/ SC

Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants

/ Distr.: General
7 August 2008
English only



Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee

Fourth meeting

Geneva, 13–17 October 2008

Item 2 (a) of the provisional agenda[*]

Organizational matters: welcoming new members

Designated members of the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee

Note by the Secretariat

1.  By its decision SC-1/7,[1] the Conference of the Parties decided to establish the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee and adopted its terms of reference. Those terms of reference provide that the members of the Committee shall be appointed by the Conference of the Parties and shall consist of 31 governmentdesignated experts in chemicals assessment and management from Parties.

2.  In accordance with the terms of reference of the Committee, the Conference of the Parties by decision SC-3/9 invited 14 Parties to designate new members of the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee to replace the outgoing members.[2] The names of the experts designated by the 14 Parties are listed in the note by the Secretariat on designated members of the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee (UNEP/POPS/POPRC.3/INF/4). In addition, new members have been nominated by the Governments of Brazil, Fiji and Jordan to replace the previous members from those countries. If confirmed, their terms of office will commence on 5 May 2008.

3.  Ms. Maria Delvin (Sweden) has been nominated by her Government to fill the place on the Committee previously occupied by Mr. Bo Wahlström (Sweden), commencing on 5 May 2008. Ms. Camila Arruda Boechat (Brazil) has been nominated by her Government to fill the place on the Committee previously occupied by Ms. Amarilis Neder (Brazil).

4.  The nominations of these experts are subject to confirmation by the Conference of the Parties at its fourth meeting.

5.  Paragraph 5 of the Committee’s terms of reference provides that Parties shall provide curricula vitae for the experts that they nominate to be members of the Committee. The Secretariat has received curricula vitae for all the experts whose nominations have been submitted by Parties and are subject to confirmation by the Conference of the Parties.

6.  The curricula vitae of the experts nominated by Chad, Chile, France, Honduras, India, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Sweden and Togo are reproduced in the annex to the present note. They are presented as submitted, without formal editing, and will be made available to the Conference of the Parties at its fourth meeting. The curricula vitae of the experts nominated by Bulgaria, Brazil, Cambodia, Fiji, Ghana, Jordan, Mauritius, Syrian Arab Republic and Switzerland were presented to the Committee at its third meeting and are contained in the annex to document UNEP/POPS/POPRC.3/INF/4.


Curricula vitae of experts nominated for the POPs Review Committee






Surname and name: BINTEIN Sylvain

Adress (office): European Commission; DG Environment; BU-9 03/068.

B-1000 Brussels, Belgium.


Telephone: +32 (0)229 95452

Date of birth: 11 April 1969

Civil Status: Married, 3 children

Nationality: French


Executive engineer in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences; 1999; École nationale du génie de l'eau et de l'environnement de Strasbourg (France).
PhD in toxicology of environment; 1996; University of Metz (France); Main subjects: structure-activity relationships; Environmental fate modelling of chemicals; Expertise of risk assessment software; critical analysis of toxicological data.
MSc in biology of the organisms and populations; 1991; University of Lille (France); Main subjects: Ecology, genetic of population, biology, chemistry, biochemistry, physiology, mathematics


1997-2005 French ministry of ecology and sustainable development; Ecotoxicologist, in charge of activities and legislations on chemicals at the European Union (e.g., REACH, risk assessment and management of new and existing chemicals), OCDE, UNEP (Stockholm Convention), OSPAR Convention (Hazardous Substances Committee) and UNECE (POP Protocol).

2005-> European Commission; DG Environment, Desk officer, Team Co-ordinator of the POPs and Classification and Labelling team; Implementation of REACH.


Representative in various international meetings and expert working groups related to (Q)SARs, fugacity modelling, POPs, risk assessment of chemicals, including UNECE task forces on POPs, UNEP/INC POP Criteria Expert Group and UNEP POP Review Committee.


Main Languages: French; English

Other language: Italian


Currículum Vitae

Mirtha Lisset Ferrary Betancourt


Nombre Completo: / Mirtha Liset Ferrary Betancourt
Lugar de Nacimiento: / Francisco Morazán, Tegucigalpa. Honduras
Fecha de Nacimiento: / 20 Abril 1965
Número de Pasaporte: / A290367
Residencia Actual: / Col. Los Robles Bloque D, casa Nº 3024. Comayaguela
Teléfono: / 00 504 2 333783
Correo electrónico /
Profesión: / Químico Farmacéutico. Colegiación # 1122
Trabajo Actual: / Sub Directora Técnica. Centro de Estudios y Control de Contaminantes. CESCCO-SERNA


