Comprehensive Youth & Family Resources

Categories & General Indicators

Adult Education/Employment / Children's Care & Safety / Children's Education/Development / Community Relations
* Employed or not
* Presence or absence of career goals, appropriateness of goals.
* Level of education, job skills; work history
* Employment in field of choice
* Income, hours, benefits / * Access to quality child care/after school programming
* Ability to afford child care/after school programming
* Assure safe environment / * Age-appropriate development -physical, cognitive, emotional
* Age appropriate behavior; social skills
* Verbal communication
* Parents value child's education
* Parent/child interaction
* School behavior; attendance and readiness to learn / * Knowledge of and access to community resources
* Participation in the community (i.e. school, church, clubs, etc.)
* Social conditions in the neighborhood
* Ability to communicate with others
* Type of relationship with family, friends and neighborhood
Family Relations / Finances / Food/Clothing / Health/Safety
* Family health
* Ability to resolve conflict
* Interfamily communication skills
* Parenting skills
* Extended family relationships / * Income level in context of local cost of living
* Long and short-term financial goals
* Budgeting skills and financial discipline
* Knowledge and understanding of financial institutions and resources / * Ability to afford adequate food and clothing
* Quality of diet; adequacy of clothing
* Nutritional value of meals
* Conditions of food preparation resources (utensils, space, appliances, sanitation) / * Environmental conditions
* Health habits
* Access to health resources
* Status of physical health
* Ability to afford health care
Immigration/ Resettlement /


/ Social & Emotional Health & Competence / Transportation/ Mobility
* Immigration status
* Language skills based on needs
* Maintaining cultural identity
Parent/Child Relationships
* Age and developmentally appropriate
* Nurturing
* Discipline
* Interactions / Enrichment / * Security of housing over time
* Safety of housing
* Stability of housing over time
* Condition of housing
* Income and resources for housing / * Quality of social support system
* Presence, degree of substance abuse
* Sense of personal responsibility
* Ability and willingness to identify needs and access resources
* Quality of mental health / * Access to transportation based on level of need
* Safety, condition of transportation
Legal status of driver, vehicle (license, insurance, etc.)

Source: For information about the Matrix, please visit our ICCS website: or contact Jerry Endres (831) 582-3624 or email: Mr. Endres is the Community Director for the Institute for Community Collaborative Studies at California State University Monterey Bay.