

Questionnaire No.:………...

Sure Start Kentish Town Parents’ Survey - Spring 2003

Hello. My name is…...... and I am a local resident in this neighbourhood like you. I have had training and support to carry out a survey, which is part of the Sure Start Kentish Town programme for families with children from birth to three years old in this area.

Hand them a leaflet about Sure Start Kentish Town.

a. Do you live here?

If no ask to speak to someone who does.

If the person does not appear to understand English, show them the RED language translation sheet and ask them to point to the language that they speak. Ask for their name and address. Note the language down on your PINK survey sheet next to the address. Close the interview.

b. Do any children aged 0 - 3 years old live here?

Yes [ ] go to Q. c .

No [ ] go to Q. d .

c. Do you have responsibility for the child aged 0 - 3 living here?

Yes [ ] carry on with introduction on next page

No [ ] Can I talk to the person who has responsibility for them?

If they are not in, ask when they will be in, and note it on your PINK survey sheet, close the interview.

d. Do you have responsibility for looking after any children aged 0 – 3 years who live elsewhere? (e.g. relative or childminder)

Yes [ ] carry on with introduction on next page

No [ ] close interview

Close the interview if there are no children aged 0 - 3 living there, or the person does not look after children elsewhere.

Thank them for listening and tell them why the survey is being carried out if they are interested. Do not complete the questionnaire. Write ‘no 0 - 3s’ next to the flat number on your PINK survey form. Ask them if they know where other households in the block might have children aged 0 - 3. Note on your PINK survey form.


Would you be prepared to answer some questions? Everyone who completes the survey will be entered into a prize draw and could win up to £100 of Argos vouchers.

Sure Start Kentish Town has to make contact with all families with children aged 0 - 3 years old and offer them services. The programme has money to develop services for children and parents who live in this area. We want to find out what kind of services would be most useful for parents and carers of young children.

The people we are talking to will not be identified and anything we are told will be treated in confidence. No one will see your answers apart from the survey team.

We would like to ask you questions about:

·  Your children or the children you care for

·  Services you use at the moment – childcare, play, health, and so on...

·  Services you would like to see or improvements you want

·  Your working arrangements

·  Study and training

·  A few other personal details

The interview should take about a half an hour. If you find there are any questions that you would prefer not to answer, please say so, and we can move on to the next question.

If they are agreeable, start the interview. If not, find out when would be convenient for them and note it on your PINK survey report form.

1. The first section is to give us some background details

Q’s 1.1 – 1.6 circle numbers where appropriate or fill in details

1.1 First can I check which block you live in?

Block / Block / Block / Block
1 / Bradfield Court / 11 / Castle Court
2 / Candida Court / 12 / Castle Place
3 / Donnington Court / 13 / Havering
4 / Ellen Terry Court / 14 / Widford
5 / Ivybridge Court
6 / Kingsbridge Court
7 / Lorraine Court
8 / Roxwell
9 / Torbay Court
10 / Welford Court

1.2 And we are going to be doing the interview in which language(s)?

Circle below all numbers that apply

1 English 2 Bengali

3 Somali 4 Turkish

5 Arabic 6 French

7 Spanish 8 Chinese

9 Russian/Polish 9 Kosovan

10 Albanian 11 Greek

12 Sign language 13 Makaton

14 Other write in what………………………………………………..

1.3 Now could you tell me the NUMBERS and AGES of any children aged 0 - 3 who live here, starting with the youngest:


/ No of children

Write number of children in each age group below



/ No of children

Write number of children in each age group below

Under 12 months / 2 years
1 year / 3 years
Total no.

1.4 What is the total number of children and young people aged under 18 who live here with you, including those aged 0 - 3?

Total number of children and young people under 18 [ ]

1.5 And could you tell me how many adults in total aged 18 and over are living in this household, including yourself?

No of adults 18 and over [ ]

1.6 What is your relationship to the child/children aged 0 – 3 years who live here?

Circle below all numbers that apply

1 Parent

2 Step Parent

3 Foster Carer

4 Grandparent

5 Aunt/Uncle

6 Brother/sister

7 Other relative write in ……………………………………………..

8 Childminder

9 Other non relative write in ………………………………………..

2. This second section is about children’s services for 0 - 3 year olds

2.1 To which children’s services do you take your child/ren aged 0 - 3 and stay with them?

Circle below all numbers that apply

1 Drop in/toddler group

2 Family centre

3 One o’clock club

4 Other write in …………………………………………………………………………

5 Nowhere – could you say why?

Show GREEN Card, ask reasons, circle below all numbers that apply

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

2.2 To which children’s services do you take your child/ren aged 0 - 3 for education & care and leave them?

Circle below all numbers that apply

1 Half day nursery centre

2 Full day nursery centre

2 Nursery class (in primary school)

3 Playgroup/pre-school

4 Other write in …………………………………………………………………………

5 Nowhere – could you say why?

Show GREEN Card, ask reasons, circle below all numbers that apply

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

2.3  Which services for 0 – 3s are you using NOW? I am going to show you a list of local crèches, drop-ins and nurseries. Can you tell me if you are using any of these REGULARLY at the present time, that is more than just an occasional visit?

