ’06, 08, IDICS 2010.

Journals: Intelligent Systems; Applied Artificial Intelligence, Interacting with Computers, Interaction Studies, Virtual Reality; Cognition, Technology and Work; Pervasive Computing.

Editorial Board: Transactions on Edutainment (Springer); International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning

Proposals: Proposal reviewer for HE Academy for ICS Development Fund, 2004, 2005, 2008, ESRC TEL Reviewer, 2008

Projects: experience, skills and competences

  • 2010-13 Partner in FP7 eCUTE (ICT-5-4.2 257666) project, with Work Package Leadership of WP7 Evaluation and WP8 Dissemination (2010-13). eCUTE provides the main context for my research into adding value to the user evaluation experience. Within the project, in addition to the evaluation, I take a significant role in user-centred design and in creating the user scenarios for the applications under development (cultural conflict for 9-11 year olds; cultural communication for the 18-25 age group). We are continuously engaged with stakeholders and users and have a wide network of contacts in local schools and organisations, allowing steady user input into the project. We use many techniques and approaches, mainly with the dual aims of gathering the data needed by the development team whilst ensuring that the user experience of engaging with eCUTE is enjoyable. With the 9-11 year olds, our approach is based on 5 sets of techniques aimed at maximising user engagement (developed in eCIRCUS). These techniques (e.g. based on the use of photography, on the use of arts & crafts, etc.) were developed to be classroom-based and curriculum focused, but still focused on playfulness and enjoyment. With the 18-25 year olds, in addition to our typical approaches, such as focus groups, photo elicitation, questionnaires, card sorts, etc. we are also using social media as a tool to support design and improve the evaluation experience.
  • 2010-11 PI - User Experience and Acceptance of Low Carbon Vehicles: University of Sunderland funded project investigating user expectations, particularly focused on: visual and aesthetic factors; computing solutions for information and entertainment; and potential synergies between the LCV and software sectors. Current research in collaboration with Sunderland City Council using an on-line visual semantic differential questionnaire is investigating aesthetic expectations and their impacts on LCV purchasing decisions.
  • 2009-12 Knowledge Transfer Projects
  • Knowledge Base Supervisor CIP with Prima Training (providing training for the Passenger Transport sector) focusing on the development of a Management Information System for learner management (2009)
  • Lead Academic: KTP with Gill & Schofield (Dispensing Pharmacists), focusing on interaction design and trust models for online prescriptions (2010-11)
  • Lead Academic: KTP with Tombola (UK’s Number 1 On-line Bingo provider), focusing on developing user profiles to combat problem gambling (2010-12)
  • 2009-11 Sunderland Software City Innovation Strand F (Research and Development) manager: I led and managed a range of R&D activities, focusing on collaborative R&D leading to innovative software development with regional SMEs. In addition to management, my own contributions included a range of business assists to SMEs (e.g. user experience analysis, TSB bid development, user experience input as part of Innovation Vouchers), contributions to IP exploitation (e.g. experience evaluation of staff IP developments, support for Proof of Concept funding) and a significant focus on financial leverage, with approximately 1.2 million leveraged through eCUTE and KTPs, with 4 funding applications currently under development.
  • 2002-11 Collaborations with Mimosa Wireless. I have a long-standing collaboration with Mimosa Wireless who focus on intelligent agents, location enhancement, device independence and augmented reality. My input is typically user/context analysis, interaction design and user experience evaluation. Recent projects include:
  • User experience input and interaction design for an Augmented Reality application: DIMPLE (Device Independent Media Platform Location Enhancement) for Incident Response. This application was selected for the INSTINCT TD3 trials and showcase (February 2011), and was directly mentioned as having high potential. We are currently (March 2011) in discussion with Logicain relation to exploiting this technology.
  • User experience analysis and interface design for Culture Hub, an application developed using DIMPLE to provide a cultural guide for Durham. This went on to win at the Sunderland University staff category of the Blueprint competition (2010).
  • Haggle Agent: device independent agent negotiation system that reached the final of the EMEA NAVTEQ LBS Challenge (2008). My involvement was an extensive user and context analysis and interaction design.
  • 2009-10 Sunderland Software City Innovation Strand E (Knowledge Transfer & Product Development) Manager: Led and managed a significant Increase in knowledge transfer at Sunderland from 0 KTPs to a current portfolio of 11.
  • 2009 Sunderland Software City Enterprise Strand D (Stimulating Graduate Enterprise) Acting Manager: significant contribution to the development of the Software Hatchery (business incubation unit) and support of student software enterprises along with enhancing student experience through embedding employability and enterprise in the curriculum (e.g. Programme Director MSc Software Enterprise (with 16 students successfully graduated in2010) and the programme nominated for the 2010 regional Class Awards (collaboration between Universities and industry); software enterprise curriculum innovations in the undergraduate portfolio with all Computing undergraduates now exposed to enterprise and self-employability).
  • 2006-9 Deputy Coordinator FP6 STREP eCIRCUS (IST-4-027656-STP) project: my role involved project coordination, work package leadership (WP2 Scenario Development and Learner Involvement), financial and budgetary management, people and resource management and responsibility for the dissemination and exploitation approach. Significant impact on the design of the eCIRCUS applications: FearNot! and ORIENT through user experience research involving over 1,500 teenagers and children in design and evaluation.
  • 2004-6 Participatory design and evaluation in the Socrates-Minerva funded projects Virtual Environments in Schools and CrimCity.
  • 2002-6 Digital Cluster development: Engagement with regional SMEs in the digital cluster, with 40% commitment to CODEWORKS Northern IT ReachOut NITRO project (2004-6) and Project Director of the ERDF funded Digital Media Network (2002-3). This included commercial research into graduate skills gap in digital media sector; provision of short placement opportunities for students; development of Think & A Drink monthly sectorial meetings (still continued by CODEWORKS); project management and direction; contribution to the exit strategy to enable the DMN to become embedded within CODEWORKS; promotion of Digital Media sector North East companies including DMN branded delegations to international digital sector events; and assists and collaborations with SME products and service developments.
  • 2002-5 Research consultancy:including user experience evaluations and exploitation strategies for the FP5 project VICTEC, focused at 8-12 year olds.

