Name ______English 4

The Tempest 1-Page Analysis: Caliban and Colonialism

Directions: You will write a 1- page analysis of colonialism during Shakespeare's time period and connect it to Stephano, Trinculo, and Prospero's treatment of Caliban as a "savage" and inferior creature. Your paper should be THREE paragraphs long. You don't need a separate conclusion paragraph, but make sure you have a clear introductory paragraph that introduces the topic presented in the article and forms a thesis statement about Caliban and Colonialism in The Tempest by the end of the first paragraph. Follow the directions below to guide you.

Organization and Content: (Writing Tips on the next page)

A. Background: First, read the article, "Shakespeare on Global Colonialism". Annotate, underline, take notes, etc. Make sure to flag any arguments or claims that the author makes about the nature of colonialism and the Europeans' view of the "natives" of the lands they colonized and took over. Focus on any reference to "inequality" during Shakespeare's time period and mentions of objectification of the natives as the Europeans colonized other lands.

B. INTRO PARAGRAPH: In your introduction paragraph, begin by discussing what colonialism is and what its effects are. Discuss how the Europeans viewed their role/responsibility as colonizers and how they felt about the natives. Tie your brief discussion of colonialism with Shakespeare's depiction of colonization in The Tempest. (Caliban's treatment so far from Prospero, Trinculo, and Stephano).

C. Body Paragraphs: (Write 2 paragraphs after your intro) - In your two body paragraphs, you will analyze the following components:

- You must refer to Act 2- Scene 2 using ONE QUOTE minimum portraying Stephano and Trinculo's negative image of Caliban as a monster/savage.

- You must refer to Caliban's subservient nature as he defers to the European men (Stephano and Trinculo). Explore how he submits to them and why. What does this tell you about the nature of Caliban? Why does he respect these drunken fools?

- You must find examples of the language that Trinculo and Stephano use to describe Caliban. (*They call him a monster, savage, creature, etc...) What does this tell you about the nature of the master/servant or white man/native?

- Use some examples of Prospero's treatment of Caliban. Use ONE QUOTE minimum to portray Prospero's dehumanization and subjugation of Caliban.

- Refer to at least THREE claims made by the author in the article and analyze them by relating them to The Tempest.

Writing Tips:

*Remember to use strong topic sentences that convey MAIN IDEAS. Don't start a paragraph with an example from the play.

*Remember to use transitions at the start of your paragraphs and in the middle to guide the reader from one point to the next

*Demonstrate your high order thinking by ANALYZING rather than just summarizing

*When quoting a Shakespeare play, include the Act, Scene, and line numbers as follows:

"Quote" (2.2.10-15). (This indicates your quote is from Act 2, Scene 2, and lines 10-15).