Online Meeting 25.November 2915

Welcome dear friends around the world to our meeting tonight.

Hope you are all fine and well and you connect every day with the DiVINE ENERGY, which is so important in these times.

Bruno Gröning was so true, when he said, "Man need the connection to GOD". Christ didn't want more, God didn't want more than that we are connected with HIM. That is the teaching of Christ, how He has given to us on our path. To be connected with God, is everything!" (04.12.1958)

So, dear friends, we start this meeting with an interesting and very important question: How can we achieve the real connection to God and how can we stay connected, when we once achieved it?

What do you think???

God thanks, we have got the technique of getting the connection to God by our dear and great friend Bruno Gröning! He simply said: Through belief! Bruno said: "Believe, that you are not alone, believe that you are a divine creation, believe that you are a child of God. Believe that God will give you everything, what He has destined for you, for everyone. Of course every living being has to take this up. !" (05.10.1958)

And that's it, dear friends, we have to take it up. When we tune in to the Divine, or how Bruno called it “Einstellen”, we are able to look inside ourselves, to know us better and better. We are able by tuning in to take up peace, love, serenity, calmness, health and all the other positive adjectives we want to achieve, all are on the spiritual path and every little wheel works with each other in the big circle of life. When we are stressed of too much work, or we had fights or struggle with family members, what have we to do? We have to take the time to withdraw and doing "Einstellen" to pray, to tune in to the Divine Energy, ask for it, pray for it as long as we FEEL, we are connected. When we are upset it may take a quiet long time to come into a calm mood. What have we to do first?? YES DETACH from all the negative emotions, feelings, thoughts etc.etc. We have to LET GO all those fears and thoughts of sickness and anxieties. This is the most important. Like Bruno said, a vessel has to be clean, it has to be pure before divine energy will enter.

So let us take up now the Divine Energy, the Healing stream. Please sit in your known position with a straight spine and open palms upwards your lap. close your eyes and RELAX. Now listen to the music and watch your body, what you FEEL.


Bruno Gröning was the best example and an idol for us. He was a human being like we are. And he had a life, a hard life being born at the time of two big World Wars and all the terrible events. He knew about suffering and hunger, about bomb attacks and destruction. Through his clearvision he could see and read the thoughts of the people and through deep sensitivity he felt the pain of every human being, the suffer and need of humanity. That’s why God has sent him to us. There was just one little difference: He completely surrendered himself to God and he dedicated his life totally to the Lord as he wrote in the following article from 1949:

"As a person, I have the same blood as yours. If I cut myself while shaving, I bleed like every mortal human being. But I’ve suffered much more than most people.

I don't need neither newspapers nor radio broadcasts. I could see anytime, inside my mind, things that nobody could see. You could even see my body and hear my voice nevertheless sometimes I could be not inside my body. I could be not there, but elsewhere. My words are flowing naturally out of my mouth and my hands are moving in an effortless way, though.

I am as frugal as very few are. I slept a whole year long on the naked earth, naked myself too, without eating or drinking. My body was skin and bones. I rejected any medical or human help and followed Our Lord God's orders only. At the end of that year, I rose up and my body was healthy again.

If some smoke flows out of my mouth while I say “God”, I hope this does not upset you. Cigarettes are one of a few bestowments I give myself. Another is coffee, which is like a nourishment to me. But I will try not to smoke.

I do not want to be published out to this world but I just want one thing: to heal people's illnesses. I see this as my task and inner call. So far I’ve taken no money from anybody. As I am frugal, my friends will gladly give me what I need.

I wear clothes just to be indiscernible from other people. If someone gave me some money, it was placed somewhere for me. I often give it to the poor. That's what I did and I will do, forever. I will never make a business out of my power. "

Source:SCHMIDT, E.A.: The Miracle Healing of Bruno Gröning, Berlin, Falken, 1949, S. 20

