Ann Blanche Smith School PTA Minutes

February 23, 2016

Minutes of the PTA of Ann Blanche Smith School held in the Library/Media Center of Ann Blanche Smith School on Tuesday, February 23, 2016 at 7:30 p.m.

Mona Perrone chaired the meeting. Mona Perrone called the meeting to order at 7:38 p.m.

Board Members present: Mona Perrone, Kathy Minneker, Andrea Wasserman, Janna Christiana, Dena Gasperino, Gisele Hanna, Jennifer Rilli, Donna Angelo, Lydia Pranke, Mary Sullivan,

Board Members absent: Pamela Harmke , Christina Mackay


·  Mona Perrone welcomed the members of the PTA to the meeting and thanked everyone for attending in the rain.

Recording Secretary: Andrea Wasserman

·  Motion to pass the minutes from the meeting of January 26, 2015 meeting. MOTION PASSED.

Principal’s Report: Mrs. Angela Iskenderian

·  Personnel:

o  The leave replacement hired for Mrs. Santana is Ms. Dam who is currently an aide in Ms. Coats class. Ms. Dam is a Smith School graduate.

o  Ms. Kathy Paganella retiring this summer.

o  Mrs. Grace Oliff retiring this year.

o  Student teacher placements in Smith School are going well.

·  Kindergarten registration for 2016-17 remains delayed. The registration process will be online at the parent portal and should go live shortly.

·  2016-17 Fourth Grade plan is to maintain the team approach, but with three class sections. One teacher will be teaching math and science, one for Social Studies and writing, and one for reading and word work.

·  PARCC testing will take place in April. The third grade will begin on April 4, the fourth grade on April 12. Each grade will have 7 days of testing.

·  Mrs. I is working on the 2016-17 budget.

·  The teachers all received chrome books.

·  Green team progress continues.

·  A few fourth graders have taken the initiative to raise money for the leukemia and lymphoma society by collecting plastic bottles.

·  Girls Leadership conference should be great. Introductory meeting 2/24, followed by age dependent workshops.

·  Temporary ban on Pokémon cards at the school as the children are trading them and then upset about the trades.

Teacher Representative: Mrs. Francy Lates

·  Teachers have all been invited to attend and contribute things such as lunch with a teacher to Smith Night Out.

·  Six flags reading program due tomorrow.

·  Fourth grade very excited about germinating seeds soon.

Presidents’ Report: Mona Perrone

·  Please see comments from all the VP reports

Treasurer’s Report: Kathy Minneker

·  Income of $986.89, Expenses of $9,888.16 recorded.

·  Fairly quiet this month.

·  Discussion took place regarding and Target. The presidents will send out an E-blast about Target and Amazon fundraising opportunities to the school community.

Corresponding Secretary: Janna Christiana

·  There was no new correspondence to share at this meeting.

VP Programs: Dena Gasperino and Gisele Hanna

·  Enrichment /Club Invention – Students have really enjoyed it, might try to do another club session before the end of the school year.

·  Six Flags Reading Program – Due tomorrow. Tickets will be available in May to those who complete the required reading.

·  Winter Workshops – Ending this weekend. Was another success this year, classes were packed. Looking for new chair for next year.

·  Funtastics – This is also ending, children enjoyed it again.

·  Assemblies/Author Visit – Author Steve Swineburne visit moved to May 12 from March 31. The VPs might try to schedule one more assembly for March.

VP Fundraising: Lydia Pranke

·  Blue Moon dining event scheduled for March 24th. Can be used for gift cards as well. 20% of your bill is donated back to the school.

·  Box Tops – Next goal of 2,500 for Friday 2/26 has been achieved ahead of schedule. Considering reward of no homework for March 17.

·  Smith Night Out – April 14 at Florentine Gardens. Committee meeting took place this past Sunday, progressing along well. Keep soliciting. Will keep everyone posted of help needed as it comes up. Will have contest for best' 80s hair.

·  Scrip Orders – March and April

·  Plant Sale – May 6.

·  Father Day Bake Sale – June 17

VP Administration: Mary Sullivan

·  PTA Membership is ongoing, it’s not too late to join the PTA.

VP Standing Committees: Jennifer Rilli

·  Smith Night Out – Families please donate soon for class baskets, $10 per student, $15 per family.

·  School Supplies – Vendor secured for next year. Pre-sale orders will take place at end of school year.

VP Special Events: Donna Angelo

·  Variety Show – March 3, 7pm. Approximately 40 acts will appear, 3 minutes each. The show should be great! Raffles available for front row seats. There will be decorations and great 4th grade MCs.

·  BOGO book fair – Next big project for the team. May need to reschedule based on PARCC testing from 4/8 to 4/1 or 4/22

New Business and Questions:

·  Discussion took place regarding the proposed AT&T Cell tower to be located close to Smith. Consider signing the petition.

·  When calling the school, can press 0 to speak with a live person

·  Funtastics, we need more than one person to supervise the program next year, please consider volunteering to supervise.

The next PTA meeting will be on Tuesday March 29, 2016 at 7:30pm

Meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Andrea Wasserman

February 23, 2016

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