Show GOLD card, circle in right hand column all numbers that apply

Crèches and Groups
Buttercups Shoppers’ Crèche / 1
Castlehaven Young Mum’s Project / 2
Harmood Centre Lone Parents’ Project / 3
Parents & Co. New Mum’s Group / 4
Family Service Unit Refugee Project Somers Town / 5
Other write in / 6
None of these / 7
Drop Ins
Buttercups Drop In / 1
Castlehaven Drop In / 2
Harmood Drop In / 3
Kentish Town City Farm Drop In / 4
Queen’s Crescent 123 Drop In / 5
Gospel Oak Nursery Drop In / 6
Bengali Mothers’ Drop In / 7
Kentish Town Library Rhyme Time / 8
Queen’s Crescent Library Rhyme Time / 9
Parents & Co. Drop In / 10
Springers Drop In / 11
NW5 Play Project Drop In / 12
Somali Mothers’ Group at Weedington Rd Play Centre / 13
Under the Rainbow Arts Workshops / 14
Other write in / 15
None of these / 16
Nursery Centres/Classes
Torriano Infants’ School Nursery Class / 1
St Patrick’s RC Primary School Nursery Class / 2
Hawley Infant School Nursery Class / 3
Gospel Oak Primary School Nursery Class / 4
St Dominic’s RC Primary School Nursery Class / 5
Carlton Primary School Nursery Class / 6
Rhyl Primary School Nursery Class / 7
Gospel Oak Nursery Centre / 8
Lyndhurst Nursery Centre / 9
Hampden Nursery Centre / 10
Other write in / 11
None of these / 12

2.4 Are you on the waiting list for any service for your child aged 0 - 3?

Circle all numbers that apply

1 Not on any waiting list

2 A pre-school/playgroup

3 A day nursery

4 A nursery class in a primary school

5 Other write in ……………………………………………..

2.5 Which of the following services THAT YOU DO NOT USE ALREADY do you think you or your household might use if available nearby?

Show PEACH card, circle below all numbers that apply

1 Day nursery (subsidised) for children under 5, open 8 am to 6 pm

2 Playgroup for children aged 2 – 4, morning or afternoon

3 Crèche to leave child for up to 4 hours

4 Drop-in to stay with child and meet other parents

5 Toy library

6 Loan of safety equipment for your home

7  A safe, clean outdoor play area on your estate or within pram pushing distance

8 Other write in ……………………………………………..

9 None of these

2.6 Which ONE of those you have identified would you say is the most important for you?

Show PEACH card again and write in ONE number from list Most important is number.……………

2.7 Have you any other comments to make about things that might encourage you to use any of these services? Please describe briefly, and where relevant identify which service in particular you are referring to.

2.8 What childcare do you use if you are working?

Circle below all numbers that apply

1 None, not working

2 Half day nursery centre

3 Full day nursery centre

4 Nursery class (in primary school)

5 Playgroup pre-school

6 Friends or neighbours

7 Childminder

8 Relatives

9 Other write in ……………………………………………..

2.9 What childcare do you use if you are studying or training?

Circle below all numbers that apply

1  None, not doing study or training

2  College crèche

3  Half day nursery centre

4 Full day nursery centre

5 Nursery class (in primary school)

6 Playgroup pre-school

7 Friends or neighbours

8 Childminder

9 Relatives

10 Other write in ……………………………………………..

2.10 Which relatives, if any, do you use for childcare if you are working, studying, or going out for leisure?

Circle below all numbers that apply

Work /




Husband, wife or partner / 1 / 1 / 1
Child’s grandparents / 2 / 2 / 2
Child’s aunt or uncle / 3 / 3 / 3
Child’s older brother or sister / 4 / 4 / 4
Otherwrite in / 5 / 5 / 5
None/Not applicable / 6 / 6 / 6

2.11 If you are currently using a childminder, is s/he registered with the Council?

1  Yes

2  No

3  Don’t know

4  Not applicable, don’t use a childminder

2.12  Do you borrow books, audio tapes, videos or toys for your child aged 0 - 3?

Books / Audio tapes / Videos / Toys
Yes / 1 / 1 / 1 / 1
No / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2

2.13 Is your child aged 0 - 3 a member of your local library?

1  Yes Please specify which one ……………………………………………..

2  No Could you say why?

Show GREEN Card, ask reasons, circle below all numbers that apply

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

2.14 Where does your child aged 0 – 3 play outside?

Circle all numbers that apply

1 Garden

2 Park

3 Balcony

4 Playground

5 Street/estate

6 Other Write in

7 Nowhere Could you say why?

Show GREEN Card, ask reasons, circle below all numbers that apply

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

2.15 Could you give a GENERAL score out of 5 for the quality of the childcare services you use, with 1 being very poor, and 5 being excellent.

Show PURPLE Card, circle ONE number below for each item

Quality of Services / Very Poor / Poor / Neutral / Good / Excel-lent / Not
1 Convenience of location / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
2 Repair and cleanliness of buildings / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
3 Cost if applicable / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
4 Opening times / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
5 Learning and play opportunities / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
6 Friendliness and welcome of staff / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
7 Outdoor play spaces / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
8 Overall quality of service / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6

2.16 If you have rated any of these items ‘poor’ (2) or ‘very poor’ (1), would you like to comment, identifying which service and why you think the quality of that item is poor?

Only complete if ratings of Q2.15 were poor or very poor

Name of Service / Comments why poor
1 Convenience of location
2 Repair and cleanliness
of buildings
3 Cost
4 Opening times
5 Learning and play
6 Friendliness and welcome
of staff
7 Outdoor play spaces
8 Overall quality of service

2.17 Can you suggest any changes in the services you use or that Camden provides to make them meet your children’s or your own needs better? If so, please tell us.

Write in response in box below

3. Work, study or training

The next questions are about work, study or training. I should remind you that all of your answers are confidential, and your name will not appear anywhere on this form.

3.1  How many hours a week do you and your partner/husband/wife spend working for pay, or studying or training per week? Only tell me about a partner/husband/wife who lives with you, not if they live somewhere else.