Brian Schoenauer


Power stations

1. What is another name for the Mitochondria? (Knowledge)

  1. brain of the cell
  2. wall of the cell
  3. powerhouse of the cell
  4. regulator of the cell

2. Can you label the basic structures of Mitochondria? (Analysis)

3. How have Mitochondria evolved? (Application)

Scientists say that mitochondria may be a descendant of an independent organism that worked symbiotically with primitive eukaryotic cells.

4. True or False

A granum is a stack of stroma one top of each other?

False change granum to thyakoid

5. Name the three types of plastids found in plants

Chromoplasts, leucoplasts, chloroplasts


6. Microfilaments are a linear assemblage of (knowledge)

  1. Actin
  2. ATP
  3. ADP
  4. RNA

7. Give an example of how a microtubule might be utilized in a cell? (Application)

A lysosome might reach a food vacuole by traveling along a microtubule

8. Why would a new cell wall be thin and not very rigid or sturdy? (Analysis)

To allow the young cell wall to expand, grow, and form a secondary wall.

9. True or False

A flagella has a long tail


10. True of False

Cilia use whiplike motion to propel themselves

False. Replace cilia with flagella.

Nucleus Parts

11. The nucleolus is densely made up of this substance? (Knowledge)

a. Cholesterol and lipids

b. Sugars and DNA

c.DNA and RNA

d. lumen and parinuclear space

12. Draw what the nuclear envelope looks like magnified? (Analysis)

13. Why is it that it is important for the nuclear envelope to be made up of a double lipid bio layer? (Application)

It makes the envelope compatible with the semi permeable membrane of the ER and other organelles of the cell.

14. True or false

Ribosomes are 1/3 protein and 2/3 RNA


15. From the nucleus, the proteins go to the

a. Lysosomes

b. Golgi apparatus

c. Peroxisomes

d. Endoplasmic reticulum

Endoplasmic Reticulum

16. Name the two types of ER? (Knowledge)

Smooth and Rough

17. Why does the ER fold and have many turns? (Analysis)

The substance moving through it can build and modify.

18. The ER is similar to this organ… (Application)

a. Heart

b. Intestines

c. Brain

d. Skin

19. True or False

The ER sends substances to the Golgi apparatus


20. True or false

There are ribosomes on the smooth ER

False change smooth to rough


21. A primary function of peroxisomes is to rid the body of this substance (Knowledge)

a. Hydrogen Peroxide

b. Oxygen

c. Hydrogen

d. Water

22. Why is the lipid bio layer of a peroxisome significant? (Application)

It allows the peroxisome to move the substance through the cell membrane as well as keep it isolated from the rest of the cell.

23. Diagram a peroxisome.

24. True or false

Peroxisomes in seeds are responsible for the conversion of stored fatty acids to carbohydrates


25. Peroxisomes have about _ different enzymes

a. 2

b. 200

c. 50

d. 10

Lysosomes and Vacuoles

26. Lysosomes float in _ until they are needed (Knowledge)

a. Cytoplasm

b. nucleus

c. ER

d. Golgi Apparatus

27. Give an example of how vacuoles use active transport. (Application)

Contractile vacuoles collect waste from the intracellular fluid by both diffusion and active transport.

28. How does a contractile vacuole help maintain homeostasis? (Analysis)

They release more water into the cell if there is a sudden drop in the cell's fluid in the cytoplasm and vis versa.

29. True or false

Vacuoles are filled with organic substances.

False, add inorganic substances to the sentence.

30. The Golgi creates the digestive enzymes and pinch off a small vesicle called lysosomes.
