
Winters Mill

High School JROTC

Veterans Day

Service Learning Project Plan


Service Learning Project

Fall 2016


Veterans Day Project Plan (S.M.A.R.T Goals)1

Learning Log/Recorder Notes2

Project Plan3

Project Schedule4

Team Reflection5

Individual Reflection6

Carroll County Schools Service-Learning Reflection Form7

Army Regulation, pages 22-27: (CCR 145-8-3, 24 July 2015)8

Presentation Slides9

Veterans DayPlan (S.M.A.R.T GOALs)

Service Learning Project


/ Goal. Students will develop an understanding and appreciation of their Hometown Heroes through volunteering, planning, and participating in the Winters Mill high school November 11, 2016, Veterans Day ceremony.
points /

Cadet(s) orally communicate these briefing slides to Principal King and 4thBrigade Evaluating Official:

Phase 1
Planning and Presentation / Phase 2
Implementation / Phase 3
Reflection and Integration / Phase 4
Presentation and Delivery
6 Points / 5 Points / 4 Points / 5 Points
Slide 1. Cadets describe how project benefits the community / Slide 7. Cadet’s explainthe four-phase lesson plan learning process necessary to conduct the service learning experience / Slide 12. Cadets explain2,3evidence of participation in structured reflection activities about the project experience / Slide 16. Team members introduce self; and explain their role in the project
Slide 2. Cadets describe how project enhances learning / Slide 8. Cadets explain1Project Plan evidence that defines the goals of the project / Slide 13. Cadets summarize the impact that the experience had on the team and individual members / Slide 17. Cadets use appropriate visual and audio aids
Slide 3. Cadets describe how project relates to JROTC / Slide 9. Cadets explain1Project Plan JROTC curriculum competencies/ outcomes addressed by the project / Slide 14. Cadets explain the results of the project, what was learned, and how the experiences fostered change / Slide 18. Cadets establish consistent eye contact and appropriate gestures throughout the presentation
Slide 4. Cadets identify one or more JROTC lesson competencies met by project / Slide 10. Cadets explain 1Project Plan who, what, when, where, why, and how of the project / Slide 15. Cadets explain new ideas for service learning projects based on current experience / Slide 19. Cadets’ speaking is clearly and concisely articulated throughout the message; avoid the use of slang or “fillers”
Slide 5. Cadets explain role of teamwork in accomplishing the project / Slide 11. Cadets explain the 2team reflection and 2individual reflections about the project / Slide 20. Cadets respond appropriately to verbal and nonverbal feedback; and were knowledgeable about their portion of presentation
Slide 6. Cadets recommend ways that the project could be modified to ensure that it meets established guidelines for JROTC service learning projects / 4Presentation Rubric
1 / Cover
2 / Agenda
3 / Purpose
4 / Guiding Questions
5-24 / Phase 1 – 4
25 / Conclusion
Achievable /

CadetTraining Outcomes. Cadet training outcomes assure appropriate knowledge, skills and ability to achieve the goal IAW JROTC Service Learn Lessons by the following dates:

  • On 26Sep,complete training: Orientation to Service Learning (U3C8L1)
  • On 27 Sep, complete training: Plan and Train for Your Exploratory Project (U3C8L2)
  • On 28 Sep, complete training: Project Reflection and Integration (U3C8L3)
  • On 29 Sep, complete summative service learning training exercise
  • By 28 Oct, project team (approximately 30 Cadets) are organized, trained and equipped

is 100
points / Training Measureable Goals. There are three measurable training outcomes
  • Three Cadets (not from battalion staff representing their role) brief the presentation
  • By 15 Nov, Cadets brief the WMHS Principal
  • By 15 Dec, Cadets brief the JROTC 4th Brigade evaluating official

Time-bound / Project Timeframe.
  • Veterans Day project completion is 11 Nov 2016.

