Sports Premium Funding Statement

What is the Sports Premium?
The government is providing additional funding of £150 million per annum for academic year 2014 to 2015 to improve provision of physical education (PE) and sport in primary schools. This funding - provided jointly by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport - will be allocated to primary school headteachers. This funding is ring-fenced and therefore can only be spent on provision of PE and sport in school. Marchbank has received £4,719.

Purpose of the funding
Schools must spend the additional funding on improving their provision of P.E. and sport, but they will have the freedom to choose how they do this. At Marchbank we recognise the contribution of P.E. to both the health and well-being of our children. We also believe that a varied P.E. curriculum and wide-ranging, extra-curricular opportunities have a positive effect on concentration, attitude and the academic achievement of all our pupils.

Use of the funding at Marchbank
The money will be used so that all the children in the school will benefit from the funding, regardless of their sporting ability. We will be using the funding to develop and improve our current provision for the P.E. curriculum and also to improve after-school clubs. Some of the money will be used to buy new resources to support us in providing high quality P.E. across the school.

Due to our small PE spaces we have been creative in our purchases to maximise the children’s opportunities. Last year we purchased table tennis equipment, badminton equipment and added to our facilities for athletics, invasion games skills, dance and gymnastics.

This year we intend to further improve our resources in the area of invasion games equipment and purchase some storage for our sports mats.

Other uses of the funding include:
• To become a Partner Primary School in Darlington School Sport Partnership, which provides

Entry into a variety of events

Access to training for staff

Support for the subject leader for PE and sports

Specialist teachers to deliver sessions in school

• To pay for transport to and from events to ensure that as many children as possible can participate in local sporting events.

• Provide transport for those in need, to be able to access after-school sports clubs.

Sports Premium Funding Statement
2014-2015 Progress

Use to date
The sports funding allocated by the Government has been used to:

  • Fund transport to local football pitches
  • Pay for children to attend the local swimming pool for leisure sessions
  • Improve the quality of PE resources by paying for some new equipment
  • Improve the quality of teaching across the age range by purchasing schemes of work for some sports.

The impact of the sports funding on all pupils is being reviewed regularly by the senior leadership team. Class teachers are expected to work alongside external specialist teachers to help them develop their skills and confidence in leading outstanding P.E lessons.

The children at Marchbank are generally very enthusiastic to participate in sport and P.E. We intend throughout this year to encourage participation in all of the events organised by Darlington School Sport Partnership and will be inviting specialist teachers to run after school clubs as well as deliver dance and gymnastics in school.

Autumn 14 update

  • We secured a dance teacher to deliver weekly Street Dance lessons to all of the children. This will take place weekly throughout the 1st half of the Spring Term 15.

(£40 per hour x 7 = £280)

  • We have an after school sports club offering table tennis, badminton, dance, gymnastics and football. The session is delivered weekly with all delivery by school staff. The funding is helping to finance the transport home for the children to enable them to take part.

(£65 per hour x 7 = £455 – this is cost per half term)

We intend to run this x3 half terms per academic year.

Total: £1365

  • Costs of Bronze package membership to the Darlington School Sports Partnership

7% of total amount received = £330.33

  • We have successfully run fortnightly sessions in trampolining at Spennymoor Leisure Centre throughout Autumn Term 14.

(£40 per hour x 14 = £560)

Total spend Autumn 14 = £2535.33

Total to spend = £2183.67