Directions to Christ Church for Freshers

I am not sure if you are familiar with Oxford and where Christ Church is and so I attach a map. Most freshers arrive by car and we are extremely lucky in Christ Church that at the beginning and end of each term undergraduates may park on the Broad Walk in the Meadow while they are unpacking their belongings.
The Oxford one way system and restrictions to the town centre are not very friendly and Google map may try to direct you through roads which are closed at certain times of day, so which ever direction you are coming from I would recommend staying on the Oxford ring road system until you get to the south of the city where there is a roundabout with the A423 and A4144.

  • Take this A4144 north towards the city centre and you will see Redbridge Park and Ride on your left.
  • This road is the A4144 and is called the Abingdon Road and turns into Folly Bridge; keep going over the bridge.
  • Just after Folly Bridge you will have to take a left on Thames Street because there are a lot of signs saying no access and buses only etc straight ahead (which is where you actually want to be and you will be able to see Tom Tower from there, however do as the signs say!).
  • Then very shortly turn right to Speedwell Street.
  • Then turn left into St Aldate's. (All these names are on the attached map).
  • You will see our Memorial Gardens iron gates on your right.
  • Then you turn right into Christ Church through the Meadow Gate which is on the map just under the black triangle bit of the arrow labelling Ch Ch.
  • If you drive too far north you will come to Tom Tower and Tom Quad so just turn around here and come back to Meadow Gate.
  • Drive about 100 yards along a cobbled road past the electric barrier arm that will already be raised and then park on the Meadow opposite Meadow Buildings.
  • After you have parked leave your parents at the car with your stuff and head straight to the Porters’ Lodge (under Tom Tower) to find out where you’ll be living and to collect your key and fob. There will be lots of friendly second and third year undergraduates around to show you to your room so don’t worry about finding it on your own!
  • You are officially required to be in residence by 3pm on theSunday 1October 2017, and we recommend you try to arrive late morning or early afternoon, giving you plenty of time to get your stuff to your room and say your goodbyes to parents (or even grab a quick lunch with them somewhere in town). Then head to the JCR.
  • The first meal for freshers is dinner on Sunday evening at 6.20 and 7.20 in the Hall. There are two sittings and it does not matter which you go to.

We very much look forward to meeting you on the Sunday.

Good luck!
Sally Boardman
Admissions Administrator

Christ Church
Oxford OX1 1DP

Tel 01865 276196