In those words of Bruno we read that he didn't wanted to be uplifted and widespread propagated to the whole world. He always said about himself to be a very normal and natural man but clinging to the truth. Through his purity at body and spirit he was able to be a perfect vessel to God's Power. So he became a perfect tool, which was able to contain the pure power of God, so he could pass the electricity and magnetism of love and light. Yes, and as we know through several lectures he said, that we are able to be the same.So we are able to live in perfect love and truth in our life and come any closer to God. This is a real big task to achieve those attitude and adjectives and use our abilities as God has gifted them to us. All is about to raise our vibration. Here I’ve got a very interesting article from a dear friend about the Sphere of Grace, and that the grace of God forgives everything. It’s a recorded lecture of Fredy Hosp in Graz Austria, which he held at 16th of October 2004:

The Grace of Godforgiveseverything: Bruno Groening has been incarnated on earth to show people the spiritual path. Show that man lives between birth and death, although a physical body is said to be just a tool, namely the instrument of the immortal spirit.

The embodied soul or the embodied spiritual has been asked before the incarnation: "Look, that would be your fate, that would be your task. Do you want it?“ This objective is built on the past, because a spirit doesn’t come for the first time to the world, but has many incarnations behind, in which guilt was established, as well as skills were given.

We have seen a television program yesterday with the famous violinist Andre Rieu. He is a very good violinist and has a large orchestra. This Rieu has presented a three year old boy who was a perfect violinist.

Question: How is it possible, that keep coming up so-called "miracle kids", who have the skills that they have not learned? Bruno Groening has explained that they bring with them those abilities from earlier, from their previous lives and remember. The little fellow has played the violin with the Big Ones and has not come out of the clock. That was great.

Thus man should realize that he is a spiritual being, which has already existed before the incarnation. This being, what is expecting to be a child, will be shown his fate awaiting him in broad outlines, and then will be asked if he wants to fulfill this task. It indeed has a free will. Because most souls have a more or less bad consciousness because they know exactly what they've done before, they say, "Yes, of course, I’ll do everything. I just want a body again, so I can amend, make it good everything again!"

When Bruno Groening visited Klagenfurt he always was a guest at a particular family’s house. The lady of the house was indeed rich but unhappy because her husband "had affairs" from time to time. Once she was very depressed and mentioned to Bruno Groening, that she would be happy if she could leave and have life already behind her. "Well, well," Bruno Groening said ... "and you were the one who cried the most of being born again." That’s it. We should regard our life positively and as our task too, so that we put down negative attributs deliberately and , that we are free when we leave this body.

For example: it is not okay when Bruno Groening is presented only as a healer. The people hope that they will be healed by the divine power mediated by him. But this is only a very small part of their duties in this earthly life. The other part is that we move forward so that we break down the various flaws and mistakes to leave at the end freely.

Then a question came up, why we should be healed physically, when once we have to leave the body anyway. There Bruno Groening has stated something very interesting:

Man should be free of burdens, when leaving the body, because then he's free at the other side too.

But when he leaves the body charged and quarrels with God, then he takes all the dirt to the other side and must be reborn in that state after a certain time, in which he has left the body. Then you may consider whether this is the reason why today so many loaded children come into the world? Is it perhaps why they took their loads in past lives and have gone over in despair?

Healing is a very large complex. Some persons become healthy and carry on their mistakes, i.e they do not value their health. If one has been healed, has become healthy, one should be grateful and ensure that one continue to learn on the basis of physical health, to become more free from all defects and flaws. Now comes the hammer, so to speak! Bruno Groening has said that this is the greatest sanctification ,when man walks over to the other side unloaded when he leaves the body, when he dies. But most people on the other hand complain and whine, that he, who died, was not helped, because he's dead. In reality, it is like that. He is liberated, when he is able to let go, when he surrenders his fate entirely to God, which can be the greatest cure for these people as spiritual beings.

Here, dear friends, I would like to stop a moment about Fredie’s lecture. I want to share an experience with you, I've witnessed, when we had built up the communities for drug addicts in the Nineties. Those times we had more than 10 groups for drug addicts in many different cities in Germany and Holland. We had run a community also in my hometown Berlin, very close to the place I grew up. Before the community hour started, we always walked about two hours over the drug scene in order to address the addicts and then take them with us to our room. We wanted to help them by the teachings of Bruno Groening and to do “EInstellen” together with them and pray for them. One day we met a 30 year old woman, her name was Helga, who was in a very bad condition, with withdrawal symptoms, shivering and extremely aggressive she sat on the steps of a house entrance and I showed her my book and asked her if she wants to be free and told her in a few words what had happened to me through Bruno and God’s help, since I was also healed. At first she just laughed cynically and made fun of me. She said, that even I would probably not believe those things, what I told her there. That I became free from drugs though prayer and the Divine power. As I already turned away from her to move on, she called after me: "Wait, I'm coming with you!" And she crudely braced up herself and limped after me. I saw that she was really in a very bad health condition. We walked slowly together and passed a small kiosk. There she stopped and bought a small flask with brandy Schnaps and poured this down to Ex, without that I could stop her.