Public, Business & Community Engagement

  • Sunderland eCUTE media presence. Press release leading to coverage on BBC, Sunderland Echo and Newcastle Journal in December 2010.
  • Invited games design workshops at the Ilkley literature festival, 2009 & 2010
  • Sunderland Software City Enterprise and Innovation: articles and editorial published in InformNorth (2008-9); interviewed for “Digitally Enterprising” in Business Quarter’s Special Report on Business Education & Training (2010)
  • Membership of North East Chamber of Commerce (Sunderland), Sunderland Business Network,
  • 2008-11: regular invited speeches to events held by Business Link, CODEWORKS, NE-BIC, Sunderland Business Network and participation in Business Link Business Fairs and information events.
  • Press interviews relating to eCIRCUS with related articles in North East, UK and Portuguese press.
  • Northern Pinetree Trust - Trustee / Board Member 2005-8
  • TV interviews with Chinese journalists (April 2006) relating to games relating to games, digital media and education including an interview on the English language channel – Dragon TV.
  • Strategic Advisory Board member for STF 266 Human Factors Guidelines for the design and use of ICT by children (European Telecommunications Standardisation Institute)

Conference / Seminar Activities

  • Invited seminar on Seamless Evaluation at Heriot-Watt, May 2011
  • Programme Committee and Social Networks Chair, SOTICS 2011, The First International Conference on Social Eco-Informatics
  • Programme Committee & Sponsorship Chair: 3rd International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling (ICIDS 2010)
  • Programme Committee, IADIS ICT, Society and Human Beings (2008, 2010, 2011)
  • Programme Committee, IADIS International Conference: Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction (IHCI 2009)
  • Invited presentation, Increasing user engagement in the evaluation of Learning Companions and Pedagogical Agents,Closed Learning Companions Workshop, Oxford, May 2009
  • Programme Committee IC-EDUCA 2009, 1st International Conference on Reforming Education: The Education of the 21st Century – A Bold Response to the Multidimensional Economic and Social Crisis.
  • Programme Committee, Workshop on Empathic Agents at AAMAS 2009.
  • Programme Committee: ICT2008
  • Invited paper: European Union E-Inclusion conference (Helsinki, July 2006),
  • Invited special session - Edutainment 2006 (Hangzhou, China)
  • Invited speech to the Beijing Software Association’s Games special interest group (Beijing, 2006)
  • Program Committee, Edutainment'2006, 2008
  • Program Committee, IEEE Ro-Man 2006
  • Coordinator for the Graduate career development workshop for women in Computing Research, British HCI 2005
  • Programme Committee: Human Computer Animated Characters, Workshop British HCI, September 2005.
  • Co-chair of AISB Symposium: Virtual Social Agents, April 2005
  • Program Committee, ACM SIGCHI ACE 2005
  • Coordinator: Empathy in HCI workshop at British HCI in September, 2004
  • BCS HCI '00, Sunderland, UK: Program Chair Organisational Overviews, Chair of Methods & Tools Session, Program Committee Member
  • FLAIRS 2000 Programme Committee and Special Track Chair (Artificial Intelligence in Instructional Software)


