Master Planning and Resource Oversight Council Page 3 of 3

Summary of September 8, 2010


Master Planning, Assessment, and Resource Oversight Council (MPAROC)

Budget Development

Meeting Summary

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

3:30 to 4:30 p.m.

Room B-104

Julianna Barnes / Dean, Matriculation and Student Development
X / Randy Barnes / Dean, Business, Information Technology, and Cosmetology
X / Mary Benard / Vice President of Instruction, MPAROC Co-Chair
Debbie Berg / Associate Dean, Nursing
Heidi Bunkowske / Public Information Officer
Dotti Cordell / Professor, Student Health Services
June Cressy / Senator, Classified Senate
X / Nancy Crispen / Professor, Chemistry
X / Jerry Davis / Vice President, Administrative Services
X / Salley Deaton / Professor, Business/MPAROC Co-Chair
Gwen Enright / Professor, English
X / Lori Erreca / Dean, Behavioral and Social Sciences, Consumer and Family Studies
Jaime Estrada / Professor, Spanish
Rob Ewell / Dean, Information and Learning Technology
Susan Fontana / President, Chairs Cabinet
X / Berta Harris / Past-President, Academic Senate, SLO/AO co-coordinator
X / Jan Jarrell / Associate Professor, English/ESOL, Basic Skills Initiative Co-Chair
X / Mike Kaye / Assistant Professor, Radio and Television
Hoat Le / Professor, Mathematics
Mike Leboffe / Professor, Biology/Life Sciences Department Co-Chair
Cathi Lopez / Professor, Counselor
Kathy McGinnis / Dean, Health, Exercise Science, and Athletics
Awana Payne / President, Classified Senate
Joseph Rangus / Assistant Professor, Business Studies
X / Barbara Ring / Associate Professor, Librarian
X / Nick Slinglend / Associate Professor, Mathematics
X / Steve Schommer / Professor, Counseling
Minou Spradley / Acting Dean, Engineering, Math, Sciences, and Nursing
X / Jeanie Tyler / Off Campus Director
Denise Whisenhunt / Dean, Student Affairs
Peter White / Vice President, Student Services
Xi Zhang / Campus Researcher


STAFF PRESENT: Lydia Gonzales, Instruction


Jerry Davis distributed a draft college budget summary. Figures indicate that the college anticipates a deficit budget of $429,000. For 09-10 fiscal year, the college saved $991,181 by redesigning the way classes are scheduled, reevaluating reassigned time, and cutting summer 2010 classes. The ending balance for 09-10 is positive $45,888. Salley Deaton asked whether the district sweeps the positive ending balance. Jerry Davis said the district typically carries the amount forward.


Berta Harris recommended dissolving the Institutional Assessment Committee (IAC). As IAC co-chairs, Berta and Dotti Cordell believe committee’s charge has been fulfilled and now it’s time to work on student learning outcomes in TaskStream. Berta proposed that the IAC work be folded into the Master Planning and Resource Oversight Council. The council approved by consensus to rename itself Master Planning, Assessment, and Resource Oversight Council (MPAROC).

·  Berta stated that there is a real need to get SLO information into TaskStream. She and Dotti are available to help everyone get the work done. One strategy to get college-wide involvement is to make Form A available only in TaskStream. Heidi Bunkowske asked where TaskStream is located on the college website. Berta said she will look for the most logical place on the website for TaskStream. Mary Benard suggested the Faculty/Staff webpage.


Salley Deaton distributed a copy of the college’s current mission statement for the council members to review. The council unanimously approved the college mission statement without edits.


Salley Deaton distributed a copy of the college’s current institutional priorities. It was suggested that perhaps the priorities should be reordered, specifically placing student success at the top of the list. Salley reminded the council that the priorities are not ranked and all have equal importance. However, as an educational institution, our institutional priorities need to reflect that student success is our top priority. She will bring a revised version to the next council meeting.

V. STATUS OF 2009-2010

Mary Benard stated that the 2009-2010 Master Plan Update is currently being revised. Major changes were made to the design of the booklet. For the first time, the update will include Administrative Services, Student Services, and Instructional Services division plans, as well as the college Institutional Information Technology Strategic Plan. The completed plan will be printed and posted on the college website.

VI. BRIC VISIT ON 9/29/10*

Mary Benard announced that the visiting BRIC (Bridging Research, Information, and Cultures) technical assistance team will visit the college on September 29, 2010. The college wrote a proposal to receive assistance in improving our strategic planning and using all sources of information to make college-wide decisions. Mary distributed a copy of the college’s BRIC proposal. She urged council members to start asking questions now. Where can the college improve? What data is important to your program? With the BRIC support, she feels now is the time to make changes to how we do business. The BRIC visit will meet during MPAROC’s timeslot. However the entire campus community is invited so a larger room will be reserved. Lydia will send an email with the time and location of the meeting.

NEXT MEETING: WEDNESDAY, September 29, 2010

3:00-4:00 p.m., Room to be announced.