1See attached Project Plan template

2See attached Team Reflection template

3See attached Individual Reflection template

4See attached Presentation Rubric

Veterans Day Service Learning Project

Learning Log/ Recorder Notes

activity / Who’s involved? / Date
and time / Notes

1Service Learning Project Schedule


1Service Learning Project Plan


Project Title: ______

Project Team Members: ______

Project Requirement: /


1. Project Description: / See Project SMART Goals provided by instructor
1. Battalion SMART Goals
2. Individual SMART Goals
3. Service Learning Team Reflection Form
4. Service Learning Individual Reflection Form
2. Project Goals: What do you hope to accomplish?
3. Service Goals: How will this project benefit the community?
4. Learning Goals:
a. How will this project enhance your learning, both academically and personally?
b. Which JROTC program Core Abilities outcomes does this project address?
5. Teamwork: How will you use Teamwork to accomplish your project goals?
a. How will you establish an effective project team? (i.e. select team members, provide team building opportunities, use Winning Colors, etc.)
b. How will you facilitate team communication, cooperation, conflict resolution, and decision-making? (i.e. use “You the People” group processes)
c. How will you evaluate your team’s effectiveness? (i.e. “You the People” group evaluation)
6. Self-Assessment: How will you accomplish self-assessment?
7. Reflection: How will you accomplish ongoing reflection on your learning and experiences?
8. Training and Orientation: What kinds of training and orientation will you need to prepare for the project?

1Service Learning Project Schedule

Activity / Who’s involved? / Date
and time: / Date
Completed / Notes
1. Project Set Up:
  • Contact community organization or agency
  • Assemble supplies/equipment
  • Gain permissions if required
  • Other?

2. Project Team Orientation:
3. Project Team Training:
  • Service-related training
  • Teambuilding activities

4. Cadet Self-Assessment: (Success Profiler Skills Map)
5. Service Learning Project Activities: (Ensure that scheduled time meets JROTC project requirements)
6. Learning Log Entries: (schedule frequency of entries depending on how project activities are scheduled)
7. Project Wrap Up: (correspondence with community organization/agency, return supplies and equipment, etc.)
8. Project Documentation:
  • Project Report
  • Project Final Reflection
  • Project Presentation/Briefing
  • Self-assessment
  • Team Evaluation
  • Other


Service LearningReflection Plan

Name of Sponsoring Organization/Class. Winters Mill High School History Department

Phone. 410-386-1500

Team Leader: Staff Sergeant Major LName ______, FName ______, MI ______

Team Member: Corporal LName ______, FName ______, MI ______

Team Member: Corporal LName ______, FName ______, MI ______

Reflection to be led and completed by team leader: (Write a description of your service-learning activity).

Explain what need led you to select this project?
Explain what type of research did you conduct to support this project?
Explain what impact do you think this project had on the community?
Explain what would you do next time to make this project better?
Explain what leadership principles did you have to use to successfully complete this project?
Explain what could you do to involve more Cadets in your project?
Where there any unexpected obstacles that you encountered during your project?
  • How did you handle them?

Which phase of the project did you consider to be the most critical?
  • Why?

Team Number Hours______


Service Learning Reflection Plan

Name of Sponsoring Organization/Class. Winters Mill High School History Department

Phone. 410-386-1500

Instructor, Colonel Ray Naworol


LName ______, FName ______, MI ______

Reflection to be completed by each student: (Write a description of your service-learning activity).

Tell why you chose to do the Veterans Day project. /
  • Celebrate community veterans on Veterans Day
  • Do my share as a good citizen for school sponsored Veterans Day activities
  • Build soft skills: conscientiousness, teamwork, and punctuality

What community need were you attempting to meet? /
  • Honor and thank those who have sacrificed so much for our freedom
  • Educate America’s future leaders by bringing history to life
  • Learn American history from someone in our community who’s had a great part in shaping it

What were your responsibilities? /
  • Planned, trained, and executed JROTC responsibilities for the event
  • Visited with veterans during assembly, reception and breakfast meal
  • Developed a website dedicated to veterans who served from our school community

