Faculty Meeting Agenda

September 16, 2005

Hieronymus Lounge

3:30 p.m.

I.Call to Order

II.Devotion & Prayer


A.Jane Higa & Student Life

B.New Faculty Member Introduction


A.Approval of Minutes of 29 April 2005

B.Elections – Long Range Planning Committee (see ballot)

C.Elections – Substitutions & Replacements: Standing Committees

D.Action Item – Handbook Change: From Faculty Chair to Co-Chairs on GE Committee (see attachment)

E.Introduction of Faculty Tea / Reclaiming of Faculty “Lounge” / White Horse Inn / Non-Alcoholic Happy Hour / Low Tea Fridays / Eagle & Child / Friday Felicitations / or…?

V.Provost’s Perspective: 5:00 p.m.

VI.Adjournment: 5:30 p.m.

Special Elections For Standing Committees:

Personnel Committee, Tenured Full Professor in Social Sciences, 1 Year: (vote for one)

Gregg Afman

Paul Morgan

Diversity Committee, Fall Semester 2005

Greg Spencer

Program Review Committee, 2 Year Term

Marianne Ruel Robins-Lemmond

Faculty Salary & Budget Committee, Fall Semester 2005

Steve Hodson

General Education Committee, Social Science, 3 Year Term*

Chris Milner

*Will Require Motion to Approve an Exception to Handbook Re Tenured Faculty Member

General Education Committee, Humanities, 3 Year Term

Leonor Elias


Special Election for LongRange Planning Committee

LongRange Planning Committee – Faculty Representatives: (vote for three)

Lisa DeBoer

Mary Docter

Tom Fikes

Bruce Fisk

Russ Howell

Rick Pointer

Niva Tro

The LongRange Planning Committee Meets Once Every Ten Years! Seriously – the committee involves faculty, staff, administration, and the trustees. This committee will set goals and identify key issues that require work and vision over the next ten years.


Faculty Tea Special Election: Your Choice of Name? ______ Education Committee


1)Provost (or representative)

2)Six tenured faculty, two from each division, two elected annually in divisional rotation as follows, e.g.: one apiece from Natural and Behavioral Sciences and Social Sciences in year 1, one apiece from Social Sciences and Humanities in year 2, and one apiece from Humanities and Natural and Behavioral Sciences in year 3.



1)Co-chairs: Provost (or representative) and faculty member elected by the committee from among the members.Chair will be elected from among the faculty members.

2)Secretary shall be appointed by the chair.


In order to provide continuity to the committee from year to year and to free the faculty members from the burden of managing the paperwork of this committee, the GE Committee has functioned with the Provost’s representative (currently this is Ray Rosentrater, Academic Dean) as chair.

On the one hand, the current system appears to work quite well. On the other hand, it seems wise to preserve and encourage faculty leadership on the committee. The proposed handbook change would allow the current dean to continue his good work, while also preserving a place for faculty leadership as provided by the Handbook.

This language also clarifies the question of which faculty members elect the chair.

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