Personal funding: projects where I take a significant role after funding achieved, with approximately £850k income, primarily since 2006.

  • EU FP7 eCUTE (ICT-5-4.2 257666) 379k Partner (2010-13)
  • Tombola KTP (Funder: TSB/ONE) £103k Lead Academic (2010-12)
  • Gill & Schofield KTP (Funder: TSB/ONE) £103k Lead Academic (2010-12)
  • Low Carbon Vehicles User Experience and Acceptance project (Research Beacon (internal) funded) - £24k Principal Investigator (2010-11)
  • Prima CIP(Funder: ONE) £30k. Knowledge Based Supervisor (2009)
  • EU FP6- eCIRCUS(IST-4-027656-STP) £202k Partner (2006-9)
  • School Reachout Fellowship - £5k Principal Investigator (2006-8)
  • North East Enabling Fund - £10k Lead (2006)
  • EPSRC Travel Grant - £3k travel grant for delegation to China (2006)
  • University Research Development Fellowship - £10k (2005-6)
  • EU FP5 VICTEC - £29k contribution to my research from Herts (2003-5)
  • Virtually Friends Sutton Trust funding - £1k for engaging schools in research(2004)
  • Internal Research Fellowship- 22k over 18 months at Northumbria. (2000-01)

Funding Support

I am engaged in a number of bid writing activities where my contribution is entirely pre-award, with over 400k reachout funding achieved for voluntary sector organisations in 2001-6 and almost £1mill in knowledge transfer and industry collaborations, predominantly since 2009.

  • 2009-10: Knowledge Transfer Partnerships and Innovation Vouchers: funding leadership and support for regional SMEs and academics, resulting in knowledge transfer income of over 800k.
  • 2005-10: Provision of funding support:to computing and engineering academics for range of funding sources e.g. North East Enabling Fund (£10k for bid development), RCUK (including supporting academics in successful submissions for EPSRC funding approx 43k), EU FP6 & 7, ERDF, NEFunding, Proof of Concept (£90k for Cassandra project).
  • SMART Award (2001-2):£43k SMART award (01/00172/F).
  • Pro-Bono Funding Support (2001-6):I was involved with pro-bono consultancy with a range of voluntary sector organizations (e.g. SHAW, Northern Pinetree Trust) providing advice and support on bid writing that has led to a range of successful funding applications. The main beneficiaries of these bids were adults with learning disabilities. This includes successful funding at around £400k including New Opportunities Funding, European Social Fund, European Regional Development Fund, Northern Rock Foundation. The focus of the funding was primarily to provide beneficiaries with ICT training and development to increase their employment opportunities.

Research Students

Dr. Delia Whitbread, Reconfiguring the rose – Translating the visionary medium of the second millennium into the visionary medium of the third. Graduated 2008.Co-Supervisor at Sunderland.

Director of Studies

  • Colette Hume, An Investigation into the use of Online Social Networks for the Evaluation of Game Based Educational Technology, submission date 2013
  • John Hodgson, Children to Adolescence: an investigation of social awareness using theory of mind methods, submission date 2014.
  • Martin Page, User Profiling for Problem Gambling, submission date 2014

Current Co-Supervisions

  • Jeremy Brown, Digital inclusion for rural communities in developing countries, PhD submission date 2012
  • Adinda van't Klooster, Exploring responsive audio-visual art through creative art practice and computer programming. PhD submission date: 2011
  • Dave Reed, Marketing virtual data in the real world, DProf submission date 2011
  • Rob Warrender, The GRID and its potential for pedagogy,DProfsubmission date 2013