Química Farmacéutica con especialización a nivel de doctorado en Ciencias del Ambiente (Química Analítica Ambiental) y experiencia de mas de diez años en monitoreo ambiental de micro-contaminantes (plaguicidas y metales pesados) mediante técnicas de Cromatografía de Gases y Cromatografía Líquida, así como Espectrofotometría de Absorción Atómica.
Profesora de la Universidad Católica Nuestra Señora Reina de la Paz (1997-2006) en ciudad de Tegucigalpa, impartiendo clases en la carrera de ingeniería ambiental para las cátedras de Manejo de Contaminantes y Tópicos avanzados de ingeniería ambiental. Profesora del prosgrado a nivel de maestría en enseñanza de las ciencias naturales en la orientación Química de la Universidad Pedagógica de Honduras Francisco Morazán (2006 ha la fecha).
Investigadora en la línea de química analítica ambiental (calidad de agua, química atmosférica) como línea básica y orientada a los contaminantes químicos como línea aplicada (residuos de plaguicidas y metales pesados).
Orientadora en trabajos de tesis a nivel de Pre grado a estudiantes de las carreras de Ingeniería ambiental y facultad de Química y Farmacia, post grado en la carrera de Ciencias Naturales (actualmente).
Coordinadora del comité de edición y revisora de trabajos científicos de la revista Contaminación Ambiente y Salud que publica el Centro de Estudios y Control de Contaminantes de la SERNA desde 2003.


Desde febrero 2006 hasta el presente, me desempeño como Sub Directora Técnica del Centro de Estudios y Control de Contaminantes (CESCCO) Dirección adscrita a la Secretaria de Recursos Naturales y Ambiente (SERNA). Las líneas de trabajo están principalmente orientadas a gestión de sustancias químicas (Punto focal de convenio de Estocolmo y convenio de Basilea), Enfoque estratégico para la Gestión de productos químicos a nivel internacional, SAICM-UNEP-UN Agenda regional de seguridad química. CCAD-OEA

De septiembre 2003 ha enero 2006 fungí como Coordinadora de Investigación del CESCCO, dentro de las responsabilidades a mi cargo destacaron la coordinación con las unidades técnicas laboratoriales (Ecotoxicología, calidad de aguas, contaminantes químicos) del Centro para la realización de investigaciones en el campo de la problemática ambiental.

Monitoreo ambiental (aire agua, suelo, sedimentos, biota) de micro contaminantes (plaguicidas y metales pesados).

Mi experiencia ha involucrado además del componente de gestión administrativa laboratorial, el desarrollo y/o adaptación de métodos analíticos de micro contaminantes orgánicos (pesticidas) necesarios en aspectos de monitoreo ambiental y evaluaciones de impacto ambiental.

Actividades de consultoría en el área de la Química Analítica-Ambiental.

Co-editora de la revista Contaminación Ambiente y Salud Nº 6 y Nº 7, publicación bianual del Centro de Estudios y Control de Contaminantes (CESCCO).

Docente Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán, Departamento de Postgrados Maestría en Enseñanza de las Ciencias Naturales. Modulo Química Ambiental, a partir de agosto 2006.

Catedrática de la Carrera de Ingeniería Ambiental de la Universidad Católica de Honduras. UNICAH. Tegucigalpa. Clase: Manejo de Contaminantes. (1997-1998; enero-junio 2004) y Tópicos Avanzados de Ingeniería Ambiental (2005 -2006).


Estudios Post grado
2000-2003 / Doctorado en Ciencias del Ambiente (PhD). Escuela Politécnica Federal de Lausanne (EPFL). Suiza
1996-1997 / Pasante del Laboratorio de Química Ambiental y Ecotoxicología (CECOTOX) de la ENAC-ISTE EPFL. Suiza
Estudios Universitarios
1983-1989 / Licenciatura en Química y Farmacia, Universidad Autónoma de Honduras.


Investigación en curso:

Monitoreo Ambiental y Biológico de residuos de DDT en dos comunidades con historial de Exposición en zona atlántica de Honduras. Proyecto Regional Centroamérica y México DDT GEF OPS. (2008).

Ferrary M.L. (2007). Estudios sobre residuos de Plaguicidas en Honduras. Un análisis critico. Revista Contaminación, Ambiente y Salud CAS Nº 7.Centro de Estudios y Control de Contaminantes CESCCO-SERNA p.11-20
Studer E., Allencastro L.F. Mérida J., Ferrary M.L 2007. Evaluación de parámetros Físicos, Químicos y Biológicos Indicadores del Estado Trófico del Lago de Yojoa, Honduras. Universidad Politecnica Federal de Lausanne (EPFL), CESCCO, AMUPROLAGO. 2007. p 90
Corra I., Expósito G., De Maria B., Ferrary M., Lopez L., Marangi G., Padilla A. E., Padilla G., Romeo L.,Torres O. (2006). Evaluación del Estado de Salud y de Exposición a Metales y Agentes Biológicos Virales en Niñas, Niños y Adolescentes (NNA) que Trabajan o Trabajaron en el Botadero de Tegucigalpa y una Población de Referencia”. Centro de Estudios y Control de Contaminantes CESCCO, MOVIMONDO Universidad de Verona, Italia, Alcaldía Municipal del Distrito Central AMDC.
1.  Padilla A.E. y Ferrary M. L. (2005). Informe del Estado y Perspectivas del Ambiente GEO Honduras 2005. “Sección 2.5 Áreas Urbanas”. GEO Honduras 2005. Secretaría de Recursos Naturales y Ambiente SERNA, Programa de las Naciones Unidas Para el Medio Ambiente (PNUMA). GEO Honduras 2005. p171.
Ferrary M.L. 2004. Use of Accelerated Solvent Extraction (ASE) for the Analysis of Organochlorine Pesticides Residues in Soil. Comparison with other Extraction Techniques and Possibilities of Use in a Developing Country. Centro de Estudios y Control de Contaminantes. Tegucigalpa. Contaminación Ambiente y Salud. Nº 6; p 89
Ferrary M.L. 2003. Use of Accelerated Solvent Extraction (ASE) for the Analysis of Organochlorine Pesticides Residues in Soil. Comparison with other Extraction Techniques and Possibilities of Use in a Developing Country. These Nº 2794. CECOTOX-ISTE ENAC-EPFL Lausanne. Swiss.


