T h e F r e n c h L i t e r a r y R e v i e w

The French Literary Review is an A5 illustrated magazine which publishes stories, poems, articles and illustrations with a French connection. It is a non-profit magazine which relies totally on subscriptions.

Barbara Dordi

Submission guidelines:

We are looking for lively, contemporary poems; intelligent, well-written short stories; extracts from novels which stand on their own; black and white paintings/drawings, all of which should have a French connection.

· Stories (maximum 2) should be between 1000-3000 words.

· Poems (up to 3) of up to 40 lines each.

· Original black and white paintings or drawings ( A4 size maximum)which either illustrate a poem / story submitted, or are related to France in some way.

No photographs please.

· Submissions must be typewritten on one side of the paper. Stories should be double spaced and have good margins. Hand-written entries cannot be accepted.

· Please ensure your name, address, telephone number and email address appear on your MS.

· Please provide an SAE if you would like your MS returned.

· We regret we are not currently able to offer fees for published work, but hope that this situation will soon change. Copyright will remain with contributors.

Please send submissions to:

B. Dordi, or to B. Dordi

134b Joy Lane, 7 rue de la Chapelle

Whitstable, 11240 Alaigne,

Kent CT5 4ES Aude

UK France

Subscription Form

(please feel free to photocopy)

Please complete the form below and send it with your cheque to B. Dordi, 134b Joy Lane, Whitstable, Kent CT5 4ES UK or to B. Dordi, 7 rue de la Chapelle, 11240 Alaigne, Aude, France

2 issues UK/Europe £9 or 13 euros (inc. postage)

Rest of world £13 or 18 euros (Inc.postage)

4 issues UK/Europe £17.50 or 25 euros (inc postage)

Rest of world £24.50 or 35 euros (inc postage)

Please note: cheques should be made payable to: B. Dordi


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