Department of Microbiology Quality Manual / Policy QPIMI01001.09 / Page 3 of 3
Section: Process Improvement / Subject Title: Identification of Improvement Opportunity Procedure


To define the procedure for identifying opportunity for improvement


Members of the Quality Improvement Committee.


1.  QI Committee members will meet quarterly to select opportunities for improvement and the appropriate indicators.

2.  Select improvement opportunities based on :

·  Client Input - QSSMI01001

·  Client Satisfaction Survey Procedure QSSMI01004

·  Staff Input - QSSMI01002

·  Staff Satisfaction Survey Procedure QSSMI01003

·  Reports from occurrence trends - QOMMI01005

·  Reports from internal assessment of the path of workflow – QASMI02000

·  Reports from internal audits of the quality system - QASMI02000

·  Reports from laboratory inspections – QASMI03000

·  Reports from proficiency testing - QPCMI07001a

·  Initiatives from literature review or practices from other organizations in order to achieve best practices.

·  Reports from TML Quality Management Committee

3.  Establish indicator for each opportunity for improvement

4.  Prioritize indicators based on:

·  Patient care impact

·  Customer satisfaction impact

·  Financial impact

·  Staff satisfaction impact

5.  Select one or more indicators per quarter.

Related Documents:

Client Input Procedure QSSMI01001 / QSSMI01001
Client Satisfaction Survey Procedure QSSMI01004 / QSSMI01004
Staff Input Procedure QSSMI01002 / QSSMI01002
Staff Satisfaction Survey Procedure QSSMI01003 / QSSMI01003
Occurrence trends / QOMMI01005
Internal assessment of the path of workflow /


Internal audits of the quality system / QASMI02000
Laboratory inspections / QASMI03000
Proficiency Testing Report Summary / QPCMI07001a

Record of Edited Revisions

Manual Section Name: Identification of Improvement Opportunity Procedure

Page Number / Item / Date of Revision / Signature of Approval
Annual Review / March 05, 2004 / Dr. T. Mazzulli
Annual Review / March 20, 2005 / Dr. T. Mazzulli
Annual Review / July 31, 2006 / Dr. T. Mazzulli
Annual Review / August 13, 2007 / Dr. T. Mazzulli
Annual Review / August 13, 2008 / Dr. T. Mazzulli
Annual Review / August 15, 2009 / Dr. T. Mazzulli
Annual Review / May 31, 2011 / Dr. T. Mazzulli
Annual Review / May 31, 2012 / Dr. T. Mazzulli
Annual Review / May 31, 2013 / Dr. T. Mazzulli


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