Mayor Alex B. Morse Historical Commission

City of Holyoke Office of Planning and Economic Development

Marcos Marrero

Holyoke Historical Commission

Meeting Minutes

March 13, 2017

Attendance: Richard Ahlstrom, Olivia Mausel, Joe Paul, Frances Welson, Alexandra Puffer

Municipal Staff: Debbie Oppermann (OPED)

Absent: Paola Ferrario, James Sheehan

Alternate: Christopher Gauthier

Associates: Dan Fitzgerald, absent: Jean Jonker

Public in attendance: Victor Anop, Eric Taub, Rich Sadowski, Mike Sullivan, Rich Zawada, Mike Plaisance, Mimi Panitch

1.  Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 6:30pm

2.  Public Hearing Continuance- 94 Ely Street & 71 Maple Street: The Public Hearing regarding the demolition permits for these properties was opened. Debbie Oppermann reported that due to an error with the posting for the hearing it would not be held that evening but postponed to another date. The Commission voted to continue the public hearing on March 29, 2017 at 6:30pm in the City Hall Ballroom.

3.  Introduction: Barbara Bou OPED- Debbie introduced Barbara Bou from OPED who will be doing administrative work for the Historical Commission. Barbara will take minutes, distribute meeting materials electronically.

4.  Review of 2-13-17 minutes: Olivia Mausel made a motion to accept the minutes as presented, motion seconded by Alexandra Puffer, vote to accept-unanimous

5.  Financial report- The Historical Commission budget for this fiscal year is $1400. Debbie will have a report for the next meeting.

6.  Bylaws/Ordinance/Demolition Delay Ordinance revision-The Commission has begun to review its bylaws but much of this work is on hold until the Preservation Plan is fully reviewed and revised.

7.  Native American location – next steps- Olivia Mausel provided an overview of the project explaining that it’s in the initial stages of formation. She reported that the Mayor is very interested and supportive of next steps. There are several suspected Native American sites in Holyoke, however their locations have not been released due to the sensitive nature of the

information. The commission will participate in an ad hoc committee which will include a geologist, an archeologist and a Native American representative tasked with exploring the matter. Joe Paul asked if this would cost money. Olivia answered she was not sure. Joe stated if this project costs money, then the commissioners would discuss next moves. Frances Welson asked to have this project put on the agenda monthly to review. Debbie stated she would like to create mission statement for the ad hoc group and names for the board to vote on. Joe said he would like to discuss this at next Historical Commission meeting.

8.  St. Patrick’s Day parade – WWI- Olivia said that during the Saint Patrick’s Day Parade that one boy and one girl would march with her clothed in WWI attire.

9.  Cemetery Workshop – June 15, 16 – Olivia reported that Tamara Conde, a conservationist specializing in historic grave stones, has agreed to direct workshops in Holyoke on restoring and maintaining historic graves. She plans to guide individuals through identifying types of stone, stonework, and artwork. Olivia is in discussion with Mike McManus (DPW) to help with funding a two day workshop June 15 and 16. The cost of a two day workshop; $75 per day, per person. Training will be offered to DPW workers, parks and recreation workers etc. Workshop could be useful to show how to maintain headstones and/or resetting the headstones.

10.  Community Preservation Commission- City Council passed an ordinance that makes one of the seats on the new commission to a city councilor; an action that’s been controversial. Frances asked if the city council also has the right to remove whomever they want for no cause. Mimi Panitch answered yes it does allow the city council the right to remove who ever they want. The city council appoints three at large members plus one city councilor. By law the Community Preservation Commission must have one seat filled by a member of the Historical Commission.

11.  Preservation Plan Update next steps – Debbie reported that the OPED director has not reviewed the plan in its entirety. Together she and the director will make revisions and provide them to the PV Planning Commission, the authors of the document. Debbie does not know when the plan will be ready. Debbie asked commission members to forward additional comments to her. Joe says that the commission has looked over the preservation plan many times, but if the commissioners want to go over the Preservation Plan again, that it can be discussed in greater detail. Commissioners asked Debbie to coordinate a meeting to discuss the plan with Shannon. Commissioners would like to discuss this Plan again in the next meeting.

12.  New Business

a.  Ethics review- Olivia told commissioners that they are required to take the city’s Ethics Review online, via This needs to be done every two years. Once done with the review, Olivia asked the commissioners to print out the certificate and bring to clerks office in City hall where it is kept on file.

b.  Fall Historic House Tour- Alexandra Puffer spoke about pausing on her involvement on any sort of tours. She would like to focus on the inventory instead. She asked what training is available to her. Debbie will check. Joe asked if the commissioners are qualified to fill out the inventory forms. Olivia stated that they have two architects that may be able to help with the inventory forms.

c.  Regional Workshop on Open Meeting Law by MA Atty. General – May 30th

There will be an Open Meeting Law training on May 30th in Holyoke. Debbie stated that if commissioners can’t attend the one in Holyoke, that they can attend one in a different location in the surrounding area.

d.  HAP housing National Register update– Essex Street will be registered as a National register district. Restoration of the Randolph and 3 properties in that area. More than 33 properties in all. The benefit to these properties is that can apply for grants, and CPA monies. This would be an honorary designation for these properties.

e.  Cynthia Woods Mitchell Grant– Olivia stated that in order to apply to the grant you have to apply to the forum. $250 was the fee paid to join the forum. Olivia said that the Historical commission joined the forum last year. The Cynthia Wood Mitchell grant is due on Wednesday April 15, 2017. The application to the Cynthia Wood Mitchell grant fund covers restoration of the murals in the City Council chambers and to fix mold and water issues in the basement, or in the city hall ballroom.

13.  Next Meeting – April 13, 2017

Meeting adjourned: motion made by Frances Welson to adjourn, seconded by Christopher Gauthier - unanimous vote at 7:35.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Bou

Administrative Clerk

Office of Planning & Economic Development