Verification Systems Working Group Application Form

AAMVA is seeking to establish a working group to provide user input and feedback on the verification systems being used to verify source documents. The working group, made up of U.S. motor vehicle authorities, will provide guidance and recommendations on improvements, enhancements and changes related to the AAMVA verification systems portfolio. The working group will address known limitations and identify opportunities to support future growth and improvements.

Working Group objectives will include, but will not be limited to:

1.  Perform periodic reviews and assessments of verification systems to ensure adequacy between systems’ functionality/performance and user needs

2.  Develop a list of priority issues to be addressed with each system

3.  Develop recommendations for addressing priority issues

4.  Review proposed systems enhancement and provide user feedback to respective Federal agencies

5.  Monitor implementation of enhancements/recommendations

6.  Recommend strategies to increase the number of jurisdictions using the systems.

Ultimately, the goal of the Verification Systems Working Group is to improve and assist with the governance and ongoing refinement of the systems themselves.

After reviewing the required qualifications below, please complete this form if you are interested in serving on the Working Group.

Contact Information

Street Address:
City, State & Postal Code:
Work Phone: / Email Address:

Applicant Qualifications:

Working Group applicants must be well versed in one or more of the following verification systems: Social Security Online Verification (SSOLV); Verification of Lawful Status (VLS); and, US-PVS (U.S. Passport Verification System).

The Working Group will meet via conference call on a quarterly basis and possibly more frequently as the work load requires. Applicants are required to “attend” and actively participate in all Working Group conference calls and meetings.

If you feel you meet the above qualifications and are interested in applying for the Working Group

please return the completed Working Group Application Form and detailed description of your professional background and experience no later than Friday, August 7, 2015

to Dianne Graham ()

Agreement and Signature

By submitting this application, I affirm that I meet the qualifications and am willing to on the Working Group if selected. As supervisor, I authorize this applicant to serve if selected.
Name (printed):
Signature: / Date:
Supervisor Name (printed):
Supervisor Signature: / Date:

Our Policy

It is the policy that all applicants must obtain the permission of their supervisor and/or chief administrator prior to submitting the application. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Thank you for lending your expertise!