Eagle’s Landing High School

Teacher(s): LCDR Middleton
/ Phone Number: 770-914-9690
Room Number/s: 417 NJROTC / Email:
Semester: Fall 2014 / Tutorial Days: Tuesday & Thursday
Textbook: Cadet Field Manual, Naval Science II & III textbooks.

Department Philosophy: To introduce students to the precepts of citizenship, the elements of leadership, and the value of scholarship in attaining life goals.

Course Description: The course is designed to engender a sound appreciation for the heritage and traditions of America with recognition of events that are historically significant to American’s future.

Course Prerequisites: GPA 2.0 and above and conform to uniform standards.

GPS Standards: 28.02100 Naval Science I Cadet Field Manual 28.02200 Naval Science I Introduction to NJROTC 28.02300 Naval Science II Maritime History 28.02400 Naval Science II Nautical Science 28.02500 Naval Science III Naval Knowledge 28.02600 Naval Science III Naval Orientation and Skills 28.02700 Naval Science IV Naval Leadership and Ethics 28.02800 Naval Science IV Effective Communications.

Course Outline

Week 1: / Intro to NJROTC, Admin and Drill / Week 11: / Navy Ships
Week 2: / Intro to NJROTC, Admin, Uniform Fitting and Drill / Week 12: / Navy Ships
Week 3: / Drill/Uniform Fitting/Staff Uniform Inspection (UI)/The Mission of Navy Ships / Week 13: / Shipboard Customs and Courtesies
Week 4: / The Mission of Navy Ships / Week 14: / Shipboard Customs and Courtesies
Week 5: / The Mission of Navy Ships / Week 15: / Shipboard Customs and Courtesies
Week 6: / Ship Terminology. / Week 16: / Naval Aviation/Physical Fitness Test
Week 7: / Ship Terminology./Unit Pictures/Physical Fitness Test / Week 17: / THANKSGIVING BREAK
Week 8: / Ship Terminology. / Week 18: / Drill/AMI Preparation of Unit/ Physical Training Test
Week 9: / Navy Ships / Week 19: / Drill/AMI Preparation of Unit/ Physical Training Test
Week 10: / FALL BREAK / Week 20: / Final Review/Final Make-up/Final Exam

Grading Scale

The course average along with your final exam will comprise your final grade.

The final exam is 20% of your final grade with the remaining 80% weighted as follows:

Area Percentage

Tests (Uniform Inspection & Major Tests) 45%

Quizzes 18%

Classwork (Drill Labs, PT and Protocol) 37%

Academic integrity is fundamental to the process of learning and evaluating academic performance. Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to the following: cheating, plagiarism, tampering with academic records and examinations, falsifying identity, and being an accessory to acts of academic dishonesty.

Required Materials: NJROTC uniforms, physical training uniform, class notebooks, plain white crew neck T-shirt, black non-athletic socks (void of any logo), black kiwi shoe polish, (paste type in a can, not the liquid bottle polish) mothers mag and wheel polish (males only) .

Due to the athletic requirements, students will need a Sports Physical (Due by Sep 2, 2014).

Classroom Expectations:

Attendance- This class will be taught in a highly interactive manner. Your attendance at every class session is extremely important.

JROTC Daily Dress Codes

a.  Military wear- In accordance with Cadet Field Manuel NAVADTRA 37116-F (Thursday)

b.  Civilian Wear- In addition to school dress code

-  No earrings for males in JROTC classroom.

-  No sagging trousers in JROTC classroom (trousers must be worn at the waist with a belt).

-  No braids or twists for males in classroom.

-  All shirts tucked in trousers in classroom.

Student Behavior- Each student is expected to behave according the NJROTC classroom rules.

BASIC RULES OF CONDUCT: (An exhaustive list can be found in the 3120).

a.  Be at my seat at parade rest BEFORE the tardy bell rings.

b.  Come to class prepared and participate in discussions.

c.  Turn in all assignments when due.

d.  No eating, chewing gum, or grooming in class, unless authorized.

e.  Speak only when called upon or given permission.

f.  Stay awake and alert in class, or voluntarily stand up.

g.  Follow the Chain of Command; get permission before leaving seat.

h.  Electronic will only be used when allowed by instructors.

i.  Knock before entering the instructor's area/office.


a.  Oral reprimands

b.  Strengthening exercise (standards given at the beginning of school)

c.  Written reprimand (NJROTC Counseling Form)

d.  Contact Parent

e.  Strengthening exercise by the SNSI or NSI

f.  Student Discipline Referral Form

ENRICHMENT LEARNING EXPERIENCE: Films, slides, field trips, guest speakers, military drill, physical exercise, and library use. Additionally, parents are highly encouraged to join our booster club which meets monthly.

**** NJROTC DUES: ****

New Cadets: $50.00. If a new cadet joins the Drill Team, there will be an additional fee of $25.00 to cover the additional costs of tailoring the brand new, secondary NJROTC uniform that will be used for inspections at drill meets and their secondary physical fitness uniform.

Returning Cadets: $30.00. If a returning cadet is a member of the drill team, there will be an additional fee of $25.00 to cover the additional costs of tailoring the brand new, secondary NJROTC uniform that will be used for inspections at drill meets and their secondary physical fitness uniform.

Eagle’s Landing NJROTC Unit will provide the following items for new cadets:

a.  NJROTC Unit T-Shirt

b.  Navy PT Shirt

c.  Unit PT Set

d.  Nametag

e.  1 Dry Cleaning (Upon checking out, all uniforms are cleaned by NJROTC)

Late Assignments: Please check all work prior to submission to ensure it is complete. Homework is due at the beginning of class if it is not submitted at that time it is considered late and will be accepted with a penalty.

Make-up Policy: All missed assignments (test, class work or homework) must be made up within 3 days of the students return. Any assignment not completed and turned in within 3 days will result in a zero (including uniform inspection/PT assignment). Uniforms will be worn the first day the student returns to school. Missed physical fitness assigned days will need to complete the assignment which can be found on the school website under Activities, NJROTC. Each student is expected to pick up all makeup work from his/her assigned teacher.

Re-do Policy: All students will be given an opportunity to master course content in an effort to ensure proficiency on the Georgia Standards, Standardize Learning Objective (SLO), and Final Exam.



Eagles Landing High School

Print Student’s Name: ______Date: ______

Student Signature: ______Cell Phone ______

Print Parent/Guardian Name: ______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent Cell Phone ______Home Phone______

Alternate #______

Parent’s Email: ______

PLEASE contact NJROTC with any number changes. Visit Infinite Campus to view daily grades.