
Text: Forensic Science: An Introduction to Scientific and Investigative Techniques

Forensic Science is a one-semester course (1 credit) designed to introduce the scientific and investigative techniques used to solve a crime. There are many techniques used to analytically evaluate evidence including detailed background knowledge learned in prior science courses. Students will be subjected to authentic case studies within the textbook and additional resources involving graphic sexual abuse, vehicular accidents, murder, child abuse, and arson. Case studies will include actual photos and video footage depicting concepts covered throughout the course.

The course will involve the application of chemical, physical, and biological principles for the investigation of physical evidence in criminal cases. It will entail analytical reasoning, laboratory testing, possible field trips, and provide expertise (qualified guest speakers may join us). Students will be taught the fundamentals of a criminal investigation and how it is applied in a court of law. The students will learn by doing – they will isolate and process crime scenes, analyze and interpret lab data, and problem solve.

Students will be actively involved with these activities and will be required to provide hair and saliva, fingerprints, clothing fibers, and handwriting samples. Parents and students must be aware that although many concepts may cause an emotional response, students are required to participate and complete all aspects of the curriculum. Students will be asked throughout the course to provide simple house ware items (i.e. paper and plastic bags, gloves, old clothing, glass, etc.).

While the majority of class time will be dedicated to the discussion, application, and understanding of investigative techniques, outside-of-class time will be required to fully comprehend the topics and techniques being discussed. Students should expect regular homework assignments. Homework assignments could include, but are not limited to, the following: data analysis, practice worksheets, on-line research, case studies, personal reflection papers, and selected readings from the text. While the assignments are not lengthy by any means, they are vital to your understanding of the curriculum and your eventual success within the course.

Course Materials

Composition Notebook – for labs, activities, data entry, etc (This notebook will be collected and graded during each unit)

Textbook (Kept in class, but you may sign one out if you need to complete or makeup an assignment)

Writing utensil and paper

Flash drive

Grading Policies

Your course grade will consist of two categories – Formative Assessments (20%) and Summative Assessments (80%). Formative Assessments will include the majority of your lab/activity work within the class. This category will also include how efficiently you spend your time in class. Lab Notebooks are the largest component of the Formative category. It is crucial that you manage your time wisely in class during labs/activities. Summative Assessments will include Unit Tests, Quizzes and projects.

Course Topics

I. Intro to Forensic Science (Ch. 10)

A. Overview of Forensics

1. Roles/Jobs of Experts

2. Case Studies

B. The Crime Scene

1. Physical Evidence

2. Securing the Crime Scene

3. Sketching the Scene

4. Searching Technique

5. Final Survey/Release of Crime Scene

II. Physical Evidence: PATTERNS

A. Fingerprints (Ch. 17)

B. Glass and Soil Analysis (Ch. 16)

C. Arson and Explosives (Ch. 24)

D. Bloodstain Patterns (Ch. 11)

E. Handwriting Analysis (Ch. 21)

F. Footprints(Ch. 18)

G.Dental (Ch. 6)

H. Toolmarks (Ch. 20)

III. Physical Evidence: TRACE

Hair (Ch. 16)

Fibers (Ch. 16)

Paint (Ch. 16)

Organics (Ch. 22)

IV. Physical Evidence: BIOLOGICAL

A. Forensic Serology(Ch. 13)

  1. DNA (Ch. 15)

V. Physical Evidence: DRUGS/CHEMICALS

A. Toxicology (Ch. 5)

VI. Other fields of Forensics

Pathologist (Ch. 2)

Nursing (Ch. 3)

Traumatic Deaths (Ch. 4)

Odontology (Ch. 6)

Anthropology (Ch. 7)

Taphonomy (Ch. 8)

Entomology (Ch. 9)


Angelque Auger