11 June 2014

Ridgmont Train Station

Those present:

Jim Gledhill – Chair (JLG) / Bedfordshire Association of Town and Parish Councils
Len Simkins / Bedfordshire Advice Forum
Sarah Hughes / Central Bedfordshire Council
Karen Lang / Central Bedfordshire Council
Jon Boswell / Bedfordshire Rural Communities Charity
John Gelder (JPG) / Voluntary and Community Action
Martin Trinder / Community and Voluntary Service
Daniela Vuolo / Library Service


Lt Col Mike Bishop / Capt Andy Thomas / Armed Forces rep(s)
Lloyd Conaway / team Beds and Luton

1.  Apologies, minutes and matters arising from the last meeting

JPG reported that VCA had been working with SSAFA to publicise the volunteering opportunities at the LL Armed Forces Day on 22.06.14. JPG reported that 44 volunteers have signed up, a number of which were secured through VCA. JPG to provide KL with actual numbers of volunteers recruited through VCA involvement.

2.  CBT Board feedback and next meeting

JLG gave feedback on the last CBT Board meeting, and reported that the next CBT event would be a stakeholder event on 30 September.

Discussion around how CBT funding would be managed / funding process for the future.

3.  SCTP Work Plan

The group looked in detail at the draft SCTP workplan, and made suggestions for amendments to be made.

Suggestion was made the Advice Central potentially run a mini consultation / campaign to attract more volunteers. Possibly attract people by ‘sector’ rather than ‘location’?

All to send amendments to KL, who will update and redistribute to the group.

Discussion followed about the purpose of the SCTP – group agreed to meet 11 September to discuss this issue. Meeting on 27 August is now cancelled.

Discussion re: volunteering question in the Resident’s Survey – KL to send 2010 question to JPG and MT to re-work.

4.  Articles for the Summer 2014 ezine – distribution date 20.06.14

KL reported that all ezine slots are now filled for the Summer 2014 edition.

5.  AOB


6. Future meeting dates - all at Ridgmont Train Station

·  27 August – JPG and MT apologies – ***NOW CANCELLED***

·  ***NEW DATE*** 11 September – 2.30 pm

·  26 November