Miembro de la Red de Análisis de Calidad Ambiental en América Latina (RACAL), desde 1994.

Miembro de la Asociación Internacional de Química Analítica. IAEAC. Capitulo América Latina. Desde 1998.
Miembro titular Red Interinstitucional de Plaguicidas de Honduras, desde 2003.
Miembro titular por parte de SERNA en Comisión del Codex Alimentarius –Honduras, desde 2003.
Miembro Comité Técnico de Seguridad Química de la Comisión Centroamericana de Ambiente y Desarrollo (CCAD) desde 2003.



/ Lengua Materna
Francés / Fluido (Alianza Francesa, Honduras. Centro de Lenguas EPFL, Suiza).
Ingles / Muy buen conocimiento científico (Escuela Americana, Honduras. Centro de Lenguas EPFL, Suiza).



1. Name: Dr. G.K. Pandey

2. Father’s Name: Late Mr. S.P. Pandey

3. Post Held: Adviser, Ministry of Environment & Forests, Govt. of India,New Delhi

4. Address: Office: Ministry of Environment and Forests,

Paryavaran Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodi Road,

New Delhi-110003, India (Tele-fax: + 91 - 11 - 2 4360467)

E mail: pandey @ menf. delhi. nic. in;

Residence: D-I/91, Rabindra Nagar, Amrita Sher Gill Marg, New Delhi-110003

India (Tele. + 91-11- 24652951)

5. Date of Birth: 15.1.1950

6. Nationality: Indian

7. Educational Qualifications:

(i) Academic: M.Sc. (Chemistry), Ph.D.

Topic of Ph.D. Thesis: Monitoring and Abatement of organic pollutants in the industrial work Environment.

(ii) Professional:

- Post Graduate Diploma in Water Quality Management from IHE, (International Institute for Infrastructural, Hydraulics and Environmental Engineering) Delft, Netherlands.

- Two weeks certificate course on Environmental Impact Assessment organized by University of Aberdeen, U.K.

- Two weeks course on Environmental Management organized by University of Bradford, U.K.

- One month course on Industrial Pollution Control organized by ETSI, USA under the World Bank Program

(Documentary proof of the qualifications will be furnished as and when asked for)

8. Employment Record: Details of employment are given in Annexure-I

9. Professional skills/ Expertise/ Experience: More than 35 years of environmental experience in the following fields, including international experience/exposure:

·  Developing Strategies and evolving policy for various issues pertaining to environmental pollution control and protection of human health.

·  Well conversant with wastewater treatment technologies including recycling and re-use. Having experience of appraisal of projects pertaining to Sewage and Industrial Effluent Treatment Plants. Also, R and D Proposals referred to Ministry for funding are appraised and technical inputs are provided to the processing division.

·  Handled hydroelectric and multi-purpose river valley projects from environmental angle including issues pertaining to augmentation of water resources vis-à-vis environmental implications.

·  Environmental impact assessment of Thermal power plants and industrial projects including issues related with emissions of carbon dioxide and hazardous wastes and its impact on natural resources, land use and livelihood and bio-diversity.

·  Air and water quality monitoring including coastal waters and control of marine pollution;

·  Issues pertaining to protection of natural resources;

·  Supervising editing, publication and dissemination of environmental information.

·  Rehabilitation issues of affected people due to developmental projects namely, river valley and hydro-electric projects, mining projects, industrial projects, coal-based thermal power plants etc.;

·  Industrial Hygiene and Safety;

·  Environmental Pollution and Health Risk Assessment including ODS and Climate Change/Global Warming Gases

·  Formulation and Review of Environmental Standards;

·  Appraisal and monitoring of projects being funded by the World Bank, WHO and other bilateral agencies such as GTZ, NORAD etc. World Bank project on capacity building on Environmental Standards and Ambient Air Quality Monitoring has recently been completed..

·  Well conversant with the issues pertaining to the International Conventions on Climate Change, Desertification, Montreal Protocol, Basal Convention, Stockholm Convention on POPs, Rotterdam Convention on PIC, Cartagena Protocol on Bio-Safety etc including GEF projects.