Rules, Expectations, Privileges, and Classroom Procedures

Principles of Business, Marketing, & Finance

Course Description:
In Principles of Business, Marketing, and Finance, students gain knowledge and skills in economies and private enterprise systems, the impact of global business, marketing of goods and services, advertising, and product pricing. Students analyze the sales process and financial management principles.

This course allows students to reinforce, apply, and transfer academic knowledge and skills from their core scholastic classes to a variety of interesting and relevant activities, projects, problems and settings in business, marketing, and finance.

Finally, within this course you will plan your freshmen high school classes, schedule your high school classes, and create a 4 year plan using Naviance.

Classroom rules:

The 5 P’s: prompt, prepared, positive, productive, polite

1.  Prompt: Be on time.

2.  Prepared: Be ready to learn and come to class with all materials.

3.  Positive: Be willing to try and give your best effort.

4.  Productive: Be ready to work.

5.  Polite: Be respectful to yourself and others.


1.  Student will be in his or her seat by the end of the bell. Tardiness will be addressed with a warning, detentions, and then ISS. (See #4 under classroom procedures)

2.  Student will use ONLY a Black or Blue pen in class for their work to get graded.

3.  Student will complete assignments in class and at home, and participate in classroom activities. Unfinished classwork will become homework. It will be turned in the following day in order to receive credit. Test/Quizzes will be taken in class, never at home. Projects will be worked on in class and at home

4.  Student will be expected to treat classmates, teacher, and themselves with respect. Positive language and appropriate behavior is mandatory. Negative language and inappropriate behavior will be addressed immediately with a warning/redirection, student/teacher conference, detention, a phone call home, parent/teacher conference, and then an office referral. Order may vary depending on the severity of the offense.

5.  Students will be expected to comply with the student code of conduct for ALVIN ISD and Nolan Ryan Junior High. Students will not speak when the teacher and/or another student is speaking. Students must raise his or her hand and wait to be called on. We will respectfully take turns to speak.

6.  Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy states that students will use their electronic device in class at the teacher discretion. Electronic devices will be picked up and turned into the front office for misuse of the device and/or not complying with the teacher discretion. There is a $15 Alvin ISD fee for parents/legal guardians to receive the device back. Students will be allowed to use devices in class when specific activities are related to curriculum. Student should keep devices on vibrate, silent or off, unless instructed to get them out for learning.

Classroom procedures:

1.  During class, ONE student may be out of their seat at a time. If a student needs to get a tissue, throw trash away, recycle paper, or turn in work; he or she must have permission from me.

2.  Late work for Principals of Business, Marketing, and Finance will be the same as in the High School; since it is for high school credit. An assignment that is ONE day late will receive a maximum grade of an 85, TWO days late will receive a maximum grade of a 70, THREE days or more days late receives NO CREDIT/ZERO.

3.  Make-up work: If a student is absent, upon returning to class, the student is responsible to get all make-up work on the make-up shelf, copy down activities missed in their planner. I will upload most PPT presentations onto my webpage; however, class notes can be obtained from a classmate.

4.  Tardiness is notated in TEAMS by the teacher. Tardy eliminator keeps track of tardiness campus-wide and assigns detentions. NRJH tardy policy is as follows:

1-4 tardies = warning/documented by teacher

5 tardies = campus detention and parent phone call

6 tardies= 2nd campus detention and parent phone call

7 or more = ISS assigned and parent phone call

5.  Grade distribution: Class Participation/Assignments 45% Test/ Projects 35% Quizzes/Homework 20%

6.  Appropriate Behavior: All students deserve to learn in a comfortable, positive, and motivating environment. Respectful and appropriate behavior is demanded. Learning should be exciting and fun, however guidelines and clear cut expectations are necessary. Students will be redirected if off task or disrupting classroom learning.

Consequences: Positives:

1.  Verbal reminder (warning/the LOOK) 1. Non-Verbal / Verbal praise (nods/affirmations)

2.  Student/teacher conference 2. Positive note

3.  Phone call home/detention 3. Phone call/text/email to parents

4.  Parent conference/team conference 4. NRJH tickets

5.  Office referral 5. Classroom Prizes

Class Supply List:

1.  Black & Blue Pen only

2.  Regular notebook or section in a binder

3.  Tissue and Hand Sanitizer (in addition to the school supply list)


I, ______, understand Mr. Castle’s rules, expectations, procedures, and privileges. I understand that there will be consequences, negative and positive for my actions and decisions. I also understand that I am responsible for my own make-up work that I may have.

Student signature ______

Parent/Guardian signature ______

Parent/Guardian email______

Parent/Guardian contact phone# ______