We finally arrived at our community room and she felt so weak that she lay down on a floor mat prepared by us for heavy cases. We started with the introduction and as the music started, she demanded to hand over her a bucket. She vomited profusely and long and was followed afterwards our lecture at least half an hour quietly and peacefully on her mat. We continued with our community hour and finally she said that’s enough - too much for her - would go too much to the substance, she thanked us and stood up. She seemed visibly strengthened and monitored, said goodbye and left. We never saw her again, but a few months later we met a friend of her, who told us that she had made a complete withdrawal cure after the introduction, that she had become completely free from all addictions and that she had then died peacefully of natural causes. At first we were all shocked. But by her friend and Bruno’s statement about such events, we knew, that she had experienced a great liberation, and possibly could go over freely into a better world. So perhaps she could achieve a new healthy body. Only God knows ...

Bruno Groening himself said, that it will be the most beautiful day for him, when he must leave this earth again. For the people it was a disaster, however, because most of themsuddenly did not longer believe in him. Although he had said that they should not cling to him, but to learn to self-absorb the Divine force; they should learn to realize that they can receive the divine power even when they vibrate in harmony with the Divine. (...)

For Bruno Groening people were transparent. When he stood there, he never looked at the people directly, but he has always looked over the head of people. When he was once asked why he does this, he replied that he always sees the spiritual person who stands behind the physical human being. So he could see everything what is wrong and right.

Bruno Groening was very sensitively. He has exposed no one. He has just whispered something into the ear of somebody, which one either blushed for shame or became very pale, because he told him simply the truth. Strong confident men fell to their knees and cried bitterly. But he has also said that if people want the good, when they are careful, when they change spiritually, then God will forgive. Do not repeat the same mistake, he said. Learn from your mistakes.

You have to imagine it this way:A human being has a vibration, a self-oscillation, and if the person wants to do good and does not fall back again and again, the natural vibration increases, and he comes any closer to God, closer to the divine vibration.

This implies that the old karma has no effect because it passes underneath and does not touch people any longer. But what if the person falls back into old habits, so to speak, slipping back and its vibration is turning deeper again? Then the karma fully hits him again. We actually live in two worlds; we are in the world of karma, where we have to make everything all right again, what we have done badly. But if we are able to increase our spiritual vibration through faith and trust, we enter the Sphere of Grace. The grace of God forgives everything. The grace of God is above the Karma. But if man falls back again and again, he comes back into old vibrations and has to rectify what he recently had done badly again. So there is both: There is Karma, the law of cause and effect and there is also the Sphere of Grace, we enter at the moment, when we really try to come closer to the divine power.

The divine power is everywhere, just like the force is everywhere. But as I said, you can only receive it, only receive, if you are in resonance with the divine power. A blind person is not able to see, because it is not possible for him to swing with the light in resonance. That's the whole secret. We can only perceive with which we resonate. You can listen, for example, to my lecture, because your ears vibrate in resonance with my pronunciation.

So far Fredy Hosp at his lecture.


In the year 1954 I drove to Bruno Gröning from Munich to Grafrath (a little town in Germany) together with a Franciscan Padre after an earlier request. The relatives of this monk have asked me to make the connection and to make sure, that this Padre wouldn't notice something about suffering from this incurable illness. He suffered on a Cerebral Tumour which was inoperable, couldn't be removed through an operation. He was in a constant danger of his life, but nobody had told him about.

In the train to Grafrath he sat in front of me very pale on his face. He was tall, a very handsome appearance of appr. 40 years old. He had lived a long time as a missionary in Africa. He suffered from disturbances of his consciousness and from constantly painful headaches.