What did you actually do? /
  • Sent a 1-2 page thank you letter to the honoree(s)
  • Wrote an article for the school newsletter, PTA newsletter, or local newspaper
  • Served as color guard, door greeter, escort from door-to-breakfast meal, and/or breakfast meal mingle

How did you actions benefit the community? /
  • Created (JROTC uniform) immediate fellowship conditions between veterans and cadets, including fellow students
  • Did my share as a good citizen for this school and community activity
  • Demonstrated respect and honor for veterans

Would you select this project again? Explain why or why not? /

Circle Yes or No

If yes, suggested reasons:
  • Reinforces curriculum content and standards for academic hard skills, such as critical thinking and life-long learning core abilities
  • Supports curriculum content and standards for character soft skills, such as good citizenship, respect for self and others, team work and interpersonal communication life skills
  • Develops a range of broadly useful oral communication and interpersonal skills
  • Reinforces the importance of planning, organizing, training, teamwork and S.M.A.R.T Goals

Individual Number Hours______

Veterans Day Service Learning Project

Presentation Slides Rubric

Slide 1 Cover
Winters Mill High School JROTC
Veterans Day Service Learning Project
Presentation for Principal King
By Staff SGM______
15 Nov 2016 / Slide 5 Phase 1
Describe how project benefits the community.
Slide 6 Phase 1
Describe how project enhances learning.
Slide 7 Phase 1
Describe how project relates to JROTC.
Slide 8 Phase 1
Identify one or more JROTC lesson competencies met by the project.
Slide 9 Phase 1
Explain role of teamwork in accomplishing the project.
Slide 10 Phase 1
Recommend ways that the project would be modified to ensure that it meets established guidelines for JROTC service learning projects.
Slide 11 Phase 2
Explain the four-phase lesson plan learning process necessary to conduct the experience.
Slide 12 Phase 2
Explainattached project plan evidence that defines the goals of the project.
Slide 13 Phase 2
Explainattached project plan JROTC curriculum competencies/ outcomes addressed by the project.
Slide 14 Phase 2
Explainattached Project Plans’ who, what, when, where, why, and how of the project.
Slide 15 Phase 2
Explainthe team reflection and individual reflections about the project.
Slide 16 Phase 3
Explainattached evidence of participation in structured reflection activities about the project experience
Slide 17 Phase 3
Summarizethe impact that the experience had on the team and individual members.
Slide 18 Phase 3
Explainthe results of the project, what was learned, and how the experiences fostered change.
Slide 19 Phase 3
Explainnew ideas for service learning projects based on current experience.
Slide 20 Phase 4
Team membersintroduce self; and explain their role in the project
Slide 21 Phase 4
Cadets use appropriate visual and audio aids
Slide 22 Phase 4
Cadets establish consistent eye contact and appropriate gestures throughout the presentation.
Slide 23 Phase 4
Cadets’ speaking is clearly and concisely articulated throughout the message; avoid the use of slang or “fillers”.
Slide 24 Phase 4
Cadets respond appropriately to verbal and nonverbal feedback; and were knowledgeable about their portion of presentation.
Slide 25 Conclusion
Slide 2 Agenda
  • Purpose of briefing
  • Guiding Questions
  • Phase 1, Planning and Presentation
  • Phase 2, Implementation
  • Phase 3, Reflection and Integration
  • Phase 4, Presentation and Delivery
  • Conclusion

Slide 3 Purpose
The purpose of our Veterans Day Service Learning Project is to bring academics to life and is driven by student involvement. Together with fellow Cadets, we will identify essential needs in our school or community and decide which project will be achieved for our own learning. Key to this process is a period of refection, experience, and impact of participating cadets.
Slide 4 Guiding Questions
  • What need led you to select this project?
  • What type of research did you conduct to support this project?
  • What impact do you think this project had on the community?
  • What would you do next time to make this project better?
  • How did this project impact your personal growth?
  • What leadership principles did you have to use to successfully complete this project?
  • What could you do to involve more Cadets in your project?
  • Where there any unexpected obstacles that you encountered during your project?
  • How did you handle them?
  • Which phase of the project did you consider to be the most critical?
  • Why?